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Ninja Gaiden Xbox Famitsu has reported that a new game in the Ninja Gaiden series will be heading to the Playstation 3. The game will be titled Ninja Gaiden Sigma, but it is unknown at this time whether this will be a completely new entry in the franchise, or an upgrade of a previous installment. Famitsu mentioned that the game will feature graphical upgrades, and gameplay changes including the ability to wield dual katanas and play as different characters.

Read More | Total Video Games


Yesterday, we reported on Apple’s move to bring several popular casual games to the iPod - and for those that are fans of instant gratification, you’re in luck… today we’re going to review them! The iGames now currently available for Apples 5G and 5.5G iPods include 9 titles: Bejeweled, Cubis 2, Mah-Jong, Mini-Golf, Pac-Man, Tetris, Texas Holdem, Vortex and Zuma. To really test how well Apple’s done, we picked four of the titles that we thought would be more challenging to port for the click-wheel interface: Bejeweled, Pac-Man, Zuma and Tetris. And for all you out there wondering whether the new iGames are worth your $4.99, you can find our full review of these 4 titles (along with tasty videos) and our thoughts on the iGames functionality in general after the jump!

Click to continue reading EXCLUSIVE Reviews: Zuma, Pac-Man, Bejeweled, and Tetris on iPod

Dead Rising Box When Dead Rising for the Xbox 360 shipped a few weeks ago, many gamers immediately reported an issue with the mission text in the game being unreadable on some SDTV sets. Capcom stated that they were investigating the problem, and a short time later provided some suggestions that might help ameliorate the issue. However, this did not fix the problem for all users. Now, according to statements received by 1up, there will be no patch addressing this problem. Capcom representatives were quoted as saying “Due to the amount of text and the size of the patch necessary to change the text, a patch isn’t possible for this issue.”

While this is disappointing for a number of gamers, this problem could have been minimized. Capcom could have expanded its quality assurance process to include a wider variety of television types, but to really address this, Microsoft should make both SDTV and HDTV readability a requirement for a game title to be released on the Xbox 360 platform.

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There you have it folks, the first shot of Playstation 3 box art for the upcoming Dark Kingdom, complete with boobs, swords, and the strange PS3 Spiderman font! With pictures like this, it’s enough to make you wonder why the PS3 needs such amazing cloth physics - everybody’s going to be wearing skin-tight leather anyway!!! Plus, is it me, or does having the PS3 logo along the side bring back fond memories of ye olde Genesis game packaging? It’ll be interesting to see if Sony tries to squeeze PS3 games into the same ridiculously-thin boxes that Blu-Ray discs use - if I had to guess, it doesn’t look like there’s enough room in those for a meaty instruction manual.

Can’t wait to see these on store shelves! (And more importantly, I especially can’t wait to see what the price is!)

Read More | VideoGame Generation

Heavenly Sword

Ahead of the upcoming Tokyo Game Show, Sony has released a ton of high resolution screen shots from some of the games they will be showing at the Tokyo Game Show, and Game Watch has them all online. Many of the screens look like 720P screen grabs. Among the new screen shots shown are a couple of shots of a game tentatively titled Afrika. Lair, the dragon-based action adventure was also updated, and apparently the game is now supporting the Playstation 3 tilt controller. Gamers can also check out screen shots of the upcoming Unknown Realms title from Game Republic and Formula One Championship. Finally, Sony also released a bunch of screens for both Heavenly Sword and MotorStorm. MotorStorm and Formula One both look remarkable well-detailed at this point, and the action shots of Heavenly Sword also show promise. Of course, one can not determine framerate from a still, but the games do look like they are in better shape than Sony’s hardware production.

Read More | Afrika

Read More | Lair

Read More | Unknown Realms

Read More | Formula One Championship

Read More | Heavenly Sword

Read More | MotorStorm via Game Watch Japan

GTA Vice City StoriesRockstar Games just launched the official site for the upcoming release of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories on the PSP. The site features the cultural parodies of the 80s that were first seen in the original Vice City, along with wallpapers, a downloadable trailer, screenshots, and some gameplay video clips. The site promises to release details about the soundtrack for the game as well as how multiplayer will be implemented in the game.

Read More | Rockstar

Assassins Creed

1up is reporting that the October issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly will officially confirm that Ubisoft’s next-generation action game, Assassin’s Creed, will be coming to the Xbox 360. The post on 1up indicates that word from Ubisoft’s PR will come soon to fill gamers in on all the details. The latest issue of the UK’s 360 Magazine also features Assassin’s Creed on the cover. The story behind the game’s exclusivity, or lack thereof, has been curious. Ubisoft has been very evasive about confirming the title for platforms other than the Playstation 3, but now in the past couple of days, the game gets announced for both the PC and the Xbox 360. It is possible that Ubisoft might have been negotiating exclusivity with Sony and things fell through. It is also possible that the title was never intended to be exclusive and Ubisoft had other motives in keeping the other versions secret until now.

Read More | 360 Magazine UK

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Red SteelGood news for all those worried about the fate of the Wii’s premiere first-person shooter. Reports are coming in that Red Steel by Ubisoft will feature motion-matching controls using the Wiimote (i.e., the sword-play on-screen will match your Wiimote movements) which is exactly what most gamers were hoping. The main question remaining, of course, is how Ubisoft translates sword collisions from the screen to the gamer.

The reports come from a roundabout source… the user Mordrag on an IGN message board submitted some questions for German gaming site Nintendo LAN to ask. Nintendo LAN then supposedly asked the questions to Ubisoft, and their responses were translated back into English by Mordrag for readers of the IGN boards. Phew.

In his translation, Mordrag notes that Ubisoft also stated that there would be NO load times in Red Steel thanks to “smart streaming technology”. See after the jump for the full conversation!

Click to continue reading Red Steel To Have Motion-Matching Controls, Zero Load Time

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Lego Star Wars II CoverThis past weekend we visited the absolutely crazy floor of the Penny Arcade Expo in Bellevue, WA. The floor was chock full of some great looking MMORPGs and FPS titles for the hardcore gamers, but there were some really great looking less serious games as well. Chief among them was the highly anticipated LEGO Star Wars II, the sequel that tells the stories of Episodes IV-VI in brickalicious format.

See our full thoughts after the jump…

Click to continue reading LEGO Star Wars 2 Looking Great at PAX

Zelda Twilight Princess Box ArtAfter initially worrying about how physical players would have to get while enjoying The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Nintendo has finally decided that sword-swinging motions will be incorporated into the gameplay. At E3, the B trigger button on the Wiimote was originally used for the sword, with the bow&arrow and other weapons being mapped to the D-pad. But as IGN reports:

At E3, players used the B button to swing Link’s sword, with Nintendo explaining at the time that players would likely get tired having to actually swing the controller. “Upon actually playing it, it’s more interesting this way,” said Miyamoto to Nintendo Dream about the new control scheme.

The newly-freed-up B button will now serve as the bow&arrow controls. IGN points out that this makes the use of the bow&arrow much less cumbersome, as gamers don’t have to change their grip to reach the Wiimote’s D-pad. My guess is there’s another reason for this redesign, which Nintendo hasn’t explicitly stated yet. In the E3 version of the control scheme, players were able to perform Link’s spin-attack by simply wiggling the nunchuk attachment, a setup that many players noted would make the game far too easy as one could simply repeat the spin attack quickly over and over again. If Nintendo starts moving all of the sword control to the Wiimote, though, the actions of performing complicated motions like those needed for the spin attack could help to raise the difficulty.

It should be interesting to see how much of an upper-body workout Twilight Princess eventually requires. Maybe we won’t even need that Nintendo diet software after a bout with Zelda.

Read More | IGN Wii
