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I thought I’d share this guy’s video. Even if you don’t agree with Zo, you’ll love his delivery. His ways of explaining things are great. Too bad for Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain. He could have taken advantage of him, and brought him on the campaign trail. It would have been nice for Republicans to have someone like this on the campaign trail, instead of the old farts they dragged along all year. Oh well…


U. S. Supreme Court Building West Facade

With only a few short days to go before the November 4th presidential election, Attorney Philip Berg is appealing his “Obama eligibility” lawsuit to the U. S. Supreme Court. On Thursday, Berg filed a Writ of Certiorari and an application for an immediate injunction to stay the election. The story of the case, virtually absent from the mainstream media, is heavily detailed in Berg’s website, Obamacrimes.com.

Berg’s suit, Berg v. Obama, No. 08-cv-4083, had been dismissed in a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, federal court on the grounds that, as Berg states, “According to [federal] Judge Surrick, we the people have no right to police the eligibility requirements under the U. S. Constitution.”

Click to continue reading Could Another Presidential Race End Up in the Hands of the Supreme Court?

Read More | Obama Crimes

Sure, isn’t running against , but that hasn’t stopped those two from being the primary focus in the minds of many. Here’s a YouTube video that someone linked us to, looking at the claims the McCain campaign has made against Obama, and in favor of Palin. Good for a laugh, if nothing else.


If you’ve read my profile, you’d see I’m a big fan of talk radio. Mark Levin has the fastest growing radio show in America. He is on my list of top three radio hosts. He is also a Constitutional lawyer and history buff. I read a great article he wrote about Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama, and I thought I’d share it with you. He basically shares his opinions on what some people call “Obama Mania,” and predicts what he thinks the country will look like in the future.


Click to continue reading Mark Levin and Obama Mania

Read More | National Review

Socialism, since it’s birth, has been centered around the idea of more government control and distribution of wealth, or “spreading the wealth around,” as Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama likes to say. What I like to say is, you can put lipstick on socialism, but it’s still socialism.

How do people believe his campaign’s spin on Obama’s own words that he wants to “spread the wealth?” I can’t believe that with only eight days left until the election, this 2001 Barack Obama interview is only now starting to make it’s way around the internet and other outlets.(not the mainstream media…of course).

Click to continue reading Wealth Distribution = Socialism

Read More | The Wall Street Journal


If America saw the video The Los Angeles Times is holding, Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama wouldn’t be elected.

The L.A. Times has a video from 2003 that shows Barack Obama celebrating a going away party with a group of Palestinians who are openly hostile towards Israel. Barack Obama gave a toast to former Palestinian Liberation Organization (P.L.O.) operative, Rashid Khalidi at this celebration.

L.A. Times writer, Peter Wallston said he watched video taken at the Khalidi going away party. When asked by reporters if he was going to release the video or not,he said as far as he was concerned he was through with the story.

Click to continue reading More Radical Ties, More Media Bias

Read More | Los Angeles Times

Sarah Palin

For the fourth time in three months, Sarah Palin has demonstrated that she still does not understand the duties of the Vice President of the United States.

This all began on July 31, 2008 when Palin said that she’s still waiting for someone to tell her what exactly it is that the Vice President does every day. On October 2, 2008, at the Vice Presidential Debate, Palin said that the prior question had been a misunderstood joke, and went on to state that not only is the Vice President the leader of the Senate, but that the constitution would allow the VP more authority when working with the Senate if the VP chose to take it. The following day she stated that the President directs the duties of the VP. She also recognized that the VP’s position in the legislative branch is only to oversee the Senate, but contradicted that by adding that this position provides “flexibility” and “authority” if the VP seeks it. And finally, answering third-grader Brandon Garcia’s question, “What does the Vice President Do?”, Palin began with the correct answer: support the President’s agenda. But she had to go on:

But also, they’re in charge of the United States Senate, so if they want to they can really get in there with the Senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom. And it’s a great job and I look forward to having that job.

Click to continue reading Palin Still Doesn’t Know What the Vice President Does

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In case you haven’t been watching CNN all day long like I have (I know, exciting), John McCain and Barack Obama roasted each other on Thursday night at the Alfred E. Smith Charity Dinner. If your idea of “funny” is along the lines of Bob Saget’s roast on Comedy Central, then this probably isn’t your brand of humor. However, if you’ve been following the election religiously, tuning in to all of the debates and torturing yourself with each repetitive news brief, then this will serve as a much needed mini-vacation. In stark contrast to Tuesday night’s showdown over campaign ads, this forum gave the candidates a chance to lighten the mood. It also gave Americans the chance to see the candidates as human (as opposed to political robots) and funny. Or as having the ability to read the speech of someone who is mildly funny.

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Michelle and Barack Obama

When the story of Michelle Obama’s controversial senior year thesis at Princeton University surfaced in February (during the height of the presidential primary season), it was all but ignored by the mainstream media. Even in alternative media outlets, it was overshadowed by Mrs. Obama’s comment that she first became “proud” of her country after her husband’s presidential campaign looked promising.

Although the Princeton library had intended to restrict release of the document until November 5, the Obama campaign, under pressure, ultimately gave in to Politico.com. Read the entire thesis.

Click to continue reading Michelle Obama—Princeton Student and Advocate of Segregation

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Joe The Plumber

If you don’t know who Joe The Plumber is, you must not watch the news, read the paper, or listen to talk radio. The guy, whose now famous meeting with Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, is the talk of the town. You can see who he is, and why he’s so popular now, in one of my earlier blogs.

I found an interesting article that would interest Joe The Plumber, who’s real name is Joe Wurzelbacher. It basically states that if Wurzelbacher wants to achieve his goal of buying the business he’s working for, he’s going to have trouble competing for federal contracts.

Click to continue reading Some Advice For Joe The Plumber

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