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Mass Effect E3 screenshot

As if you didn’t already have enough reasons to be drooling over BioWare’s newest RPG, Mass Effect, this Director’s Cut video of the footage seen at E3 will make the wait all the more unbearable. Now, stop reading this and go check out the video on the official Mass Effect website.

Read More | Mass Effect


Guild Wars Eye of the North

Available now over at GuildWars.com is an in-game trailer that gives a peek (a sneak peek to the upcoming Sneak Peek, more on that here) into the upcoming Guild Wars expansion, Eye of the North. Set for release on August 31, the expansion will require you to own one of the previous Guild Wars titles, unlike the other campaigns which were full games in and of themselves.

The trailer, which runs for just under two minutes, is narrated by presumably Gwen (remember the little girl from the Guild Wars Prophecies?) who is now all grown up. Eye of the North doesn’t offer much eye candy – it is using the same Guild Wars engine that’s several years old now – but if you’re a Guild Wars fan, as I am, it’ll get you plenty excited for this segue to Guild Wars 2.

Read More | GuildWars.com

At the 20th anniversary celebration for Metal Gear Solid, Hideo Kojima presented a 15-minute long demonstration of the upcoming PS3 exclusive(?) Metal Gear Solid 4. It’s all real time, and actually being played – and considering the game won’t be out until early next year, there’s still time left for Konami to make it look even better.

Dare I say it? Gears of War, eat your heart out.

Check out the HD version of the trailer here.

Latest Gear Live Videos

I’m a huge, huge fan of Unreal Tournament – I have been ever since the original was released on PCs nearly a decade ago. It’s about time we got a true sequel, as opposed to the incremental upgrade of Unreal Tournament 2004 (it’s been what, nearly five years since the true sequel in UT 2003?). The gameplay footage above focuses on vehicles quite a bit, but you can tell that this is still the same fast-paced, crazy shooter that made the original game so special. I can’t wait for some next-gen Instagib.

This post make your head explodeThere were plenty of releases on the Xbox Live Marketplace this week, and thanks to Major Nelson we can now easily compile it all for you en masse. Demos, trailers, Arcade games – you name it, you got it. Apologies if anything was missed, but there was an insane amount of content. Hit up the comments section if you like this story and would like to see a weekly round-up of downloadable content each week. And just as a warning: if lists irritate you, your head will likely explode if you check out the rest of the story after the break.


  • NCAA Football 08
  • Blue Dragon
  • Ace Combat 6 (campaign)
  • Stuntman: Ignition
  • The Bigs
  • Harry Potter OOTP

Click to continue reading E3 2007: This Week’s Xbox Live Marketplace Content Update

Depending on what you’re expecting from Halo Wars, you’re either going to be very happy or very disappointed. From all indications, Halo Wars looks like it’s going to be a straight-up RTS with a Halo theme. If you were hoping for something more innovative (that’s not to say the game won’t be innovative, but from this 30 second clip nothing really jumped out), you’re going to be upset with what Ensemble Studios has to show.

I’m not much of a Metal Gear Solid fan, or a fan of the stealth-action/espionage genre at all, for that matter. But when I saw this MGS4 trailer earlier this week, I was absolutely blown away. Blown? Blown. This is, for me, the best trailer of the show and I seriously will consider picking up a PlayStation 3 just for this game. Maybe it’s a bit premature to say that, but just give the trailer a look and try to disagree.

Looking better and better every time we see it, LittleBigPlanet continues to exude charm effortlessly. At Sony’s press conference a few days ago a new trailer emerged, this time showing off the depth and ease-of-use of the game’s deep well of customization options. Much can be inferred about how limitless the games options are in the scant few minutes the trailer plays. Watch in awe of the next big thing in gaming.

Lost in the sea of hype surrounding Sony’s press conference at this year’s E3 was none other than Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. Rubbing shoulders with other heavy hitters at the keynote, Polyphony Digital’s new entry in the vaunted sim-racer franchise is already looking masterful. You’d think that there were only so many ways to make cars look good and realistic; it seems Sony’s in-house developer has found a new bag of tricks. Forza 2, eat your heart out.

As if the Killzone 2 trailer shown at Sony’s press conference wasn’t awesome enough, GameVideos has this extended version of the trailer. I’ve been a major doubter of Killzone 2, but this trailer really has me amped up for the game’s release. Naysayers, take a look before you do any further bashing of Killzone 2.
