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New Ultimate Ghosts ‘n Goblins PSP Screens
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, PSP, Retro, Screenshots,

Ultimate Ghosts ‘N Goblins is set to ship on August 3rd in Japan, and GameWatch has some new screen shots showing off the PSP title. The Playstation 2 has seen two unofficial 3D sequels to this series in the Maximo line of games, but this will be the first real update of the 2D side scroller since Super Ghouls ‘N Ghosts. The game still maintains a side perspective, but the backgrounds and characters are all polygon-based models. The new screen shots show off this new perspective, and also show some of the transformations your character will go through in the game. It has been said that the game maintains the legendary difficulty of the original; hopefully the game will see a release in the US shortly after the game goes on sale in Japan.
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Ubisoft Announces New TMNT Game at Comic-Con 2006
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Trailers, Wii, Xbox 360,
Following the look and feel of the upcoming CG-based Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, Ubisoft will be developing a partner game, given the creative tentative name of TMNT. Specific consoles haven’t been named yet for the release, but Ubisoft states that it will be for “next gen” systems.
The game will feature acrobatic navigation through cityscapes, a flexible combat engine, and cooperative moves that allow the turtles to each use their special powers. The game looks a lot like a faster-moving version of the recent 3D Prince of Persia games (also made by Ubisoft), which is probably due to the fact that the game is in early development and may be based on the PoP engine. Still, if TMNT just plays like an updated, next-gen Prince of Persia, then we may be looking at one of the better games in the TMNT lineage.
A teaser movie for the game is available via the link below and features some clips of preliminary gameplay footage.
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Marvel Ultimate Alliance Trailer
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, Adventure, PC, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, Role Playing Games, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360,

Fresh from the San Diego Comic-Con, TeamXbox has a couple of high resolution trailers from the upcoming action RPG, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. The first trailer shows off more of the expanded character set in the new game. The character models look to be a mix of the more updated Marvel Ultimate look and the classic comic book conventions. Some characters are shown merely as introduction, but gamers also get a look at some of the superheroes in action as well.
In addition to the generic trailer, an introduction movie for the Human Torch is provided. The flame effects seem fairly strong, but the character modeling is somewhat uneven. Ultimate Alliance seeks to vastly expand the game world from the previous X-Men Legends games, and offer much stronger online co-operative game play. The developers have slowly been revealing the characters included in the game, so Marvel aficionados should be able to find one of their favorite heroes to play. The game should ship some time before the holidays, and has been announced for a number of platforms, from the Game Boy Advance to the Playstation 3.
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Playstation 2 Metal Slug 6 Screens
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, PlayStation 2, Screenshots,
GameWatch Japan has some new shots and details from the upcoming Playstation 2 release, Metal Slug 6. The game will be released in Japan in September. Metal Slug 6 hit arcades in Japan earlier this year. The new shots look like the game will be a faithful port. While Metal Slug 3D received strong scores from Famitsu, the game really doesn’t carry forward the 2D legacy of the franchise.
Metal Slug 6 takes the 2D history and opens it up. Characters Ralf Jones and Clark Steel, who appeared in Ikari Warriors and the King of Fighters games, join the cast of playable characters for the sequel. Also included is a new easy mode: only four stages are playable, and the player starts with the heavy machine gun. In addition, the selectable characters each have their own special abilities that they bring to bear against the enemy. Metal Slug 6 has no current US release date. Previous games were released stateside, and Metal Slug 3D should be hitting US shores as well, so chances are good for Metal Slug 6.
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Preview for Valve’s “Portal” Hits The Web. Wow.
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, Adventure, First Person Shooters, PC, Screenshots, Trailers,
Take your plain vanilla FPS, add a goey dollop of gravity gun, and then top it off with the mother of all cherries—a gun that allows you to create portals in space anywhere—and you’ve got a mind-hemmoraghing sundae of FPS bliss. Don’t believe us? Just play the video below and sit back as your brain explodes.
Portal, to be released for the PC, equips you with a gun that creates rips in space that you can travel between. Want to get to the other side of a ravine? Just shoot a portal at the wall on either side, and it’s as simple as walking across. Want that box to hit an enemy and kill them? Shoot a portal above the enemy, shoot a portal under the box, and watch him get clobbered. Want to create an infinite loop? Shoot a portal at the ceiling, shoot a portal at the floor, and watch as you fall forever. But, as always a picture is worth a thousand words, and a 2 minute 22 second video at 24 frames-per-second is thus worth about 3,408,000 words. So just click the link below and watch!
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Traveller’s Tales On Super Monkey Ball Adventure
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, Nintendo Gamecube, PlayStation 2, PSP,
Super Monkey Ball Adventure will be one of the few games in the series to not be developed by either Sega or Amusement Vision. The task of developing the platform-based version of the game was handed to Traveller’s Tales, who are currently riding high on the success of Lego Star Wars. The adventure game is scheduled for release in August, and will hit the GameCube, Playstation 2, and PSP platforms. Siliconera was able to sit down with Marty Caplan, lead producer, and get some details about this new instance in the franchise. Fans of the game series might be concerned that the game has moved away from the “quick play” mentality of the original, but Caplan moves to assuage those concerns. While platform-style adventure gaming is the core of the game, there should still be enough puzzles and mini-games to keep Monkey Ball fans happy. Hopefully, Traveller’s Tales will be able to keep true to the spirit of the original and extend that into a more fully rendered universe.
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New Tenchu Screen Shots Online
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, Screenshots, Xbox 360,

Famitsu reports on the new Tenchu game for the Xbox 360 from developers K2. The sequel will offer more characters to choose from at the start. The game will offer greater character customization than in previous games, as well. Gamers will be able to alter their clothing styles and as they progress through the game, allocate points to improve their skills. Customization options will extend to the main character’s partner in the game.
Apparently there are changes to the stealth-based gameplay; gamers will have to rely on tighter auditory responses plus the sense of smell.
Hiding in shadows should also be enhanced in the Xbox 360 title as well as a host of other stealth-based changes.
The game is scheduled to ship this fall in Japan and pricing is yet to be determined. There is no scheduled release date for Tenchu 360 in the US at this time, but there is no reason to expect that it would not be released in this territory.
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Japanese Project Sylpheed Site Opens
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, Screenshots, Xbox 360,

When Square-Enix’s shooter was shown for the Xbox 360, the tentative title was Project Sylph. The official site for the game has been launched, and it looks like the name is now officially Project Sylpheed. The new title clearly places the game into the same universe as the previous Sylpheed games. There isn’t a ton of information on the site, yet. Gamers can find story details, system requirements, character designs, and some screen shots of the game in action. Project Sylpheed will be an exclusive release for the Xbox 360. No mention has been made about Xbox Live features. The game should be released in Japan in 2006 but no official US date has been released. Getting an exclusive Square-Enix game should be seen as a coup for Microsoft, but so far this hasn’t swayed the Japanese audience.
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Rockman ZX for the Nintendo DS ships on July 6 in Japan, and will ship in the US in September as Mega Man ZX. Game Watch Japan revealed that if the Game Boy Advance slot contains either Mega Man Zero 3 or Mega Man Zero 4, special features are unlocked. Apparently, playing ZX with one of these two cartridges allows gamers to fight the bosses from the Zero series, adding another dimension to the game for die hard Mega Man fans. While this functionality hasn’t actually been confirmed for the US version of the game, this feature would seem to be a lock.
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Assassin’s Creed Exclusivity Questioned (again!)
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Rumors,
The question that wouldn’t die for the past few months has been the exclusivity of Assassin’s Creed to the PS3. For those of you that, unlike videogame bloggers, haven’t been following this story with bated breath, we’ll begin with a brief history of Assassin’s Creed, the latest stealth/action game by Ubisoft that was said to be an exclusive PS3 launch title.
More after the jump…
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