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In continuation of the Xbox 360 image, this picture was posted on Team Xbox forums of the same console, this time with more detail. As you can see, the chrome part is indeed the hard drive – labeled at 40GB! To add more fuel to the fire, the image given to us as a reward on seems to be a part of this picture. We’ll just have to wait just a few more weeks until we see for ourselves.
( Thanks Wolfeman! )
Update: We have received another reward on This time it’s the memory card unit. Seems that the next Xbox will use a 64MB card instead of the current 8MB.
Update #2: Thanks to some investigative reporting by Playfeed Editor Jesse, he has confirmed the images with his sources and the memory card - stating that Microsoft has just upped the memory card up to 64MB.
It looks like Rio has finally gotten around to updating the drive in the Carbon digital audio player. 6 GB is the gist, and you can pick one up for
$230 on June 1. We think the Carbon is a good piece of equipment, for what it’s worth.
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Here is what we believe to be the final version of the Xbox 360. Sleek and elegant, is it not? Notice the lack of controller ports? Looks like they are going wireless after all; but what is the port on the bottom left, and the one at the far right?
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Thanks to everyone who sent this in. Looks like this is the final (or as close to the final as we are going to get) design of the Xbox 360 video game console. Concave in the middle, like we expected. Also has a platform which appears to allow it to stand on its side. Interestingly enough, there are two memory card slots on the front, a power button, an eject button, and some other button. There is a mystery port on the left, and what could possibly be a hard drive port on the right. Thoughts?
(Thanks gotkian!)
The New York Post, which is not the most accurate source in the world, is reporting that the Motion Picture Association of America might have possibly tipped of the NYPD to the locations of illegal street vendors selling pirated versions of their movies. Nothing wrong with that. The sticky part is that it is being reported that they then offered gratuities to officers if and when they made the arrests. That is the illegal part. Two officers are currently under investigation, and the MPAA is denying any wrongdoing.
Read More | NY Post
The Giga Vu Pro looks like a worthy contender in the PVP market, mainly due to its size. Our biggest complaint with most portable video players is that they are either too large to really be portable, or too small to watch a movie on. This one has a 3.8-inch transflexive, color LCD (320 x 240 pixel) touch-sensitive screen. For me touch screens are excellent on PVP’s, and the Archos AV400 was almost an annoyance because it didn’t have one. The Giga Vu Pro has a 60 GB internal drive, which is enough to hold quite a few movies, photos, and MP3 tracks. The unit also has a TV Out port, which is nice - but it lacks a video in port. This means that it will not act as a portable PVR. It can be had for about $530. has the new Xbox 2/360 MTV Ad on their “In Construction” page. Using some video editing effects, the commercial is definitely cool - the video brings goose bumps just watching the teaser. You will need Quicktime to view it. Check it out and tell us what you think.
View The Video | Xbox 2/360 MTV Ad via
Okay guys, we know how much you all love video games. It has gotten to the point where we decided, what the heck, let’s move it to its own dedicated spot on the interweb. The result? Gear Live and the I4U Network have launched a new site dedicated to video games - Playfeed. We plan to make Playfeed become to gaming news what Gear Live is to gadgets and technology. We kick it off big with a roundtable looking at what Nintendo needs to do at this years E3 Expo. We are also looking for a few good men (or women!) interested in being an editor on the new site. If it is something you are interested in, drop us a line at andru [at] Either way, check out the new site.
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The E3 rumor mill has been buzzing quite loudly over the past few weeks. People are excited about what Microsoft is doing with the Xbox 2/360. People are curious about how Sony is going to use the PlayStation 3 to combat the hype machine that the next generation Xbox has been generating. And Nintendo…well…Nintendo has people buzzing for a different reason. We have been hearing that Nintendo may choose to play down the Revolution at E3 – and that is if they even choose to show it at all. Does it really matter if Nintendo shows the Revolution or not? Is Zelda enough for a successful show for Nintendo? The Playfeed editors take this issue to task in our Nintendo at E3 Roundtable.
Click to continue reading Should Nintendo Bring The Revolution To E3?
Google will now remember all of your search history, and they advertise this as a good thing. I’ll admit we have wasted much time looking for a particular site again when we didn’t remember the specifics of the search. But is it a good thing to remember all of our searches? We don’t think so. There are some I wouldn’t want anyone to see. Possibly even some that I wouldn’t even want to see again. Luckily, the feature can be paused - but it remains on by default.
Read More | Google My Search History FAQ