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Logitech 100 Remotes A Day Giveaway

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Home Entertainment, Hot Deals,
They have 700 of these new activity based remote controls to give away, and you can score one simply by filling out a very short survey on their site. We recently reviewed the Harmony 688, and walked away impressed. Logitech has a good thing going with the Harmony remote line. If you have multiple components and use a bunch of remotes to control them, this contest is for you - that is, if you are at least 18 and live in the United States.
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By now you must know of our love for sites like and It feels good to pay what feels to be a reasonable amount for music, doesn’t it? What about the legalities of it? The Wall Street Journal takes a look at just that in a recent article. Will it deter anyone from using the sites? Highly unlikely.
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We know how excited a lot of you readers are about the upcoming release of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. We really do. But guys, it doesn’t open until May. This means that you can continue living a full, happy, normal life until then! Now, someone go down to the Cinerama in Seattle and tell that to Jeff Twieten. You see, for some reason, Jeff has decided to wait in line for the new flick, which includes Darth Vader’s first big screen appearance in 20 years or so, starting now. He plans to wait in line for five months, and isn’t even sure if the theater he is waiting at is going to be showing the movie!
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Take Two Strikes MLB Deal and Buys Visual Concepts

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Corporate News, Video Games,
Back atcha, EA! In light of recent developments in the game industry, many thought that Electronic Arts was going to have the whole world of sports gaming locked down. Take Two decided not to let that happen, as they just signed a deal with Major League Baseball granting them exclusive third party rights to make games based on the franchise. What this means is that first parties (Microsoft, Sony’s 989 Sports, and Nintendo) may still makes games based on MLB, but no other third parties - including Electronic Arts - may do so. The deal begins in 2006, and lasts for seven years. Just hours after the news was announced, Take Two announced the purchase of Visual Concepts, Sega’s sports dev house. This is just getting nasty.
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This week brings a myriad of both newness and nostalgia. If you are up for something more recent, check out Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, which was shot completely using green screen technology. If you want something a little older, you can pick up the second season of The Dukes of Hazzard. Want a mixture of both? Alien vs. Predator is also released today. More new releases after the jump.
Click to continue reading DVD Release List: 01/24/2005
Nokia to Produce Single Chip Mobile Phones Based on TI Chip

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones,
Texas Instruments has been working with Nokia to create even smaller cellular phones. By integrating all of a cell phone’s main functions into a single TI chip, Nokia will be able to make cell phones that are smaller, faster, and better. With more room to spare in the phone, Nokia can focus on integrating features into their phones, such as digital media, GPS, and wireless LAN. The smaller chips will consume less power, allowing for longer battery life. While Nokia’s main target demographic for these phones will be China and India, its not difficult to believe that this technology will soon show up in American phones.
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Gear Live Playlist: Bright Eyes, Mason Jennings, Willy Mason, Van Morrison

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Music, Product Reviews,
With the release of two discs on January 25, Bright Eyes turned this edition of Gear Live Playlist into singer-songwriter central. We also look at recent releases by Minnesota songster Mason Jennings and Martha Vineyard’s Willy Mason. Finally, for the collection essential, Van Morrison’s “Astral Weeks” - one of the most soulful and beautiful albums ever recorded. Next time, I promise we’ll get a little more testosterone in the Playlist, but for now sit back and embrace your sensitive side.
Click to continue reading Gear Live Playlist: Bright Eyes, Mason Jennings, Willy Mason, Van Morrison
Apparently Google has hired the top programmer of Firefox, leading people to believe that Google is indeed planning on developing its own web browser. Ben Goodger announced on his blog that he made the move to Google. He plans to continue working on Firefox in the same role he has now. Still don’t believe they are developing a web browser? Do a WhoIs on Yep, registered to Google, Inc. Keep an eye out because if it’s true, this might be another nice alternative to IE.
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The largely untapped genre of online movie distribution may soon find a home. Napster CEO Chris Gorog announced that Napster, the online music retailer, is considering adding movies to their list of available media. While downloading movies for a fee is nothing new, it is a genre that has yet to take off. The proliferation of broadband solutions, however, may make downloading movies easier than ever before. There is no word yet on whether the movies will be rentals or if you can keep them forever on your machine. Also in question is the format and quality of the movies, as well as if you will have the ability to record and burn them to a DVD. I don’t know how they plan to implement this, but I would reccomend an excellent business model to help combat the existence of online piracy. Not many people would pay too much for something they can already get for free.
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Each week, Gear Live gives away awesome tech prizes courtesy of PrizeCube. The winner of last week’s contest was trudat, who walked away with a Robosapien.
Nintendo’s newest handheld console has been hard to find in retail stores lately, and is just getting back to the point where you can find it at any local electronics store - but why should you when you can get it for free? This week we are giving away a brand new Nintendo DS to one lucky Gear Live reader. What do you have to do to be eligible? Simply register for the site if you haven’t done so already, and leave us a comment telling us what your first Nintendo handheld console was and which game you spent the most man hours on. We will take the best ones, and choose a random winner. As always, big ups to PrizeCube for sponsoring our weekly contests. As always, this is open only to those who reside in the USA.