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Hey Speck, it’s great that you have been able to show a couple of images of your prototype iPod shuffle case. Really, it is. However, at $20 USD, don’t you think it might be a bit steep for a cover for a device that is just white plastic? I mean, the iPod shuffle has neither a screen nor a scratch prone metal back - the two main reasons to own some sort of case or skin for the other iPods. Ah well, I am sure someone will want one.
Read More | Speck Products
Skype 1.1 was release last week, with some nice changes. If you are unfamiliar with the program, Skype allows you to make voice calls to other Skype users, anywhere in the world, for free. Think of it as AIM with very reliable voice chat. You can also use the program to call regular phones for a small fee. Check out the changelog for the upgrade, and if you haven’t yet, download Skype here. I personally recommend it, as Skype is my messaging program of choice.
Comcast Cable follows Time Warner and Cox Cable in a move to increase bandwidth to users from speeds of 3000/256 to 4000/384 - all at no additional charge to their customers (for now). These cable companies not only hope to further distance themselves from the telphone companies with DSL, but also because many users have found needs for the higher bandwidth abilities, such as video e-mail, video chat, and the transfer of HD content. Some Comcast users have already received the speed upgrade.
Comcast is also scheduled to roll out their VOIP service later on this year. The advantage of using Comcast’s VOIP service over one like Vonage is that Comcast will have a separate infrastructure that the service will run on, thereby not affecting your internet service speed at all.
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HP has stopped placing orders with Apple’s manufacturer for iPods. This is because HP wants a price protection policy from Apple. Since they have no price protection policy, HP is vulnerable to financial loss if Apple suddenly cuts the price of the Apple iPod. HP has refused to place any further orders for Apple’s iPod until Apple is willing to discuss the issue and agree on a solution. Could this be the end of iPod + HP?
Read More | Apple Insider
Motorola, Inc. announced that they are working with Oakley Inc. to develop new Bluetooth-enabled wearable wireless communications devices. Motorola wants to combine their Bluetooth technology with Oakley’s eyewear style. The products will be unveiled by mid-year. Imagine the possibilities these two companies will come up with. We have already seen MP3 player sunglasses. The most obvious product the two might come up with is probably sunglasses that can connect to your cell phone to eliminate the need to carry around a headset and sunglasses.
Read More | Reuters
At Gear Live, we totally love - even if they doubled their prices from 1 cent per megabyte to 2 cents. Still, it is exponentially cheaper than something like the iTunes Music Store. Now there seems to be some competition for in the land of Russia. MP3Search has a nice catalogue of popular music availble for download at an even 10 cents per song. That is 90% cheaper than purchasing a song through Apple’s music store, or any other store for that matter. Looks like I now have two sources for ultra cheap music downloads.
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The Gear Live Robosapien Giveaway ends this evening at 11:59 PST. If you want to be in the running, be sure to check out the contest details. All you need to do is let us know what you thought were the best and worst items at the Consumer Electronics Show. Big ups to PrizeCube for sponsoring the contest.
It seems like superhero movies are all the rage right now. Spider-Man 2 is doing great in DVD sales, Batman Beyond is getting some good press, and the new Superman movie has gotten a star named. However, did you know that the Fantastic Four movie will soon be hitting theaters, and that it looks pretty good? The X-Men movies has done tremendously well at the box office, and I expect that the Fantastic Four might do the same. If you want to check out some footage including Johnny Blaze (Human Torch), The Thing, and Dr. Doom in action, click here.
Smartdeck: iPod Car Integration

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Portable Audio / Video,
The Griffin Smartdeck brings you one step closer to iPod car integration. All those iPod users out there who are still listening to their iPod using a cassette adpater are in luck: the new product from Griffin allows you to control your iPod via your cassette player’s buttons! Play, Pause, Fast Forward and Rewind are all interpreted by the iPod using the headphone connector. The Smartdeck even sets your audio levels to the optimum level for line-out. Its not the best solution out there, but for cassette adpater users its as close as it gets! For a price of only $24.99, this is in direct competition with similar devices from Pioneer and other deck makers, whose products sell for hundreds more. This is a must have product for iPod owners. The price alone makes it worth the purchase. Check it out from Griffin.
Read More | Griffin
Most of you are probably aware of the free site craze that has been bloating the internet lately. A lot of users, my self included, were skeptic these sites until the recent success of the Gratis Networks site Since its widespread popularity, FreeiPods has spawned a number of knockoff sites run by other corporations as well as individuals. Again, since most of these corporations and individuals have yet to make a name for themselves, people are not sure which sites are legitimate or not. VoltageNet is an individually owned and operated network that has begun to make a name for itself as a legitimate incentive network. Read on to find out more about VoltageNet, including an interview with the man in charge, Jeffrey Grossman.
Click to continue reading A Look at VoltageNet