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Yahoo! Games to Introduce Cross-Platform Poker

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Internet, Portable/Mobile,
While I’m not the biggest poker player in the world, I do think this is the start of something that can prove to be very successful. At E3, Yahoo! Games is going to show their new poker game which will allow people accessing the service either from a PC or a mobile phone to play against each other. If Yahoo! decides to develop this technology, which makes perfect sense for them to do, we can expect to see even more of a blurring of the line between PC gaming and mobile gaming.
“Our goal at Yahoo! Games is to provide a dynamic, thriving online community that unites and connects gamers of all ages and tastes,” said Geoff Graber, general manager of Yahoo! Games. “We’re excited to lead the industry in building the best multiplayer games and deliver a multiplayer mobile game, Yahoo! Poker, which lets people play friends anytime, anywhere and on any device.”
Full release after the jump.
Click to continue reading Yahoo! Games to Introduce Cross-Platform Poker
We have seen the images of the actual console, and now we have what we think will end up being the official logo. The logo looks similar to the current Xbox graphic, replacing the large green “X” with the green “ring of light” circles.
Read More | Xbox Scene
I am thinking that, while only 5% of computers sold are Mac’s, today’s Tiger release is going to be a big deal. Despite the efforts of some to see that it didn’t happen, Apple is going to be launching Tiger in a big way. Be sure to hit your local Apple Store to be a part of the festivities.
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I have come to learn that Peter Molyneux’s team over at Lionhead Studios can tend to me more flash than substance. I remember buying the original Black and White years ago at launch because of all that I had read about it for years prior to that. As it turned out, the game was just okay. Now, a trailer for the sequel has hit the Internet, and while it looks good, to me it seems a bit too close to the original. Take a look and decide for yourself.
Read More | 3DGamer
Griffin TuneJuice 9-Volt iPod Battery Pack

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Portable Audio / Video,
If your iPod seems to be running out of steam at the most inopportune moments, then the Griffin TuneJuice might be your kind of thing. Simply put, it is a backup battery for dockable iPod/iPod mini units which is powered by a 9 volt battery. I can’t even name the last time that I actually purchased a 9 volt battery, but maybe that’s just me. The TuneJuice will provide another 8 hours of life to a partially charged iPod, but only 4 hours if the iPod is completely drained. You can pick one up for $20 bucks.
Read More | Griffin TuneJuice
Time for another weekly column, Gear Live style. Our new columnist, Devin Roberson, will be bringing you the latest from the entertainment world each week in her column, The Final Cut. Why Devin? Well, for starters she is into movies and television. Secondly, she jives with our steelo. This week she gives us a bit of background on The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy:
This Friday gives us the release of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, a movie based on a 1978 radio comedy series by Doug Adams, who also wrote the screenplay(along with Karey Kirkpatrick) for this film. Many fans of the Guide may also remember Adams’ “trilogy” of 5 books(the series was first dubbed a trilogy after the release of the 3rd book, and the title has stuck ever since) that he began writing shortly after the radio series: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (1979), The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (1980), Life, the Universe, and Everything (1982), So Long and Thanks For All the Fish (1984), and Mostly Harmless (1992).
Click to continue reading The Final Cut: A Look at The Hitchhiker’s Guide Movie and History
Tiger Direct Tries To Knock OS X Tiger Off Course

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Corporate News, Software,
I love stupid lawsuits - they put a smile on my face. This is why I chuckled with glee as I read the email telling me of how Tiger Direct - one of the worst IT resellers around - has decided to sue Apple over the Tiger moniker. Apparently, they don’t like how Apple has been referring to their new operating system as “Tiger”, and go on to say that the suit is meant “to stop further damage to Tiger Direct’s well-known Tiger brand.” Wow. Good thing they waited until the day before Tiger is set to be released to drop that one on us. Good show.
Read More | Bloomberg
For those not keeping track, today marks the two year anniversary of Apple’s launch of the iTunes Music Store, accompanied by its proprietary DRM format which would only play on an iPod. Sure, Real has tried and tried again with Harmony to get onto Apple’s popular little player, but Apple doesn’t like it. Alas, I await the day that iTunes offers a choice of format to download, so the tracks can be played on any player I want. Bah, who am I kidding? Ever since I discovered sites like this, I haven’t had a need for iTunes.
Sweet, sweet 70’s and 80’s bliss. Atari will soon be releasing this throwback Atari 2600 system for $30 bucks. It comes preloaded with 40 games, and this time it has A/V cables instead of an RF unit. Reminisce the 2 bit world with the wood canvas and the sweet joysticks.
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The ability to pick and choose your music collection through an online music store is great. Shelling out $13 for a CD where only two or three songs are to your liking is not our kind of deal – hence the popularity of online music stores. However, what about the users without broadband or those people that still do not have a CD burner? That’s where Wal-Mart wants to capitalize. Now you have the option to pick and choose what songs you want on a CD and have Wal-Mart burn the CD, pretty it up with nice graphics, and mail it out to you. All this for a price of $4.62 for three songs, and 88 cents for each additional song with shipping set at $1.97. This is a nice alternative for some - we will stick with Russia for our music.
Read More | Wal-Mart Product Page via Yahoo News