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Microsoft plans to release a new version of Internet Explorer this summer as a beta edition. Bill Gates claims that this new version will have stronger built-in security features, but how many times have we heard that? This announcement came after rumor on the web was that Microsoft would not upgrade IE before the release of Longhorn. Sticking with the whole security thing, it looks like this beta will require XP SP2 in order to be installed. Can the software giant succeed in convincing ex-IE users to switch back? If Microsoft continues to shun tabbed browsing, I don’t care how far along they come in the security department. It’s a no.
Read More | IEBlog
Corsair appears to have decided that there just aren’t enough things flashing and glowing inside of PC mod boxes these days. Their new XMS Xpert memory sticks have LED panels, which displays information and statistics about the memory in the box on a scrolling marquee and power meter. Aside from the glowing sign mounted on top of the sticks, the Corsair DDR400 memory that lurks below is familiar to us all. From its 2-2-2 ultra low latency timings to the Corsair lifetime warranty it all seems to be on the up and up. The 1 GB memory stick covers 2 DIMM slots, but you can fit another non-Xpert stick underneath the LED panel.
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Once again, the Japanese get all the fun when it comes to special edition products. This time, it comes in the form of a metallic blue Nintendo DS that is part of a co-promotion between Nintendo and Pepsi in conjunction with the Japanese launch of Pepsi Twist. What the hell, Pepsi? All we get here in the U.S. is free music that is DRM’d to the point that it can only be played on one portable device!
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I remember as a kid when the first under the cabinet clock radio was released and we got one for our kitchen. Years later they made an under the cabinet TV. We never got one because my mother hated television. Now I find myself explaining to my wife why I need an iCEBOX. No - this isn’t a new refrigerator - it’s a small LCD screen which is capable of being used as a TV, DVD player, CD player, radio, and touch screen computer. It has a wireless mouse and keyboard, and can also pick up wireless cameras so it makes an excellent way to watch the baby while cooking dinner. To top all that off, if has built in wireless internet as well as an ethernet port. I’m sure my wife will understand soon enough.
Read More | Salton Inc.
It has not been two weeks since the launch of Napster’s To Go service, and already there is a crack that allows you to circumvent the subscription’s copy protection. Armed with a Napster To Go subscription, Winamp, and Output Stacker Winamp Plug-in, burning audio CDs from Napster To Go library turns into a feasible task. All you would have to do is download the track from Napster, load it into Winamp, convert to WAV, and burn them using your favorite CD burning software. We are not advising you do this, just pointing out an incentive to choose Napster instead of iTunes.
Read More | Kordix
I can’t wait to take a trip to Japan someday. They always seem to get the coolest stuff first out there. Take this new Professor’s Cube, for instance. Having one of these sitting on your desk will show everyone you’re just too smart for the regular edition. I’d love to let some friends try it, just to see them go permanently insane from the frustration. I don’t get it…all you have to do is rearrange the stickers.
Read More | Japan Today
High octane MP3s are soon to be a reality. DTI Energy of California has joined the small group of licensees trying to create fuel cells using methanol as a base. Methanol, air and water are combined to create a thermodynamic (heat releasing) reaction between the hydrogen in methanol and oxygen, which produces electricity. These fuel cells are estimated to be 5 times more powerful then standard batteries, and when they run out, you simply refill the methanol. Estimates say these cells are ten times more powerful than Lithium Ion batteries.
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Want to keep creeps away from from you, but don’t have a pair of nunchucks with you at all times? Wearable Warnings, a project by Philip Worthington at the RCA in London, is a prototype coat that helps you do just that. From their website:
The prototype design is a coat with warning strips of fur that become electro-statically charged in situations where the wearer feels threatened. When charged the fur begins to stand on end; a visual indication that the wearer is uncomfortable. If someone invades the wearer’s personal space they will begin to feel a second warning; as they enter the coat’s electrostatic field they will feel tingling skin sensations and their hair will stand on end. The fur will begin to twitch toward them and emit crackling sounds. If the ‘threat’ proceeds to touch the fur then 100,000 volts of electro-static charge discharges from the fur, into the offender’s body (non-lethal but definitely a bite).
They forgot to mention that it makes you look like a B-movie monster.
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Japanese company Thanko has introduced their headset MP3 player. The Thanko Mubie Jogger has an LCD screen and weighs in at 50 grams. With 500 MB of storage and an FM tuner, the 3-color 96x64 pixel LCD isn’t as large and bulky as you would imagine. Load it up via USB and you are on your way.
Read More | Thanko
Gear Live Giveaway: Logitech Harmony 676

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Announcements,
Each week, Gear Live gives away awesome tech prizes courtesy of PrizeCube. The winner of the last contest was Ben Vante, who walked away with a brand new Nintendo DS.
A couple of weeks ago, we told you about how Logitech was giving away 100 Harmony 676 remotes per day for a week. If you weren’t lucky enough to cop one, we have your hookup. While we aren’t going to give away anywhere near 100 of these, we are going to give one away to a lucky reader. All you have to do is let us know what you would use this item for in the comments area. What kind of setup do you have in your living room? And hey, it’s a random drawing, so you can still win even if you have a poor man’s system. Don’t thank me, thank PrizeCube. As always, this is open to US residents only. You have a week.