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Internet UrinalWhen you’re as addicted to the Internet as I am, you can go for hours without getting out of your PC chair.  The drawback to this, of course, is the bladder busting pain from not using the bathroom as often as you should.  Kiss all that goodbye now, because with the new Internet Urinal, you can surf, play Quake, post in forums, and pee all without getting up from your chair.  Perfect for LAN parties, where you can’t afford to take a break.  It even comes with a female adapter. 

Read More | ThinkGeek


Yahoo Cubis Game

Posted by Hector Martinez Categories: Internet,

Cubis  We’re all for free stuff on the web…spam, pop-up ads, and viruses aside.  One of my favorite past-times, java-based games, continues to give me something to do while I’m bored at work.  The best part about this one is that you can download and keep it on your hard drive for those times your laptop isn’t around a WiFi connection.  This game reminds me a lot of Bejeweled, only the board is more three dimensional, and you have special pieces with different abilities.  Post your high score!

Play It Now | Cubis

DescriptionEveryone wants to know what Hironobu Sakaguchi has in store for us in his initial endeavor at Microsoft. The Japanese version of Xbox.com published an interview with Sakaguchi, and now thanks to Xboxyde English readers may take a gander as well.  His visions for the two games he is producing and writing can only be described as astounding. Sakaguchi says in the interview:

“Also, as I said before I want to get away from coming-of-age stories, and create comical or tragic scenes unlike any seen in games before. I’m trying to make something that will feel fresh, and explores the possibilities of interactivity.”

Read More | Xboxyde

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iPod Tripod Speaker SystemNo, your eyes are not playing tricks on you – that is an iPod upside down on a tripod which consistst of speakers.  We can’t imagine how much would sound on this device, which is powered by a single AAA battery, but it certainly can’t be good for the neck having to turn your head virtually upside down to read the ID3 tags.  This speaker system may not be very practical, but it will be a good conversation starter when set up on an office desk or coffee shop table.

Read More | Dapreview

Sega PS2 Game PadNew meets old with this retro controller from Sega. The company has announced a new controller for the Sony Playstation 2 – a Sega Saturn controller reconfigured to work with the PS2.  The controller does not have any analog control sticks, and the L1/R1 buttons are relocated to the Z and C button positions. This black controller brings back memories of classic Sega consoles – where much of our time was spent alongside Sonic the Hedgehog.  If you miss the Sega Saturn, be sure to pick one of these controllers on March 24th for the cool price of $22. Now bring on the NiGHTS sequel!

Read More | Gamespot

Mac Mini DockCan’t wait for a commercial version of a dock for your brand new Mac Mini? Why not build one yourself? This may not be a clean looking design, but it works.  Consisting of a milled aluminum stock with ventilation, ProPoxy around the connector ends, and Velcro, this dock can be used to hook the Mac mini up to your automobile or desktop.  Apple could learn a thing or two from this design.

Read More | Lazzwaldo

XBox 360 Mock UpCheck out the latest mock up of the Xbox 2/360°. Could this be what Microsoft’s next generation console will look like? Of course not. We already know that Microsoft wants the next Xbox to fit right in with all the rest of your home theater components. Nevertheless, this is an interesting design.

Via Joystiq

Hironobu SakaguchiMicrosoft has hired Final Fantasy creator, Hironobu Sakaguchi, to produce two exclusive games for its next generation console, Xbox 2/360°. The Final Fantasy series has been highly successful in the Sony Playstation world, and an Xbox exclusive might give Microsoft the edge it needs to topple the number one company in gaming. It is also no secret that Microsoft has had a tough time penetrating the Japanese video game market. Having Sakaguchi on board can definitely help in that respect. The two games are said to be released shortly after the launch of the console on a worldwide basis.  We eagerly anticipate what creations Sakaguchi will have in store for us.

Read More | The Inquirer

Hasbro's Tooth TunesKids could care less about cavities and rising health care costs, but maybe a little Jay Z can help get them to take care of those choppers.  With this device, a two-minute recording is stored on a microchip.  You simply push a button on the toothbrush, and a minicomputer starts playing the song, transporting it through the transducer to the teeth, and from there to the jawbone then to the inner ear.  Now if only I could find a way to play some Usher when flossing, which is usually the bigger hassle.

Read More | We Make Money Not Art

Voodoo Knife Rack  Everytime I handle some sharp instrument, I think I’m going to hurt myself somehow.  Maybe I’ve been watching too much Final Destination.  To help complete my utter dread, Vice Versa now offers a creepy, yet fascinating rack for your knives.  It sure beats that boring wooden block most people use.  Measuring 40 x 25 cm, it looks like it only comes in red.  How appropriate.

Read More | Vice Versa via BoingBoing
