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Next Generation recently posted an article with software and hardware sales numbers - and the DS is kicking ass on the software side of things. DS English Training though…? On the hardware side of things, it looks like the PSP is at the top - while the Xbox 360 and Xbox are suffering.

Here are the lists:


DS English Training (Nintendo, DS): 72,290 (424,214)
Train Your Brain 2 (Nintendo, DS): 70,407 (1,213,603)
Animal Crossing: Wild World (Nintendo, DS): 57,335 (1,850,063)
Siren 2 (SCE, PS2): 49,780
Otona no DS Training (Nintendo, DS): 32,082 (1,520,843)
Machigae Museum (Namco, DS): 21,132
Tourist Trophy (SCE, PS2): 20,433 (80,087)
Monster Hunter Portable (Capcom, PSP): 20,126 (4,67,180)
Shin Onimusha (Capcom, PS2): 19,916 (295,721)
Mario Kart DS (Nintendo, DS): 18,304 (1,098,472)


PSP: 24,977 (310,253)
PS2: 23,383 (217,840)
DS: 10223 (351,802)
GBA: 5405 (52,337)
GBMicro: 2934 (32,588)
GC: 2025 (30,577)
Xbox360: 1288 (22,657)
GBA: 150 (1478)
Xbox: 84 (671)

Read More | Next Generation


Description The Wall Street Journal has put together a great article featured in this weekend’s paper. The article’s subtitle is as follows:

Videogames are reshaping the entertainment business. But the moguls who make them are still largely unknowns. Our look at how the game is played.

The article looks at everyone from “The Game Gurus” like Shigeru Miyamoto to “Hardware Heavies” like Ken Kutaragi to “Entertainers” like Peter Jackson to “Team Players” like Tony Hawk. I’d highly recommend checking out the article - you have to been a subscriber to see it online. Otherwise, run out and grab a copy of this weekend’s paper starting tomorrow. Oh, you may learn about news issues outside of the video game world as well!

Read More | WSJ.com

Lego Star Wars IIIGN has put up a great preview, with screens, of the upcoming LEGO Star Wars II title that will feature the original three Star Wars episodes.

The first one was a blast so the sequel is definitely something to look forward to. Unfortunately, the game won’t be coming out for the 360 or PS3, but we’ll manage. And besides, if the game did hit the next-gen consoles, it’d probably take longer to develop and would retail for a higher price than what the game will go for otherwise.

LEGO Star Wars II will feature two-player co-op on the PS2, Xbox, GameCube, GBA, PSP and PC, with four-player co-op for the DS version. It’s due out later this year.

Read More | IGN

Latest Gear Live Videos

DescriptionKikizo has posted a recent preview of EA’s upcoming FPS, Black. The game certainly looks impressive, and Kikizo says the game “could turn out just as great as Burnout” - since after all, it’s by the same developer. Of course, when it comes down to it, the verdict’s still out.

We haven’t seen enough of Black to be able to tell if it’ll live up to the hyperbole. Does it do for shooters what Burnout did for driving games? Mostly. But we’re betting (and hoping) that there’s still a lot for us to see. Check back next month when we jump the finished product through our hoops.

If you’d like to read more on the game and check out some media, check out Kikizo. We’re certainly looking forward to this one.

Read More | Kikizo

Xbox Live According to Major Nelson’s blog, the following is a list of the top ten most popular games played on Xbox Live last week.

1) Halo 2
2) Call of Duty 2
3) Perfect Dark Zero
4) Dead or Alive 4
5) PGR3
6) Need for Speed Most Wanted
7) Battlefield 2: MC
8) Madden NFL 06
9) Full Auto Demo
10) Madden NFL 2006

Firstly, is anyone surprised to see Halo 2 on top? With no real strong competition, it’s not much of a shocker. However, it’s good to see the newer Xbox 360 titles covering a good reminder of the list. I’m a bit surprised to see the Full Auto demo up there, but then again, the demo’s free and gamers are looking for more content. Unfortunately though, the Full Auto demo isn’t very hot and early word says the full version of the game is lacking.

Read More | Major Nelson

Revolution Controller Revolution Advanced has put together an extremely comprehensive feature on the history - or rather evolution - of video game controllers. The article spans from the Atari 2600 controller all the way to the Nintendo Revolution remote control. It’s almost hard to believe how far controllers have come since the industry’s inception - but then again, technology has really advanced over the years. On second though, the controller featured at the bottom of the list, the Revolution controller, is arguably one of the simplest controllers ever made. Thoughts?

Read More | Revolution Advanced

Xbox 360 backwards CompatibilityAccording to Active Xbox, the backwards compatibility team over at Microsoft is taking a break and won’t be releasing any new BC updates until March. While this news is unfortunate, we recognize that the guys over in Seattle need a break since they worked their butts off to get over 200 games on the BC list for the 360’s launch. We have a feeling we’ll get along just fine without being able to play some old Xbox games since the 360 has a good number of solid games already - and EA’s Fight Night Round 3 will be out in less than a month.

Read More | Active Xbox

EA Price CutsJust recently, EA announced a number of price cuts for recently released games. The Street reports that prices on games ranging from Madden ‘06 to NBA Live ‘06 to Need For Speed: Most Wanted have all be cut $10 or $20. Of course, the price cuts are only for games on current generation consoles, so you’ll still have to pay $60 if you’d like to get an EA game on Xbox 360. Otherwise though, the price cuts are good news - if you’ve been holding off on getting Need For Speed: Most Wanted, or any other EA game, now might be the time to run out and spend that gift card you received for the holidays.

Madden NFL 06, NBA Live 06, FIFA 06, and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on Xbox, PlayStation 2, GameCube, and PC versions are all now going for $29.99. Furthermore, Need for Speed Most Wanted is now $39.99 and Medal of Honor: European Assault is a low $19.99.

Read More | The Street

Barbie Xbox

Someone on eBay has modded up an original Xbox with Pepto-Bismol colored paint and some pink LEDs and put the atrocity up for sale. Gotta give them props, though - slapping the Barbie logo on it is sure to make this one sell for more than it’s actually worth.

Read More | Lowdown 411 via Kotaku

Description Thanks to Next Generation, this week’s best selling games from Gamestop’s Amazon.com storefront follow. Click through to see them.

Click to continue reading This Week’s Best Selling Games
