On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone


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Tiger World Premiere Speaking of Tiger, if you happen to be in close proximity to an Apple store when it launches, stop by and check it out. Apple stores will be demoing the software, and if you attend the world premiere event at an Apple store between 6:00 pm and midnight on the April 29 launch, you could win a PowerBook G4, an iPod or other prizes. Nice way to make Apple stores even more crowded than they already are.

Read More | Apple Store


Tiger Review Paul from WinSupersite.com got his hands on the final version of Mac OS X Tiger and put it through the paces. He has posted his review, which goes surprisingly in depth, and seems to walk away a bit underwhelmed. Not that there is a major problem with Tiger, but rather he notes that the 200 additions really don’t amount to much. Rather, Spotlight and Dashboard are really the only significant upgrades to an already solid OS platform.

Contrary to Apple’s hyperbolic claims of “200 new features,” Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger includes, in my opinion, only two major new features, Spotlight and Dashboard, and both were clearly influenced by other existing products and services. In this section, we’ll examine both of these major new features.

Read More | WinSuperSite

DescriptionYet another cool thing you can do using the PSP web browser hack. If you point your browser to http://mob.e-messenger.net/mobile/ you are able to sign in to your MSN Messenger account. This allows you to use the PSP to instant message your MSN contacts, no downloads needed.

Read More | Mobile Messenger

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The guys over at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a plastic which changes shape depending of what wavelength of light it is exposed to. An example of this technology would be a plastic flower which would “bloom” when exposed to light. Shining a different wavelength of light on the flower would cause it to close up. Now, the goal here is that these plastics would be able to provide significant medical advancements. On example might be to insert a thin piece of plastic into an artery, and have it change its shape into a corkscrew to keep it open.

Read More | ScienceBlog

Description OurColony.net has become very popular, especially after the controversy surrounding it. We decided to jump aboard and enjoy the ride by creating our own colony. Join the Gear Live colony and put your brains to the test by helping to solve some of the toughest puzzles you have ever seen.

Point your web browser to the main page, OurColony.net, and enter “Play” (without the quotes) in the space provided. Click on the ant and you will now be directed to a “lounge”. Here you can either join a colony or create one. Click on the “Join Existing Colony” link on top. You are now at a page asking you for a password. The password to join our team is 21903555, enter it on the password field and click the ant logo. You are now directed to a registration page where you fill out all the usual stuff you can expect to see when registering for a new membership.

That’s it. You’re all set and ready to start tackling the puzzles and getting to see the mouth-watering pictures everyone keeps talking about. Remember to tell your friends, the more people that are involved the more interesting it gets. Once you join, head on over to the Gear Live forums to discuss the puzzles, or just to talk about the latest technology and trends.

OurColony.netThere has been a lot of buzz and controversy surrounding a new community based web site, OurColony.net. Many people believe this site to be the work of 4orty2wo Entertainment employed by Microsoft in a big Ad campaign to promote their Xbox 360 gaming console. Of course, Microsoft denies such allegations. Just what is OurColony.net all about? OurColony.net is an Alternate Reality Game where members are given riddles and puzzles in the form of challenges and encouraged to work as a team, or colony, to solve it. The team is then rewarded with points and some images of what seems to be Xbox 360 hardware and software. The question still remains, is this really an ad campaign, thus making the images earned on the website the real deal? Let’s take a look at the facts and theories.

Click to continue reading OurColony.net Xbox 2/360 Speculation

Floppy Drive RobotHere’s a little something to do with that old floppy drive that you no longer have a need for. Ohmslaw.com has some nicely laid out instructions on turning a floppy drive into a robot. The instructions for the Floppy Robot are for a 3.5"drive - but never fear. There are also instructions for the 5.25” Floppy II.

Read More | Floppy The Robot

DescriptionDon’t know how old this is, but I just saw it, and thought it was awesome. If you type in a tracking number into Google’s search bar, your search results will simply be a link to your tracking status. It’s little things like this that make us love Google the way we do. That would be, in a good way. There are a few other things you can do just by typing numbers into Google, such as UPC codes, VIN numbers, and more.

Read More | Google Search By Number

RaytheonThe computers in Minority Report were cool. So cool, that the US government has plans to use a similar setup to manage the vast amounts of data that needs to be handled in that line of work. They have a company called Raytheon working on the technology, and they have even hired the man who came up with the idea for the movie, John Underkoffler. He believes that a mouse and keyboard limits what you can do with data. The system would react to a pair of gloves which are monitored by sensors, which then control what appears on the screen.

Read More | NewScientist

Olympus m:robe caseDespite the disappointing sales of the Olympus m:robe (I guess the millions spent during the Super Bowl didn’t help), Olympus continues to support the product. The m:robe MR-100 and MR-500 units get protective cases, remote controls, cradles, and a few other add-ons. If you have one of these units, check out the accessories. It never hurts to have a case that both fits your DAP, and also allows you to control it comfortably.

Read More | Olympus m:robe Accessory Page
