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In what might be described as the height of irony, Rockstar's next foray into theft and mass murder, has itself been stolen and has begun making its rounds through various 'warez' sites. Not to worry, since it won't effect next week's release on Tuesday. Even if you did find a copy, you'd need a modded PS2 in order to play it, so potential users are in the vast minority. We're seeing a trend here. Last week, Microsoft faced a similar theft, when a French copy of "Halo 2" was also snagged and distributed. I'm sure you'll also remember the "HalfLife2" code theft as well.
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But in this case, is it wrong to expect more? The Gear Live editors present their case after the jump.
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With all the recent Nintendo DS coverage, we at Gear Live didn't want you to think we're not looking forward to Sony's upcoming portable. Just last week, it was announced that the PSP would support MP3 playback as stored on a Memory Stick Duo card, sold separately. With analogue controls, a vividly bright screen, wireless capability, and UMD disc-based storage (read: more detailed and richer sounding games), what's not to love? In addition, it will provide about the same graphical processing power of a PS2, which is leagues better than Nintendo's upcoming DS. Third party support should be strong as well, as evidenced by Activision's recent announcement that it will be launching versions of SpiderMan 2 and Tony Hawk's Underground 2 with the unit when it arrives here in the states early next year.
Much more PSP love to be found by clicking here for the PSP Thread on the Gear Live Message Boards.

Click to continue reading Free Stuff: The Internet’s New Craze
A couple of months ago, ColorWare took our iPod and gave it the golden treatment. After such a stellar job, we decided to find out what they could do with a game console. We sent ColorWare our regular black XBOX along with a controller, and they sent them back white as snow. We take a closer look after the jump.
Click to continue reading Color-Ware XBOX Paint Mod
Gear Live Playlist: Public Enemy, Interpol, Jimmy Eat World, Sum 41, Eyeada & Abilities

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories:

"Now consumers no longer have to scribble down the names of songs they've discovered and wait until they get home to download them onto their computers," Sam Hall, vice president of mMode services for AT&T Wireless, said in a statement. "The convenience and immediacy of our mobile digital music store lets users remotely explore and buy digital music while on the move."
Rumor: 60 GB iPod With Color Screen and Video Out?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Portable Audio / Video, is reporting on a rumor as old as time itself (ok, thats a slight exaggeration, but am I the only one who feels like this has been a rumor for the longest time?). The rumor of a 60GB iPod has been around for a while as well as the rumor of a color screen. Now, according to, it will only be a rumor for about 30 to 60 more days. The device (as mentioned earlier) will have a 60GB hard drive capabable of holding up to 20,000 music tracks and 25,000 photos. Of course file size and quality will affect these numbers but not by much with such a large drive. The screen size will remain the same, but the two inch screen would be in color, and of a higher resolution. Big news is the new video out option to view all your photos on your television/projector. Apparently, the iPod would sync not only with iTunes, but also with iPhoto. If this ever materializes, look for the new iPod to cost $499 USD.
We will have more on this as the story becomes official, until then, remember, its only a rumor (but hey, wasn't the internet created for rumor sites about Apple?).
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