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True Crime: Streets of NY
Posted by Edwin Soto Categories: Action, Nintendo Gamecube, PlayStation 2, Xbox,
Activision has announced that the sequel to the popular game “True Crime: Streets of LA” is to be followed up in the Big Apple. As a matter of fact, they claim that the streets of Manhattan will be more accurate than any game ever made. To add to the realism, they will even program more Asians in Chinatown, tourists in Times Square, and more. As a resident of New York City, I hope they don’t forget to put street entertainers and people handing out flyers on busy streets. What they can leave out: rush hour traffic.
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While GTA: San Andreas is an M Rated game, a program labeled “Hot Coffee” seems to change that to X-Rated. The app is for the PC version of the GTA title to change the original game code. While Hot Coffee is indeed under a lot of heat, they explain that they didn’t not implement the edited scene merely uncovered what was already there. The scene involves your character going to see his girlfriend for some coffee. In the unchanged version, moans and groans can be heard while the video and audio only suggest sex is taking place. “Hot Coffee” uncovers the scene as it was meant to be seen (according to the makers of Hot Coffee) – with sexually explicit content. Who’s telling the truth? Rockstar has this to say:
“So far we have learned that the “hot coffee” modification is the work of a determined group of hackers who have gone to significant trouble to alter scenes in the official version of the game,” reads the statement. “In violation of the software user agreement, hackers created the ‘hot coffee’ modification by disassembling and then combining, recompiling and altering the game’s source code. Since the ‘hot coffee’ scenes cannot be created without intentional and significant technical modifications and reverse engineering of the game’s source code, we are currently investigating ways that we can increase the security protection of the source code and prevent the game from being altered by the ‘hot coffee’ modification.”
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Resident Evil DS

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Action, Portable/Mobile, Role Playing Games, Strategy,
Newest news on the web concerning Resident Evil for the Nintendo DS has it that the game will be a remake of the original Resident Evil game. The game will feature Resident Evil 4’s camera perspective and use the touchpad for all the attacks. Even though this is a small amount of news, the greatest news of all is that it will be a remake of the original that made the series what it is now. Could this be one of the games that will gain the DS even more popularity in the face of the PSP?
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War of the Worlds: Cell Phone Game Review

Posted by Sparky Categories: Action, Features, Portable/Mobile, Reviews,
War of the Worlds has been performing nicely in theaters, and we just took Gameloft’s mobile phone adaptation of the movie for review. The game has the unusual twist of putting you in control of the bad guys! You get to play an invading alien metal tripod set on destroying the human race. It’s interesting to see the slew of games recently that pit the player against the human race. For more info on the game check out the full review after the jump.
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Destroy All Humans Review

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Features, PlayStation 2, Reviews, Xbox,
For the past week I have been playing my favorite new game, Destroy All Humans for Xbox and PS2. I chose the Xbox version of this Pandemic studios game. These folks made Star Wars Clone Wars and Star Wars Battlefront. Check the full review after the jump.
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Circuit City Games Clearance Starting on 7/3/05

Posted by Jesse Easley Categories: Action, Adventure, Driving, First Person Shooters, Nintendo Gamecube, PlayStation 2, Simulation, Sports, Strategy, Xbox,
Starting Sunday morning, Circuit City will be having a blowout sale on select Video Games for $9.99 each. The sale is much like the one they had last year where games were only $4.99, but it seems that they are a little more organized this year because many stores have already pulled the games off the floor to prevent people from buying them early. To see the game list check out the post in our forums. The madness starts on July 3.
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As I sit here typing a draft of this editorial on a crowded NYC subway, I can recall a simpler time when fighting for controllers was never an issue. This was a time when you’d be satisfied with “Wait until I get game over.” There was no such thing as LAN parties, no 4-port systems and no online capabilities. This was a time when we would count how many bits our system(s) was and how many our next one would be.
In spite, there are still some similarities now that still exist. We still love to play together with as many friends as possible and we still make a night out of it. We still think about the future systems and how they will impact our life (and salivate at pictures in magazines and websites). One thing is for certain, we love any type of co-op just as much as we like competition. Enter Gunstar Heroes – one of the most addictive co-op games to date. Venture with us to 1993, when Gunstar Heroes drove a couple of high school kids went crazy over fictitious guns and humorous surroundings.
Click to continue reading Playfeed Time Warp: Gunstar Heroes
Looks like more and more video games are trying to get on the big screen. No, I don’t mean the HDTV sets gamers are snapping up in anticipation of the 360 launch – we’re talking Hollywood here. Max Payne will be turned into a movie thanks to 20th Century Fox. If you don’t remember the story, or don’t know it, then this quick little re-cap will do:
The story, as THR reminds us, centers around a New York cop, Max Payne, whose wife and baby are murdered by criminals high on a new drug called Valkyr. Without much left to live for, Payne joins the DEA and goes undercover with the mob to discover the source of the drug. Framed by the murder of his partner, Max is hunted down by both the mob and the cops in his one-man war on crime.
No word yet on the exact date it will be released. Who do you think should play the lead role?
Read More | FilmForce
Ghost Recon 3’s Official Name: Advanced Warfighter

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Action, First Person Shooters, Internet, Nintendo Gamecube, PC, PlayStation 2, Strategy, Xbox, Xbox 360,
Tom Clancy’s latest creation finally has an official name – Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. The game will feature a new way to lead your team and will have advanced technology in all aspects of the equipment used. The game will be released this holiday season for every major console including the PC – sorry, no Mac version. Each version will offer something exclusive to that console – reminds me of Soul Calibur. Here’s a little snip of the background to the game:
The game is set in the year 2013 in Mexico City, which has been overthrown by an insurgence of rebels. The famed Ghosts must head into the capital to squash a rebellion and retake control of the metropolis. Gamers will lead their squad on missions to “save the president of the United States, recover stolen nuclear codes, and eliminate a vicious band of renegade soldiers hell-bent on unleashing catastrophe.”
Read More | Gamespot
Playfeed is known for giving you the latest and greatest of gaming news. Today we launch Time Warp, looking back in time to bring you a game that you may have missed, or love to reminisce about. This week our game is NiGHTS; a unique game that has its fans screaming “sequel.” So come on in and venture with us and Sonic Team back to 1996, where the Sega Saturn (a long forgotten system) preceded an incoming onslaught of N64 and Playstation.
Click to continue reading Playfeed Time Warp: NiGHTS