On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone


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Apple Two Button Mouse In an interesting twist, it appears that Apple is now working on a two buttoned wireless optical mouse. AppleInsider is reporting that because of Apple’s slow-but-sure market share increase, it is now essential to provide a two button mouse for those who are used to them. Many a Windows user has made the claim that a one buttoned mouse just doesn’t cut it in the world of computing. The thing is, this is going to be an add-on product, probably retailing at $69 USD. For that price, users can purchase an alternative wireless optical mouse for their Mac - but who am I kidding? Mac users will snatch these up in droves.

RELATED: Why Apple Makes A One Buttoned Mouse

Read More | AppleInsider


Nokia Slider Cell Phone

I loved the 8860 back when it was released. The slider phone was thin, sexy and attracted a lot of attention. However, the reception was really bad. At least I looked good trying to make a call, right? Looks like Nokia could be releasing another one of those sexy phones with the appearance of some pictures on a Chinese forum site. The phone appears to be a successor of the Nokia 8910 and does not appear to include a camera. Hopefully, a press release will be made in the not so distant future by Nokia to announce the launch and details of this phone.

Read More | Mobile-Review

Plustech Oy Walking MachineWhat looks to be something from a comic book is actually a forest machine. Created by Plustech Oy, this spiderbot is able to distribute its weight over its six “legs” in order to work with more stability and with minimum impact on its terrain. The machine is even able to walk over obstacles and adapt to the forest floor. It is able to walk forward, backward, sideways, diagonally, turn in place, step over obstacles, and adjust the stepping height as well as the clearance height all via a user friendly interface – joysticks. Have your friends bring a few for a live action Mech Assault deathmatch.

Read More | PlusTech

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Feotal Alcohol Syndrome DollIn an effort to teach teens the effects of alcohol and drugs, Teesside in the United Kingdom is handing out a doll that simulates a baby that is addicted to these substances. The dolls weigh just 3.5 pounds, giving indication to the size of a bay with feotal alcohol syndrome. The normal baby dolls given to teens to care for weigh four pounds more than these dolls. The dolls simulate drug withdrawals, and cannot be turned off - but hey, that is what the bottom dresser drawer is for, right?

Read More | BBC News

DescriptionMeet Clocky. Cute little bugger, eh? This device is simple an alarm clock that aims to wake you up, allowing you one press of the snooze button. You see, when Clocky’s alarm goes off, and you hit snooze, it rolls off of the surface it is sitting on and finds a hiding spot. The direction that is travels is completely random. This means that when the alarm goes off again, you are going to have to get up to find Clocky in order to turn off the alarm.

Read More | Clocky Product page

TiVo Comcast Call it a partnership, call it smart, or call it what you will. If you are TiVo, you are calling this a miracle. After getting dumped by DirecTV, TiVo has finally found another outlet it can use to make its way into the homes of millions of Americans - and this is a biggie. TiVo and Comcast have come to an agreement that will see TiVo hardware made available to the majority of Comcast service areas, including jointly developed TiVo solutions (HD TiVo for cable, I guarantee it). The companies expect to start rolling all this out in mid-to-late 2006. You just know that everyone over at TiVo are breathing many signs of relief.

Read More | MarketWatch

Toilet Paper Philosophy This toilet paper definitely solves the problem of having something interesting to read while you are in the restroom. Tokyo-based Sanseido Book Stores are selling these rolls of toilet paper which have been inscribed with a summary of the philosophy book Architectural Body. The rolls are 30 meters long, and cost about 350 yen. You can find them at about 30 bookstores in Japan. If they can branch out and start putting comics on these things, I am so there.

Read More | MDN via Popgadget

The Incredibles

This week’s DVD release list is incredible! Topping the list is the animated comedy to please old and young alike - The Incredibles. The first animated movie from Pixar to receive a PG rating tells the story of a super hero family trying to live their lives as a normal family from suburbia. Watch as the family finds themselves on yet another adventure in a DVD you’ll be sure to love. Be sure to also check out Alfie where Jude Law plays the part of a womanizing cad who gets his just desserts.

The Incredibles ~ Buena Vista
Alfie ~  Paramount Pictures
Miss Congeniality: Deluxe Edition ~ Warner Home Video
La Femme Nikita - Season 2 ~ Warner Home Video

AT&TAT&T will be testing the High-Speed wireless technology known as WiMax. This standard promises higher speeds with a much longer distance over current wireless standards. WiMax would replace current data lines which are currently employed by businesses as early as 2006 if the technology works out. The first test will be in May in Middletown, New Jersey. We have to keep an eye on this feat – hopefully we can see higher speeds and lower cost in a future not so far away.

Read More | Reuters

Mac mini Dim

Gear Live reader Token has had the same Mac mini problem that many have complained about. When using the VGA adapter, his display is very dim - when using a DVI connector instead, everything looks fine. He sent us this account of his order trying to get support from Apple:

I just wanted to make you and your readers aware that a bunch of people are having trouble with the new Mac mini myself included. The problem is that VGA output is very dark. White is fairly gray. Colors that I know to be vibrant are dim. Playing with the color settings doesn’t help either. I am having this issue with my stock 1.25 ghz Mac Mini. I am using this with an emachines 17” VGA LCD display. I also have it on a iogear miniview III USB KVM with VGA. I figure that maybe it was losing something going through the KVM, so I plugged the monitor directly into my Mac Mini. No luck. I also have a 12 inch powerbook g4 1.33 ghz. Using the same display through the same iogear KVM, the picture is as bright and clear just as you would expect. The same goes for my PC running Windows XP and that might be the most frustrating thing of all.  This is also true for the G4 400 AGP that the mini was intended to replace. Just for another data point, I also tried this with my roommates dual g4 450 and his iBook g3 900 mhz. The problem is limited to the Mac Mini.

I called Apple support, and spoke to 2 different people. I went through the motions to get my issue on file. Nothing they told me or asked me to do helped in the slightest. They told me to go my local Apple Store and have them take a look.

Click to continue reading Apple’s Lack Of Support On The Dim Mac mini Issue
