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Star Fox 64 3D launches September 2011

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Adventure, E3, Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS, Portable/Mobile,
Nintendo has announced Star Fox 64 3D for the Nintendo 3DS portable. The game will support both analog movement, as well as supporting the Nintendo 3DS accelerometer, allowing you to simply tilt the console to fly throughout the vast levels. The other big feature touted is that you'll be able to see the faces of up to three other friends who you are playing multiplayer with, thanks to the Nintendo 3DS front camera. Each player will have a small box over their vehicle, where you can see exactly who is in control. Star Fox 64 3D will be available in September 2011 in the US.
Luigi’s Mansion 2 announced for Nintendo 3DS

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Adventure, E3, Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS,
It's been years since the original Luigi's Mansion game hit the scene, but Nintendo is finally set to release a sequel. At its E3 2011 media briefing, Luigi's Mansion 2 was announced, and it'll be a Nintendo 3DS exclusive. No release date was given, but it certainly looks like a title that'll highlight what the 3DS can do.
Mass Effect 3 delayed until 2012

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Adventure, PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,
Gamers hoping to find Mass Effect 3 under the Christmas tree this year are out of luck. The latest installment of BioWare's popular mature-themed sci-fi franchise has been delayed until the first quarter of 2012, the company said Wednesday.
"Mass Effect 3 will be released in the first three months of 2012. The development team is laser-focused on making sure Mass Effect 3 is the biggest, boldest and best game in the series, ensuring that it exceeds everyone's expectations," BioWare executive producer Casey Hudson posted on Facebook.
The follow-up to Mass Effect 2 was originally slated for release in time for the 2011 holiday season, according to various gaming websites, though some have already updated that information to reflect the delayed release of the RPG third-person shooter.
Click to continue reading Mass Effect 3 delayed until 2012
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GDC 2011: New Mario title coming for 3DS, Ocarina Of Time 3D coming in June

Posted by Alex Lifschitz Categories: Adventure, Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS, Platformers,
(Image courtesy of
According to the information from the Iwata keynote today at GDC 2011, there's a new Mario title on the way from the Galaxy team for the Nintendo 3DS. The placeholder logo has a tail attached, as pointed out by Iwata, claiming more will be revealed at E3 this year. According to him, the 3DS technology allowed Shigeru Miyamoto to address a fundamental problem with 3D location and platforming mechanics. I'd give more credit to Nintendo than to take the obvious route and link the logo imagery to the Tanooki suit, so expect a new game mechanic unique enough to warrant a logo slot.
Aditionally, it was announced that the 3D remaster of Zelda: Ocarina of Time will be hitting on June 7th. Along with 3D functionality, the game has recieved a graphical overhaul so it doesn't look quite as fugly as the N64 version. This will continue the Nintendo release strategy of using our childhoods to plaster their headquarters with money, and there's still plenty of time to hear more about the game before you decide to purchase it, so keep your eyes open for more coverage in the coming months.
Real-life Fallout 3 Helmet

Posted by Drea Avellan Categories: Adventure, Culture, Role Playing Games,
I am known to dabble in the arts - I paint, draw, and like to make a mess with glue. However, don't ever confuse this with being in the least crafty. I cannot make anything myself, which is a great loss when Halloween comes around. Unlike me, Josh Jay probably got all the candy on the block.
Josh is the creator of this amazing Fallout 3 helmet. Why he crafted this stunningly detailed piece is unknown, but those reasons don't matter. It is awesome.
To see pictures of the step-by-step process, you can view his Facebook galleries:
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood now available for $34.99 on Amazon

Posted by Drea Avellan Categories: Adventure, Hot Deals, PlayStation 3, Ubisoft, Xbox 360,
This goes out to all my broke Assassin's Creed fans. I know what it's like; the next instalment of your favorite game comes out, one you have been waiting for what feels like a lifetime. But there is one big, big problem -- you don't have an extra 60 bucks to shell out for a video game. Things like rent, baby diapers, and holidays often get in the way of what we really want. Well, I think I can help. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is available for $34.99 on Amazon for both Xbox 360 and PS3 platforms--that's a savings of 42%. Sure, it's not free but every little bit helps!
The Legend of Zelda prototype appears, try it now

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Adventure, Nintendo, Retro,
Then as Zelda no Densetsu for the Famicon Disc System, this early prototype shows a considerably less difficult adventure for Link to conquer: enemies appear less frequently and rupees aparantly grow on trees. Other changes include minor differences in character design, such as the whiskers on the Pols Voice as seen in the pictures above (FDS version pictured left).
Click that read link to try out the rarest build of Zelda no Densetsu known to man!
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Lara Croft gets reinvented for Tomb Raider reboot

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Adventure, Eidos, PlayStation 3, Square Enix, Xbox 360,
Tomb Raider has never been a game about pushing the boundaries of the character. Lara Croft herself served as the main attraction, using her alluring sexuality to coerce fan boys into controlling her around through uninspired sequel after sequel. While the gameplay was a novel innovation back in the PS One days, Lara Croft – and Tomb Raider in particular – has been spinning her tires in a rut. Not one to let character die, Crystal Dynamics finally has decided to bring Lara in for rehabilitation.
What is it that drives the story of a game? Is it the action? Or perhaps it is the environment? Certainly these things matter, but what drives them is the character. Great stories are moved along by the characters. The old Lara Croft really had nothing going for her. She’s the trophy wife – a hot chick you married too quickly only to realize just how vapid she really is. Sure you raid tombs and look hot doing it, but why do you do it, Lara? Are you truly happy?
Ironically, Toby Gard designed the character of Lara Croft as a reaction against stereotypes. But look at Lara Croft today and she is the biggest ‘F’-you to female gamers everywhere. Saddening considering the character behind the double D’s is an intriguing one: a wealthy and well educated aristocrat searching for her own way in life.
Transforming Lara into a believable character that is both accessible and strong willed is no simple task. Global Brand Director Karl Stewart and Art Director Brian Horton had to strip down the old Lara Croft in order to birth a new, more authentic person in her place.
Click to continue reading Lara Croft gets reinvented for Tomb Raider reboot
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Fable III gets DLC in the form of afros and a new town

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Adventure, Downloadable Content, Microsoft, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Marketplace,
On November 23 gamers can get their hands on the Exclusive Hair Pack for 160 Microsoft Points. This pack adds afros, corn rows, asymmetrical bobs, and a dog buff which gives your dog five stars across all abilities without having to train him.
The Understone Quest Pack will also become available for 400 MP. This expansion adds an entirely new town for you to pillage and find sexual conquests in, if you like that sort of stuff. Understone is a fully realized town built by the hands of Montague Hummes under the streets of Bowerstone. Plenty of property is available for purchase just as you'd expect from any other town in the game.
The catch of the town is that the villagers are under the control of a mysterious voice, and it is up to you to find out who or what is keeping the villagers under this spell. The decision you make will decide Underworld's fate, and your own moral one.
Lastly, the pack will turn the Saker's bandit camp into a tourist attraction with a shooting gallery mini-game, Reaver's Wheel of Misfortune, and new prizes to be won.
Sonic Colors celebration in New York City

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Adventure, Culture, SEGA, Wii,
Sega seems to be quite happy with Sonic Colors, and plans to celebrate in New York City this evening, from 6pm to 10pm in Bryant Park with an ice skating party and free hedgehog hats. If you are among the first 300 people to arrive at Sonic Colors launch part at Citi Pond in Bryant Park then you will be able to keep your head warm in Sonic style with a free Sonic the Hedgehog hat.
Furthermore, the same 300 attendees will get to skate for free, and as a bonus to make things seem extremely cheesy, will get to skate to the Sonic Colors theme song - “Reach For The Stars”, awesome!
Click to continue reading Sonic Colors celebration in New York City
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