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Just one more reason why Google is so awesome – granted this isn’t an official Google page, but it should be. Paul Rademacher has made an application of Google Maps to find a new home using residential listings from Craigslist. Now you can search for a new home, get directions for it and pictures of it from one place. If satellite view was implemented, as stated by Inside Google, that would be awesome.
Read More | Google Maps + Craigslist App via Inside Google
Current Gen Xbox Games Will Be Released Through 2007

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Video Games,
Good news for all current and future Xbox owners, Microsoft has informed Reuters that they plan to keep releasing games for their current system up to 2007. The company also stated that 2007 is not a definite stop – they could keep making games well beyond that point. Even though their new system is anticipated to be released by the end of this year, the current Xbox will not be forgotten. Microsoft has not yet stated if the Xbox successor will be backwards compatible – we are just going to wait until May 16th to find out. If it is, though, then why would they make such a big deal about supporting the current Xbox with software? Nonetheless, until we can cough up the cash for the Xbox 360, we can keep our current Xbox game collection happy with fresh titles.
Read More | Yahoo! News
nVidia SLI Website Launched

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Internet, PC / Laptop, Peripherals,
nVidia has launched their website specific to their SLI products. The website is filled with a wealth of information such as reviews, educational material, and even a section devoted to teach you how to build your very own SLI system. This is a sure bookmark for all the gamers out there. Check it out.
Read More | SLI Zone
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PS3 To Be Unveiled Before Xbox 2/360

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Corporate News, Video Games,
Sony sets to beat Microsoft to the punch by unveiling its next generation gaming console just 3 hours before Microsoft shows off its console. The unveiling will take place on a sound stage in Sony Pictures’ complex in Culver City (just outside of L.A.) at 3 P.M. PST on May 16th. Three hours later, Microsoft will show off its next generation console to eager fans and members of the media in downtown Los Angeles. Wow, talk about making us really push our driving/taxi taking skills to a limit. With each event taking place at different locations and only 3 hours apart is really going to cut it short. It will all be worth it at the end when we will finally get to salivate over real pictures of what these two consoles look like and just what we will be calling them when we place our pre-orders.
Read More | GameIndustry
Seiko Espon claims that this is the world’s lightest and smallest robot copter - hard to argue, as this thing weighs just 8.9 grams. The helicopter had four legs, four actuators, and two rotors. which allow it to stay balanced in the air. While it requires an external power source, it can be controlled remotely. These little guys were introduced at the International Robot Exhibition in Tokyo.
Read More | Ananova
Okay, if you used I Love Bees as a way to find out anything you could about Halo 2 in advance, you can now do it all over again with Many are speculating that this will be the covert Xbox 2/360 spoiler site - and it has already delivered. The following two images were found on the OurColony webspace:
Now, put these images together and you get the following:
Now, this is all fairly suspect, but it is all there. Couple that with these two supposed leaked Xbox 2/360 prototype controller images, and it all seems to start coming together. I would bet that the final controller will look a bit more ergonomic than these, but the wireless feature is pretty much a lock to stay:
Read More | Joystiq
If there is any country that tries to integrate Internet technology into just about anything they can, its gotta be Japan. Case in point, the i-Pot from Zojurushi Corp.. Not to be confused with the marijuana scented MP3 player, the i-Pot is simply a hot pot which monitors its own usage and posts these statistics to the Internet. The reasoning behind this is that since hot pots are a common household appliance in Japan, one that reports usage results to a web page can aid in determining when someone elderly isn’t doing too well. One can monitor how often the pot is refilled with water, how long it warms water, when it dispenses water, etc. If there are odd breaks in ones tea drinking routine, the i-Pot statistics page will make it known through its twice a day reporting mechanism.
Read More | Product Page (Google Translated) via
Now this is cool. Dynamic Bicycles has developed a line of chainless bikes. All axles and gears are fully enclosed, which means no oil left prone to getting on your clothes - and without a chain, your clothes have nothing to get snagged on either. The main component here is Shimano’s internal gearing. This is pretty much the equivalent of an automatic car in the bicycle world. The company sells both mountain bikes and the more casual “hybrid” road bike. The bikes range in price from $549-749 USD. Not sure what I am so excited about though, as I never had a need to learn how to ride a bike growing up in New York City. Stop laughing.
Read More | Dynamic Bicycles
Al Gore Unveils Interactive Current TV

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Home Entertainment, Internet,
Current TV is the $70 million dollar cable channel that is seeking to appease 18-35 year old viewers who have short attention spans. Former United States Veep, Al Gore, unveiled Current TV this week in San Francisco saying that they have no intention of creating a Democratic channel, a liberal channel, or any other sort of political outlet. Gore said Current TV is empowering this generation of young people in their 20s to tell their stories through the dominant medium of our time.
Current TV will feature programming like Current Playlist for music, Current Gigs for jobs, Current Soul for religion and so on. Starting to see the point? The content segments are called “pods” and will range in length from 15 seconds to 5 minutes.
Gore also wants to tie the Internet and television together. One way of doing this is by paying a minimum of $250 for a 1-5 minute segment uploaded by Current TV viewers. This is a pretty cool idea, would we expect anything less from the inventor of the Internet? In a nutshell, Current TV wants to create the kind of TV you want to watch. You can upload segments through Current Studio where they will be screened by staff and possibly voted on over the Internet. They don’t want “fictional narratives” or “experimental films better suited to film fests than TV” either. I mean, how are they gonna sell advertising with that stuff showing?
Read More | Current TV via NewsMax
In news that just boggles my mind, it appears that Microsoft may delay the next version of the Windows operating system, Longhorn, to 2007. Friends, that is two years away. Now, Windows XP was released in 2001, so you do the math. Now, Microsoft Windows users aren’t the only ones suffering in this situation. If Longhorn is pushed back by a few quarters, Microsoft partners are going to be left out in the cold yet again. Sales projections, which they have been counting on, will once again be thrown off. My goodness Bill, can’t you fix this? I guess we can expect even more features to be stripped from Longhorn. Yet another reason to make the switch I guess.
Read More | Yahoo! News