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OurColony.net 4/20/05 Reward

The latest challenge from OurColony.net gave us an image of what looks to be a console as a reward. It is very possible this could be the next generation gaming console from Microsoft judging from what we already know of what they want to do with it. Let’s analyze the picture.

Click to continue reading Another Piece Of the Xbox 360 Puzzle


Sony Toshiba Sony and Toshiba are said to be as close to an agreement on the next gen DVD standard which could be announced as soon as the end of the month. This is great news for us technology hounds. Usually it’s the lack of an industry standard that keeps us waiting. The compromise will allow Sony to use it’s Blu-Ray structure on Toshiba’s HD-DVDs. Sony’s Blu-Ray discs hold 50GB vs Toshiba’s HD-DVD at 30GB. However, by using Toshiba’s HD-DVDs, DVD facilities won’t have to do as much retooling as Sony’s format would require. Don’t get your hopes up too high just yet, nothing is a done deal until it’s signed, sealed, and delivered. Here is a bit more on the issue.

Read More | ARS Technica

Power Pad Nintendo Power Glove MIDI

Assuming that you may not know what MIDI controller is, here’s a quick explanation:

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a computer based musical language that has been expanded since it’s inception in the early 1980’s.  MIDI controllers come in many forms - most of them keyboard format. They are used to “control” the respective software integrated with the host computer.

So what did Jeff Hoefs do that is so special? He made a cool mod using a Nintendo Power Pad and Power Glove, which he can now use as a MIDI controller. Nerds unite and check out this site.

Read More |MAKE: Blog

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Seagate Notebook Hard DriveIn today’s high tech world, when talking about hard drive space, we have become accustomed to the large amounts of data that hard drives can hold these days. Of course, it’s no wonder with music and video downloads becoming more popular every day. So why not carry around all those files on your laptop? In response to user demand for more space on their portable computers, Seagate has announced its new 120GB and 100GB hard drive will begin shipping. The 120 GB hard drives are the largest of their kind and will be available at 5400 RPM speeds. The 100 GB drive hits 7200 RPM. The company claims these new drives have more efficient power consumption over previous models and should also be a lot quieter. The drives are expected to hit the market in May. Check out the full press release after the jump.

Click to continue reading Seagate 120GB Laptop Drive Coming Soon

Pope Benedict Cuff LinksHani Durzy, a spokesman for eBay, commented on the items representing the new Pope, “It was almost immediate that we started to see Pope Benedict items and memorabilia come onto the site.” You can get everything from prayer cards (ranging @ 1.19) to watches (12.99) to various signed photos ($795 and up). Some people will just buy anything, won’t they?

Read More |CNN.com

DescriptionStar Wars fans are already excited for the new movie, but now they have another thing to look forward to.  Alienware has announced a “Light-side” and “Dark-side” PC that are completely related to Star Wars.  The PCs are painted with Star Wars art that will appeal to all fans. As a bonus the PCs come with movie soundtracks, wallpapers, desktop skins, fan club membership and game demos. While we are sure they will be out of the price range for most, Star Wars fans have been known to buy some odd paraphenelia.

Read More | AlienWare PC

D-Link Gaming Router

There’s nothing quite like playing your favorite game online. Be it through Xbox Live, Playstation Online, or PC games, chances are that if your gaming rig connects to the Internet via a router that you have at one time or another experienced lag. There’s nothing more frustrating than experiencing lag when your score is 22 kills on Halo 2 while second place has a mere 10 kills. D-Link realizes that gamers want a reliable router for gaming without sacrificing security when using the router on typical home networks, so they have brought the D-Link DGL-4300 Wireless Gaming Router to the table. The router is optimized for playing your favorite games online and is Xbox Live compatible. The Gaming Router comes loaded with security protocols such as WPA, WEP, SPI, and NAT to ensure that your network stays secured. Check out the full specs on the product page.

Read More | D-Link Product Page

Playboy Station Portable Tired of trying to convert your own “collection” into the right format for your PSP?  You no longer have to if you are over 18 and have an account at Playboy.com.  That’s right, Playboy has come out with PSP content that you can download for your on-the-go viewing pleasure, perfectly formatted for the PSP screen. If you don’t have an account, you can download the free version - sorry kids, no nudity for free.  Playboy did something similar when the iPod Photo launched and it was a huge success.

Read More | Playboy

Sims 2 consoleTo absolutely no surprise whatsoever, EA announced that they will be releasing the Sims 2 on all the home consoles and the DS and PSP. What’s the difference? EA continues to lure its fans to buy every version some way or another by tweaking small details.  PC gamers led their Sims around clicking on objects, or other Sims, and choosing an action. Console gamers will be the first to experience direct control of their character.  The portable versions will include storylines alongside the playable characters.

Read More | GameSpot

AMD Dual Core AthlonRight on the heels of Intel announcing they were sending their dual-core chips out to PC manufacturer’s, AMD has announced they will be doing the same. Even better, the dual-core Athlon chips will be compatible with existing motherboards, and will only require a firmware update to take advantage of the speed. Dual core Opterons will also be launched tomorrow as well.

(Thanks antman22!)

Read More | The Inquirer
