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Madden NFL 08: First Video Look

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Electronic Arts, PlayStation 3, Sports, Trailers, Xbox 360,
Like Christmas or New Year’s Day, each year we’re presented with a new installment of Madden. Being the only NFL-branded game on the market, it’s undoubtedly going to rock the sales charts later this year. But, it’ll be facing some stiffer competition now that 2K Games is back (the team behind the, in my opinion, superior NFL 2K franchise) with All-Pro Football 2K8. Regardless, Madden is a force to be reckoned with, and just recently we got to see the first footage of the game.
Looks pretty sweet, but hopefully those one-handed receptions won’t be commonplace. It looks like EA is feeling the competition creep up on it and will be looking to really deliver a true next-gen pigskin game later this year.
Nintendo’s Megaton Morning: Metroid in Summer, Smash Bros. Live
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Trailers, Wii,
Nintendo certainly gave Wii gamers some reasons to be excited this morning. First off, we have the announcement of titles that will hit the little white box this summer. It looks like August 20th is going to belong to Nintendo - not only will Metroid Prime 3 hit, but Brain Age 2, the sequel to the smash hit for the DS, will be launching as well. The pairing of these two titles seems like a pretty strong statement that Nintendo is indeed going after both the “core” and “casual” gamers, respectively.
There’s some more great surprises in the list, but we won’t spoil it all for you here. So, click that jump for all the summer release dates!
Oh, and if you needed another reason to get excited, the Smash Bros. Dojo!! site should be going live in a matter of hours.
Click to continue reading Nintendo’s Megaton Morning: Metroid in Summer, Smash Bros. Live
New Halo 3 Beta Video Available; Spartan Laser Pwns

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Bungie, Internet, Trailers, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,
A new video titled Betalicious has made its way onto the internet. It showcases a Mr. Jukes’ foray into the Halo 3 beta. Mr. Jukes is a Microsoft employee, and using his fancy video editing skills, has put together what is easily the best Halo 3 video the public has had a chance to see. It offers a good look into several of the game’s levels, the man cannon, Spartan Laser, and more. One thing is for sure: the Spartan Laser can be absolutely dominant in the hands of someone who knows how to use it, judging by the montage near the end and the scattered clips throughout.
Head to Bungie to download the video and read an interview with Mr. Jukes.
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GTA IV Trailer Now Online
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Adventure, Culture, PlayStation 3, Simulation, Trailers, Xbox 360,

Rockstar Games officially released the first teaser trailer for Grand Theft Auto IV. Scheduled to ship on October 16th, the game will be the first entry in the series for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. The trailer gives a brief, but detailed look at the updated look for Liberty City, and the focus this time appears to be on a Russian immigrant character. Beyond that, it is hard to get a feel for where Rockstar is taking the sandbox game series, particularly story and gameplay-wise. One can get glimpses of the product parodies that gamers have gotten used to for the game, but beyond that, the trailer does it’s job – whet gamer’s appetites for more to come.
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Tekken 6 Arcade Trailer Online
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Fighting, Namco, PlayStation 3, Screenshots, Trailers,

Namco Bandai showed off Tekken 6 via trailer at the AOU Arcade show in Japan, and now the same trailer is available for download on the official Tekken 6 Japanese site. The trailer shows off two of the new characters from the latest entry in the fighter franchise, Leo and Zafina, many of the environments, some development clips, and a couple of characters from previous games. Its still a little hard to tell how well this is going to look from the rather low resolution trailer offered, but one can’t help but get excited for the first fully HD entry in the Tekken series. Namco Bandai’s official site also offers up some screenshots and wallpapers for the new characters.
Read More | Tekken Official
Castlevania to Hit PSP, In Glorious 2.5D!
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Adventure, Portable/Mobile, PSP, Trailers,
1up has the exclusive dirt on a Castlevania remake/port that will be making its way to the PSP (yes, you heard that right, the PSP), presumably in the coming year. For the handheld, which appears to be in a bit of a sales slump, this could be the just kick-in-the-pants it needs. Fans of the Castlevania series are notoriously die-hard, and up until now they’ve been forced to do all their portable vampire slaying on Nintendo’s DS via Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin.
The PSP game, titled Castelvania: Dracula X Chronicles is really 2.5 games in one… the main focus here is a 2.5D remake of Castelvania: Rondo of Blood, a Japan-only release until now. Included on the UMD will also be the original Rondo and the much-lauded Symphony of the Night which introduced the free-roaming Metroid-esque level progression to the series.
Right now, Konami expects to have the game out around 9/15/2007, and the title appears to be looking quite good already! We’ll be looking for more news on this bombshell, and we’ll be sure to bring you all the updated info as soon as we get it!
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Sim City DS Trailer - Currently for Japan Only?
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Electronic Arts, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Simulation, Trailers,
It can’t be long until Nintendo and EA announce that Sim City DS will also be hitting the states… this footage just looks too good, and Nintendo fanboys will be whining A LOT if this doesn’t get ported state-side. Plus Will Wright’s native language is English, so we should get a game with him speaking English… right?!?
The trailer found in the link is the latest advertisement for the Japanese version of the game, and shows of the variety of ways in which the touch-screen is used. This is looking to be a fabulous fit for the DS. The touch screen is of course used to design buildings and layout roads, but you’ll see in the trailer that you can also use the stylus to do things like fight off alien invaders and giant apes that attack from time to time. Hopefully we’ll hear some news from EA soon about a US release…
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God of War II Trailer Released, Should Sony Just Go Back to the PS2?
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, PlayStation 2, Release Dates, Survival Horror, Trailers,
Yes, it’s true… God of War II is going to be amazing, at least if this trailer is any indication. Given the graphics and animations seen in this trailer (which look good enough to pass for an early “next-gen” title), it begs the question - should Sony just give up on next-gen? The PS2 has been a cash cow for Sony for a long time, and if developers can pump out titles of this quality for the system, why not just stick with what’s working? From all the latest news on the PS3, it certainly sounds like developers wouldn’t mind going back to the PS2 and writing some more quality games for the console.
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Guitar Hero PC Clone Works With Wiimote?
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Internet, Mods/Hacks, Music, Party Games, PC, Rumors, Trailers, Wii,
As the only next-gen console that isn’t getting some Guitar Hero, it’s good to see the user community hacking away at the possibility of playing Hero-like games with the Wiimote. “Tiger” over at the RhythmGamer has posted some videos of himself playing Frets on Fire (a freeware Guitar Hero clone for the PC) using a combination of the GlovePIE Wiimote drivers and some scripts he wrote specifically for the program.
We’re not going to vouch for the authenticity of this necessarily, but these videos look pretty good. Put the Wiimote in a shell that would make it easier to reach the 1 and 2 buttons, and you may have a fully functional solution. Is anyone from Harmonix or RedOctane out there watching this?
Rest of the videos included after the jump…
Click to continue reading Guitar Hero PC Clone Works With Wiimote?
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Ghostbusters Game In The Works? Maybe…
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Mods/Hacks, Rumors, Trailers, Xbox 360,
Whether it be a mod of Gears of War, a dedicated fan, or a pitch for a game that never came to be, these videos on YouTube have us wanting more… and remind me that I should go back and watch the original Ghostbusters again. Chances are we’ll never see this game on a console, but we can dream, can’t we?
The videos on YouTube feature some Gears-style 3rd-person gameplay, some very nicely lit driving movies and what look like tests of the Bill Murray character model. Be sure to click the jump for the rest of the videos!
Click to continue reading Ghostbusters Game In The Works? Maybe…