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“MTV Presents: The Next Generation Xbox Revealed” will be broadcast around the world. Local market times are as follows:
North America: Thursday, May 12, at 9:30 p.m. (21:30)
Japan/Asia: Friday, May 13, at 11:30
Europe: France: Friday, May 13, at 19:00
Germany: Friday, May 13, at 19:00
Italy: Friday, May 13, at 23:30
Netherlands: Friday, May 13, at 19:30
Poland: Friday, May 13, at 21:00
Portugal: Friday, May 13, at 20:00
Romania: Friday, May 13, at 20:00
Scandinavia: Friday, May 13, at 22:00
Spain: Friday, May 13, at 21:30
U.K.: Friday, May 13, at 20:00
Australia: Friday, May 13, at 19:00
Microsoft has finally made all the details about their upcoming Xbox 2/360 reveal on MTV public knowledge. Hosted by Elijah Wood and The Killers, MTV Presents: The Next Generation Xbox Revealed will be a 30-minute special focused on the next generation Xbox. Microsoft is aiming big on this one, as the show will air on MTV channels in the US, Asia, and Europe all within 24 hours - an industry first. The MTV website will continue providing Xbox 2/360 coverage after the show airs, and let’s be honest, a commercial-laden 30 minute show which also features a performance or two by The Killers isn’t going to provide a whole lot of depth as far as the Xbox 360 goes. Check out the full press release after the jump.
Click to continue reading Xbox 2/360 To Be Revealed On MTV
GameStop / Electronics Boutique Merger Conference

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Corporate News,
If you haven’t heard by now, GameStop has made the decision to purchase Electronics Boutique for $1.44 billion. This may not seem like that big a deal to the casual gamer, since both GameStop and EB Games stores are often quite interchangable, but the big thing here is what is going on behind the scenes. The merger will create about 3200 GameStop stores nationwide, giving them almost as much video game selling power as the almight Wal-Mart. Check out the online merger announcement webcast from GameStop.
Read More | GameStop-EB Games Merger Webcast
Latest Gear Live Videos
TDK To Begin Making Blu-Ray Media

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Corporate News, Home Entertainment,
It looks like TDK has obtained a licensing agreement with Sony to start the manufacturing and distribution of Blu-Ray media. The rewritable discs will be called TDK Professional Discs and will store a whopping 23.3 GB of data. The transfer rate of these bad boys is 72 Mbps, and they will be compatible with Sony’s Professional Disc System, XDCAM. The discs should be available this June. The future is coming, friends.
Read More | CDFreaks
Doom 3 has recently come out on Xbox after being on the PC for quite some time, and you might have thought that ID Software would show the same trailers to promote the Xbox version that they used for the PC edition. Not so. Instead, ID Software took a unique approach to their advertising of Doom 3 for the Xbox. ID combined a real life scene leading in to game footage. Some of the first words you hear in this 30 second TV Spot are, “You’re going to die.” This is a very interesting approach to attract customers, but it’s working. ID teamed up with a company called Anonymous Content to help them put this creative ad together. You can check it out here.
Read More | GameDaily
Speed Up Windows XP Boot Time

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Mods / Hacks, PC / Laptop, Software,
If you are someone always looking to gain as much speed from your PC as possible, you will likely appreciate a few of the tweaks offered by Hacking Windows XP. In chapter 8, which is featured on ExtremeTech, it goes through many different ways of optimizing the settings in Windows XP and your computer BIOS which result in faster boot time. This is probably more for the casual PC user, rather the the elite geeks out there. While reading, I didn’t really come across anything I personally didn’t already know. Still, it’s a good read.
Read More | ExtremeTech
Interestingly enough, it turns out that some of the music on President Bush’s iPod is pirated if you go by RIAA standards. You see, George made it public knowledge that a friend of his loaded some of his music onto his iPod. That would be like you syncing your iTunes library to your friends iPod. That would be a no-no, no matter how ridiculous it sounds. So the folks at Downhill Battle want to make an example. They have registered the domain name in the spirit of showing the RIAA how stupid all these lawsuits are. If they were so concerned about piracy, why not sue George Bush? After all, he admitted it. If you want to run, Downhill Battle is giving the domain away. They will even host it for you if your content is deemed worthy.
Read More | Downhill Battle
Gear Live Playlist: Hot Hot Heat and Ben Folds Album Reviews

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Music, Product Reviews,
Another edition, another change to the Playlist format. From now on, we’re going to be reviewing discs weekly, with two releases reviewed in each edition. This week we have a disc from indie rockers Hot Hot Heat, and another solo release from singer/songwriter Ben Folds, enjoy.
Click to continue reading Gear Live Playlist: Hot Hot Heat and Ben Folds Album Reviews
This week’s release list is filled with action and comedy – genres sure to appeal to the majority. Topping this week’s list is Meet The Fockers. This hilarious sequel to the hit Meet The Parents will keep you entertained from beginning to end. This time we meet Gaylord’s (Ben Stiller) parents whom live in Florida and live a completely different lifestyle than Jack’s (Robert De Niro). Be sure to pick this one up this week. If action is what you are looking for then House of Flying Daggers is for you. This one comes loaded with great choreography and sharp flying weapons. If you enjoy martial arts films with great directing and visual eye candy, you’ll love this one.
Meet The Fockers ~ Universal Pictures
Microsoft and Warner Brothers Team Up On High Definition Media

Posted by Jesse Easley Categories: Home Entertainment, Movies,
Microsoft and Warner brothers have announced that they will be teaming up to streamline the retail release of high definition movies and TV shows. Warner Brothers will be producing HD-DVDs using Microsoft’s VC-1 Standard - Windows Media Player 9. VC-1 is the mandatory codec for HD DVD and Blu-Ray discs. Blair Westlake, the corporate vice president for Microsoft Media, says, “Warner Brothers plan to use VC-1 for the release of HD DVDs presents consumers with exciting new options for watching high-definition content.”
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