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E3 2007: Sony’s Press Conference Recap And Impressions

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Activision, Adventure, CAPCOM, Corporate News, Driving, E3, Electronic Arts, First Person Shooters, Hardware, Internet, LucasArts, MMORPG, Mods/Hacks, Music, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, Release Dates, Role Playing Games, SEGA, Sony, Special Editions, Sports, Trailers, Ubisoft,

I’m going to come right out and say it: I’m coming away from Sony’s presentation more impressed than I was either Nintendo’s or Microsoft’s. They were very straightforward and showed exactly what we all wanted to see: the games.
In fact, this was one of the more impressive E3 press conferences in recent memory – check inside to find out why.
Click to continue reading E3 2007: Sony’s Press Conference Recap And Impressions
E3 2007: Nintendo’s Press Conference Recap And Impressions

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Adventure, CAPCOM, Casual, Corporate News, Driving, E3, Electronic Arts, First Person Shooters, Internet, Music, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Party Games, Puzzle, Release Dates, Retro, Sports, Trailers, Virtual Console, Wii,

As with the Microsoft conference before it, I was confined to my hotel Wi-Fi to take in Nintendo’s E3 press conference. But, unlike Microsoft’s, I’m walking away thoroughly and utterly disappointed. I’m going to go ahead and spoil part of the full story from after the break: there was no mention of Smash Bros. being online. Me = worried much.
Set your expectations low before you view the rest after the break.
Click to continue reading E3 2007: Nintendo’s Press Conference Recap And Impressions
E3 2007: Golden Axe, Sonic The Hedgehog On Live, Marathon 2 And More On The Way
Posted by Kyle Ulrich Categories: Action, Bungie, E3, First Person Shooters, Release Dates, Retro, SEGA, Xbox Live Arcade,
Announced during Microsoft’s press conference not long ago, Genesis classics Sonic The Hedgehog and Golden Axe are now available for Live Arcade. Sweetening the surprise is the pricing; they’ll only cost you five bucks (400 Microsoft Points) each, exactly three dollars less than their $8 Wii Virtual Console counterparts. Sega’s giving 360 owners a discount.
Also announced via the same Live Arcade footage reel was Marathon: Durandal. Development is being outsourced to Freeverse, a smaller Mac-focused outfit who’ve decided to remove the “2” in the games title. This is no mere re-branding: what was shown reveals a major visual overhaul. All of the games sprites and textures have been re-painted, resulting in a more polished version of what staunch Mac addicts got down on twelve years ago. No price or release details, but it’ll have a good home when it arrives: a Bungie classic reborn should sit well with the audience.
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E3 2007: Microsoft’s Press Conference Recap And Impressions

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Accessories, Action, Activision, Adventure, Bungie, CAPCOM, Casual, Corporate News, Driving, E3, Electronic Arts, First Person Shooters, Hardware, Microsoft, Party Games, PC, Puzzle, Release Dates, Retro, Role Playing Games, SEGA, Simulation, Special Editions, Sports, Strategy, Survival Horror, Take2, Third Person Shooters, Trailers, Ubisoft, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace,

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend E3 this year – instead, I’m on vacation in Cape Cod, using awful hotel Wi-Fi to watch streamed press conferences. Not the most glamorous way to take it all in, but exciting announcements, great games and new details are welcome no matter how you hear about them.
Here’s my personal transcription (in very brief form) of all the announcements and showings, along with some reflection on what Microsoft had to show.
Click to continue reading E3 2007: Microsoft’s Press Conference Recap And Impressions
E3 2007: SEGA Unveils Their E3 Line-Up

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Driving, E3, Fighting, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3, Portable/Mobile, PSP, SEGA, Wii, Xbox 360,

SEGA sent us a listing of all the titles they plan on showing off at this year’s E3 Media and Business Summit, and it seems like they are betting on thirteen titles to turn heads this year. One of the more unique concepts stars Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, Virtua Fighter 5 with online play, and one we have our eyes on, the return of NiGHTS. You can take a peek at the full list after the break.
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Tomb Raider Anniversary to Hit 360, Twice
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, Adventure, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,
It’s no secret that I love me some Tomb Raider, so when Eidos announced that the remake of the original game, titled Tomb Raider: Anniversary Edition would only becoming to last-gen (read: PS2) and “new-gen” (read: Wii) consoles, I was a might bit disappointed.
Well, it looks as if Eidos has changed their mind, so color me giddy with anticipation. TR: Anniversary will now be coming to the 360, so you can finally see Lara’s original adventure in all its bump-mapped, pixel-shaded, bloom-lit glory. The really interesting part is exactly HOW the game will be coming to the 360. In its first iteration, TR: Anniversary will be hitting the 360 as downloadable episodic content, starting in September for those that own the excellent TR: Legends. Why? Well, my guess is that they’re meeting MS’s download size requirements by using the in-game engine of Legends, so essentially the Anniversary download will just be new map packs and outfits for Lara. Of course, those of you without the original Legends, or not on Xbox Live will be able to purchase Anniversary as it hits meatspace later in the year in DVD form.
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Heavenly Sword Demo Coming In “Very Near Future”

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, PlayStation 3,

I’ve aired my concerns over Heavenly Sword, which by all indications looks to be nothing more than a game where you beat the hell out of enemies in a coliseum setting. We’ve been promised a lot more, but we haven’t seen much more, so I’ve been reserving my excitement for when we get to see some of the real meat of the game. Well, it looks like we’ll have that opportunity when a demo is released on the PlayStation Network in the “very near future,” whatever that means.
The head of production at developer Ninja Theory, Mat Hart, had this to say on the developer’s IGN blog:
I can confirm that we are, of course, going to be releasing a demo for Heavenly Sword - and soon! This will be downloadable via the Playstation Network, so keep an eye out for it in the very near future - and I mean very near future!
Maybe this will be something we’ll see next week during E3. We know that Microsoft will be releasing tons of Marketplace content during the event as it did last year, so perhaps this is Sony’s way of combating that. Keep your fingers crossed.
Read More | Ninja Theory IGN Blog via Eurogamer
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles To Feature Co-Op Play

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, CAPCOM, Screenshots, Survival Horror, Wii,
Good news for Wii owners: the upcoming on-rails shooter, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, will feature co-op play. While it isn’t the most exciting concept for a game, Umbrella Chronicles sounds like it’ll definitely be worth picking up if you’re looking for something to play with a friend on Wii and don’t care for mini-games.
This comes way of Famitsu, which has two pages dedicated to the game - scans can be seen on NeoGAF. While you might not be able to read Japanese, you can enjoy the screenshots, some of which feature my personal favorite, Albert Wesker. He always looked so good in those sunglasses.
Read More | Famitsu via NeoGAF
New Grand Theft Auto IV Trailer In Three Days, And New Details

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Trailers, Xbox 360,

In three days, the Internet is set to crash once again when the newest (the second of three) GTA IV trailer sees the light of day. Hopefully we’ll be seeing something more action-oriented this time around, as opposed to the first, which was more of a showcase for Liberty City than anything else. The video is titled “Looking for that Special Someone” and a special website is being prepped by Yahoo in order to withstand the insane amount of traffic it will receive once the trailer goes live. Anyone want to place bets on how long it’ll take for the site to crash?
Expect us to pick it apart piece by piece once it goes live, and later in the week Kyle and I will be debating over the excruciating details and nuances the trailer presents us with.
As an added bonus, last week, the Turkish Official Xbox Magazine revealed several tasty nuggets about GTA IV. Everyone loves lists, so I present you a list of GTA goodness:
- There’s a slight vibration with every footstep when you run (sorry PS3 players)
- No more HUD (health and armor indicators are gone), and instead everything is visual – if you have armor, you’ll see the bulletproof vest and it will visually deteriorates
- Flamethrowers and rocket launchers are in the game
- Explosions are larger, and the game features a missions where you cause a chain reaction of car explosions
- Cars don’t explode from crashes or hitting them; you need to actually blow them up
- Niko doesn’t get tired, he just begins running slower over time
- The game is much more time-sensitive. An example that isn’t necessarily in the game was a mission where you need to catch a train by a certain time, and if you don’t, you don’t get to do that mission.
- Gore is more prevalent; bullet wounds show, blood appears as you shoot people, they limp when shot in the leg, hold their arm if it’s shot, and running people over is “disturbing”
- No more eating, working out or having a girlfriend, but skills improve over time
- 100% completion yields secret vehicles and “plenty of goodies”
- The land size is larger than the three cities (sans countryside) from San Andreas
No more girlfriends? Hooray!
Read More | Xbox Live Addicts
Sonics Rivals 2 Announced; Sonic Games Can’t Get Any Worse, Can They?

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, PSP, SEGA,
The original Sonic Rivals game for PSP wasn’t particularly well-received, but it certainly faired better than the recent 360 and PS3 Sonic outing. Sometimes I wonder if Sega is deliberately trying to smash the beloved series into the ground. Seriously, outside of Sonic Rush there hasn’t been a good Sonic game in many years.
But there is some promise for Sonic Rivals 2. Sega has already laid out the framework, so hopefully things can be fleshed out and developed more – the original was pretty unrefined and didn’t have many stages. SR2 will have plenty of unlockables, as well as game sharing multiplayer features. Unfortunately, though, it doesn’t look like online play will be an option.
Here’s to hoping we get a half-decent Sonic game when Sonic Rivals 2 is released this fall. God knows we’ve earned one.