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Watch this: Draw My Life - Princess Zelda

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Adventure, Culture, Nintendo,
Princess Zelda is getting in on all that YouTube "Draw My Life" action, putting what possibly may be the most unique life yet to pen and paper. In all seriousness, though, we think that watching fans of iconic game characters making these types of videos is a fun idea. Here's to hoping we see more of this infused into gaming culture. For now, enjoy Zelda's life in the video after the break.
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Nintendo will not hold an E3 media briefing this year

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Corporate News, E3, Nintendo, Wii U,
Nintendo has made a major announcement, saying that it will not be holding it's regular annual E3 media briefing this year. The E3 press conferences held by Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are usually the highlight events of E3, setting the stage for the rest of the event by letting us know what each of the Big 3 have coming over the next year. With Wii U sales not meeting anywhere near Nintendo's expectations (and even falling short of the updated guidance,) alongside corporate reshuffling at Nintendo of America, one has to wonder if the move to not hold a major press event is because the company is putting out fires internally. Nintendo says that it will, instead, hold two smaller events at E3 for media and distributors, limited only to showing off new games.
Read More | Nintendo
Circle Pad Pro for Nintendo 3DS XL drops tomorrow for $20

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS, Portable/Mobile,
Nintendo 3DS XL owners have been clamoring for the Circle Pad Pro for the past eight months, and Nintendo is finally set to deliver. The company has listed the Circle Pad Pro device, and it is set to ship tomorrow. The trade off? Look how ugly and uneven it looks. Sure, you get an extra analog controller over on the right-hand side of the device, but we have a hard time understanding why Nintendo couldn't have built-in this functionality right on the 3DS XL itself. Still, unsightly or not, you get a more ergonomic design. You'll be able to pick up a 3DS XL Circle Pad Pro for $20--it's compatible with select titles, including Kid Icarus: Uprising, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Resident Evil Revelations, and more.
Read More | Nintendo 3DS XL Circle Pad Pro
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It looks like Nintendo's Wii U, the follow-up to the highly successful Wii, is continuing to falter in terms of sales. In fact, Gamasutra is reporting that it received a tip from someone with access to the latest NPD sales data for January, and it shows Wii U sales were well under 100,000 sold. In fact, it estimates that the number lies somewhere between 45k-59k for January. That is bad. To put that into perspective, the Wii U is not even four months old yet, and it has already sold less in January than the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, or Nintendo Wii sold in any month, ever. Nintendo is going to have to do something about this fairly quickly. The Playstation 4 has already been unveiled, and the next Xbox is reportedly set for an unveiling next month, and you can bet that both of these consoles will offer "true" next-generation experiences.
Read More | Wii U
Nintendo Wii U ZombiU bundle drops February 17 for $390

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Hardware, Nintendo, Survival Horror, Wii U,
Nintendo has announced its first Wii U console bundle in the ZombiU Deluxe Set. In the box you'll find the black deluxe Wii U, black Wii U Pro controller, the ZombiU game disc, and even a collectible booklet that showcases artwork from the game alongside developer commentary. Nintendo Land is still a part of the deal as well, except in the ZombiU set you get a code to download the title instead of a hard copy on disc. Expect to see this set on store shelves in the US and Canada on February 17 for $389.99.
How to hack Wii U GamePad to work as PC controller [Video]

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Mods/Hacks, Nintendo, PC, Wii U,
The Wii U is in line for its time in the hacker spotlight, with the Wii U GamePad hacked to work as a simple PC controller. The modder, Chris Manning, learned the GamePad's input by connecting the Wii U browser to a site running a custom script. He was then able to map the GamePad inputs to keyboard functions. While it doesn't support touch screen at the moment, Manning told Kotaku that he plans to integrate it in a future update, as well as attempt to crack GamePad streaming. Check out the video below to see how it works, and then grab the files to perform the mod yourself.
Read More | Kotaku
Nintendo's TVii service for the Wii U is finally out, so you can take advantage of Hulu Plus and Amazon Instant Video. TVii will act as a media hub, providing several streaming services as well as your cable and DVR boxes into a cross-searchable package. You may've noticed he absence of Netflix and TiVo, however, but they are coming early next year. Japan was lucky enough to receive the service when the Wii U launched on the 8th of December, while folks in the US had no such luck, for whatever reason.
Check out the press release in full below.
Click to continue reading Nintendo’s TVii service now live on Wii U
$2.1 million in Wii U consoles stolen in Seattle heist

Posted by Jason Diaz Categories: Corporate News, Culture, Nintendo, Wii U,
Tis the season for stealing! No, what? 7,000 Nintendo Wii U consoles were nabbed from a SeaTac Seattle Air Cargo warehouse on Saturday night. Get this--the getaway vehicles were two semi trailers. The burglars managed to use forklifts to steal the pallets of the gaming consoles. It is speculated that it was an inside job. Police authorities are on the lookout for two semi trailers with the branding logo of McKinney. However, more likely than not, these will end up on internet sites such and Craigslist and eBay. Considering that each unit costs $300, it's not crazy to say that the thieves walked away with roughly 2.1 million dollars. Like they say, it's the most wonderful time of the year!
Click to continue reading $2.1 million in Wii U consoles stolen in Seattle heist
Read More | ABC News
Xbox 360 Sells 750,000 Last Week, more than Wii U and Wii combined

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Corporate News, Hardware, Microsoft, Nintendo, Wii U, Xbox 360,
If Major Nelson's calculations are correct, the Xbox 360, a seven year-old console, has outsold the Wii U and Wii combined during the week of November 18th. The Wii U sold 400,000 units during its launch week, and the old Wii managed to still sell 300,000. The Xbox 360 sold 750,000. This is a remarkably high number for a console so late in it's life cycle, and it begs the question, do we need new hardware anytime soon?
The number of Xbox Live Gold subscriptions also increased more than 50 percent compared to last year's Black Friday week, with over 14 million people logged into Xbox Live on Sunday alone.
Sony hasn't revealed its numbers yet, but it looks like the Xbox 360 will end up being the best selling console in the US for November. You can pick one up on Amazon.
Read More | Major Nelson via Neowin
Nintendo Wii Mini is a $100 Canada exclusive

Posted by Jason Diaz Categories: Corporate News, Hardware, Nintendo, Wii,
If you're looking for a budget friendly gaming console and you happen to live in Canada, then look no further than the Wii Mini for $100. The popular gaming console is in fact exclusive to Canada, eh! Sadly, the console breaks backwards compatibility with GameCube and lacks Internet access [Editor's note: Nintendo really dropped the ball here by removing Internet access. A $100 Wii Mini with Netflix, Hulu Plus, and YouTube access would be a fantastic set-top box.] It goes on sale on December 7th, and will be a cool Christmas stocking stuffer. Full press after the jump.
Click to continue reading Nintendo Wii Mini is a $100 Canada exclusive
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