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Burnout Revenge GRAWFinally, some quality non-sports Xbox 360 titles are starting to trickle in. It has been confirmed that both Burnout Revenge and GRAW have gone gold, and will be on their way to retailers. You can get your hands on them next week, as Ghost Recon launches on March 9 (with original Xbox and PS2 versions shipping March 30) and Burnout Revenge dropping on March 7. The rest of the month will be rounded out by Far Cry Instincts Predator, The Outfit, Blazing Angels, and the much-anticipated Oblivion.


Description Evil Avatar has shares details of a Full Auto Review.

Now here is a game that’s likely to split reviewers down the middle. Full Auto doesn’t quite feel finished, there are problems with using custom soundtracks and the Xbox Live hosting screen is very hard to read on standard definition televisions. Yet despite these problems there’s a really fun game that combines elements of Burnout and SpyHunter here.

I mostly agree with the above comments from my impressions of the demo. While I recognized I played just a demo and not the final game, I came away with mixed feelings. The game didn’t seem polished or really ready for release, but its concept was pretty cool. Hit the link below to then make the jump to the review. The game was given a 7 out of 10.

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Burnout Revenge

Gamespot reports that EA’s 360 version of Burnout Revenge will be released in just a little over a month. We already know the game looks hot but we’re honestly a little skeptical about how the overall game will turn out - after all, gameplay still matters in the next-gen!

In the meantime, we’re hoping EA releases a demo of the game on Xbox Live.

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Full Auto DemoEarlier today, we were pleasantly surprised to log into Xbox Live and discover that SEGA’s Full Auto demo had been released. After a few minutes of downloading, we jumped right into the game. The main concept behind the game is this: get behind the wheel of a car and race to the finish line - while firing weapons at your opponents, utilizing boost, and gaining air.

Unfortunately, the play experience wasn’t as smooth as you’d hope it’d be. Reportedly, some 360s freeze when the game’s booted up. We didn’t have a problem with freezing though, and we doubt most people will. However, while the gameplay is a lot more polished than what was shown at E3 last year, it’s still not great. The frame-rate isn’t perfect and the controls seem off. Additionally, the game simply doesn’t have the sense of speed that other great races have. Still, the demo’s free and you might as well check it out. Full Auto hits February 14th.

Mario Kart DSIt’s official. Mario Kart DS owns.

Nintendo’s DS titled has raced up the charts to become the top selling portable title for November and December ‘05, and also #6 on last month’s best sellers’. It looks like the Nintendo DS finally has a ‘must-have’ title. Yeah, Nintendogs, Advance Wars DS, and Kirby: Canvas Curse are all great games -  but the different games honestly don’t appeal to everyone. On the other hand, anyone from a casual to hardcore gamer can pick up MKDS and have a blast. The game’s online mode certainly helps the games replay and Nintendo doesn’t (and shouldn’t) expect the game’s sales to slow down anytime soon.

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Burnout Revenge 360

We’d be lying if we said Burnout on Xbox 360 didn’t look amazing. Still, I’m not completely sold on the game. After already picking the title up on the original Xbox, I’m a little relucant to spend an additional $60 on the same game with some minor updates. Here’s to the next Burnout title. Meanwhile, click through to see all 8 shots in glorious high-res.

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PGR3 Real Life Comparison

Someone over in Japan took some pictures of different locations that are featured in PGR3. In the linked forum post, the real-life photos are placed immediately above the shots of the sites in PGR3. As you’ll see, PGR3 has the details down almost perfectly.

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Mario Kart ArcadeCan’t get enough of the Mario Kart series? You may want to check out the new Mario Kart Arcade title! The game features eleven characters - including new-to-the-series characters Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, and Blinky. The game also has 24 unique courses and allows for up to four players to go head to head. We haven’t gone hands on with the unit just yet, so cannot say whether it lives up to former Mario Kart titles. Still, we are sure it is a blast when a bunch of friends get together for some turtle shell-hurling madness.

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Project Gotham 3

We’ve been speculating for a while now that people with non-HD TVs might actually end up getting the best gameplay out of the Xbox 360, depending on how the hardware handles the rendering. Why? Because with all the extra work being done to output at 720p, we figured that holding a steady framerate might be tricky, or even impossible.

Turns out we were half-right. Already one of the Xbox 360 launch titles has been “caught” putting out a 1024x600 screenshot, far less than the 1368x720 needed to qualify for 720p, becuase Bizzare Creations couldn’t get the game to a stable framerate at full-res. The half-right comes in because the hardware apparently scales the game up to 720p automatically (probably the same thing they’re doing for backwards compatability). So running your games in 480i probably wouldn’t yield any performance benefits.

The good news, if there is any, is that launch titles frequently aren’t using the full power of the hardware, which is usually starting to become truly tapped in about the third year. Odds are, Bizzare just didn’t have the time to fully optimize the game, giving a lower-res presentation. And the fact is, most people will never notice.

Project Gotham Racing 3

We tinkered with the Xbox 360 at DigitalLife in NYC, and played a demo build of Project Gotham Racing 3.  Initially, it was hard to get really excited about a racing game for a next gen console, but fans of the preceding games will tell you that the PGR series is nothing to scoff at.  I can say first hand that this title is stunning in just about every aspect.  It was unbelievable listening to my iPod songs right on the racetrack.  Yeah, I know the current Xbox allows you to customize soundtracks, but there is no importing or modding necessary – just plug it in.  As a resident of New York, I can tell you that PGR3 got the entire Brooklyn Bridge area 100% accurate - down to the scaffolding in lower Manhattan.  What even more stunning is that there are more polygons on the Brooklyn Bridge than an entire level in PGR2.  The photo mode is absolutely phenomenal.  You can even adjust the shutter speed of the camera to show you whizzing by or at a great focus.  Additionally, while in this mode, I couldn’t find even two people in the crowd that were the same.  Look for this game to stun you at launch. Check out one more image after the jump.

Click to continue reading Project Gotham Racing 3 Demo Impressions
