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10 upcoming games I can’t wait to play

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Adventure, Bungie, E3, Editorial, Features, First Person Shooters, Microsoft, Nintendo, Platformers, PlayStation 4, Survival Horror, Wii U, Xbox One,
This year, E3 had one of those showing that only happens once every 8-10 years. E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo, is the biggest video game conference in the world, and it's where game publishers show off what they're working on. E3 2014 was unique because it was the first one after the release of two major consoles--the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. Developers got to show for the first time full portfolios dedicated to the new hardware, and it was glorious. There was a lot to see during both the Microsoft Xbox and Sony PlayStation media briefings, and Nintendo surprised many with game announcements of its own. I figured I'd whittle things down and share the ten games I was most excited about, in no particular order.
Click to continue reading 10 upcoming games I can’t wait to play
Super Modern Mario Bros. makes Mario unrealistically realistic (video!)

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Culture, Nintendo, Platformers, Trailers,
Check out the video below for Super Modern Mario Bros. It's a novel concept dreamed up by a gamer, removing a lot of the cutesy Mario-ness, dialing up the level of seriousness by removing the music and adding realistic sound effects. It’s a bit more violent, too, with Goombas exploding and Mario crashing to his untimely demise when he leaps towards the end-of-level flag and fails to successfully grab hold and slide down. Look, just watch it--it's way more fun than reading our description!
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GDC 2011: New Mario title coming for 3DS, Ocarina Of Time 3D coming in June

Posted by Alex Lifschitz Categories: Adventure, Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS, Platformers,
(Image courtesy of
According to the information from the Iwata keynote today at GDC 2011, there's a new Mario title on the way from the Galaxy team for the Nintendo 3DS. The placeholder logo has a tail attached, as pointed out by Iwata, claiming more will be revealed at E3 this year. According to him, the 3DS technology allowed Shigeru Miyamoto to address a fundamental problem with 3D location and platforming mechanics. I'd give more credit to Nintendo than to take the obvious route and link the logo imagery to the Tanooki suit, so expect a new game mechanic unique enough to warrant a logo slot.
Aditionally, it was announced that the 3D remaster of Zelda: Ocarina of Time will be hitting on June 7th. Along with 3D functionality, the game has recieved a graphical overhaul so it doesn't look quite as fugly as the N64 version. This will continue the Nintendo release strategy of using our childhoods to plaster their headquarters with money, and there's still plenty of time to hear more about the game before you decide to purchase it, so keep your eyes open for more coverage in the coming months.
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Ms. Splosion Man reveal trailer

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Casual, Platformers, Trailers, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Arcade,
Splosion Man is one of our favorite Xbox Live Arcade games of all time, both for single and multiplayer, and we're glad there's more on the way with the announcement of Ms. Splosion Man. The game isn't set for release until Fall 2011, which is a year away, but hey, good things take time, right?
Sonic 4 leaderboards get a full reset due to cheaters

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Platformers, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network, SEGA, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Arcade,
I've never seen the point in getting to number one on a leaderboard with a cheated score - especially when the score is so ridiculous it is obviously fake. Really? You beat the level in 0 seconds?
Because of these attention seeking hackers the entire Sonic 4 leaderboards will reset (and I will have to once again get my Splash Hill Act 2 score charted, argh!). Though, you might want to wait a while to get your time back up, as apparently there is no permanent fix to stop the hackers from doing it again, which they surely will.
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Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 review

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Platformers, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network, Reviews, Virtual Console, Wii, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Arcade,

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Sonic Colors Trailer Shows Off Sonic’s New Moves

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Nintendo, Platformers, SEGA, Trailers, Wii,

The last 3D Sonic game, entitled Sonic Unleashed was a fairly experimental romp in the blue hedgehog’s universe. While the Sonic levels moved at blistering speeds with perspective transitioning from full 3D to side scrolling, the were-hog sections screeched the pace of the game to an alarming halt. Levels could take as long as 20 minutes when using the were-hog, and its slow pace just didn’t seem fitting for a Sonic game. However, between releasing a new 2D Sonic this fall, and now ‘Colors’, it seems SEGA is finally listening to its loyal fans.
With Sonic Colors, SEGA chooses to ditch the bogged down were-hog levels, while beefing up the Sonic-only single player run through. The lightning fast speed and switch to 2D perspectives are back again in this new chapter, as are a few new moves for our spiky haired protagonist to dispose enemies with. These new abilities are acquired by freeing ‘Wisps’. Wisps are creatures that look similar to the Chaos from the Adventure series. Different color Wisps lend various abilities to Sonic. For instance, the yellow Wisps provide Sonic with an all new drill ability that allows Sonic to tunnel through sand finding hidden items and new areas to explore. Another cool ability shown in the new trailer is the cyan laser skill, obtained from the cyan Wisp, of course. This allows Sonic to move at an uncontrollable laser speed, wreaking havoc on Eggman’s robotic creations.
The new trailer depicts these new abilities, and shows Sonic in rare form for a 3D adventure. Let’s hope that the blue blur is back, and won’t fall prey to annoying gimmicks or crappy level design. Look for Sonic Colors to hit stores November 12, 2010. Oh, lets try to do something about that theme song, SEGA! Catch the trailer after the break.
Click to continue reading Sonic Colors Trailer Shows Off Sonic’s New Moves
Super-Mario Crossover: Mega-Man Your Mario

Posted by Finnian Durkan Categories: Culture, Nintendo, PC, Platformers, Retro,
Ever wondered what it would be like to play the classic Super-Mario Brothers NES game using another character? Well creator ExplodingRabbit has released a flash version of the classic Super Mario Bros. title, Super Mario Crossover, that allows you to use with Simon Belmont from Castlevania, Link from The Legend of Zelda, Samus from Metroid, Mega Man, and Bill from Contra. All characters maintain their special weapons and characteristics and the game even introduces a few new character features when they interact with the Mario Brothers game environment. Bill gains a ‘rapid-fire’ ability when he eats a mushroom, Samus can plant bombs when she is in her ball form and even the music changes for each character. This flash game offers the perfect distraction for your 2pm post-lunch food-coma, and may make you wonder why you ever ditched your original NES in the first place.
Trials HD arriving on Xbox 360

Posted by Brandon Gribin Categories: Downloadable Content, Microsoft, Platformers, Release Dates, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace,
That’s right, folks - the next installment in the Xbox Live Summer of Arcade is about to drop! Trials HD is coming this Wednesday for 1200 Microsoft Points ($15).
Be prepared for a “full-featured, physics-based motorcycle racing platformer” that includes fifty stages as well as a level editor. Trials HD is an enhanced version of Trials 2: Second Edition.
Sounds like it may be a solid entry in the XBLA line-up. I’m amped to check this one out.
In fact Trials HD already has a few scores listed on Metacritic. Eurogamer boasts Trials HD “may end up being the best thing on Xbox Live Arcade all year.” Woah! Could it surpass ‘Splosion Man?!
What Super Mario Galaxy would look like on high definition Wii

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Adventure, Mods/Hacks, Nintendo, Platformers, Screenshots, Wii,

When Nintendo announced the Wii initially, one of the large collective groans we heard from gamers was in regards to the lack of high definition output. Well, here are a few images to make you lust for that HD Wii even more. The images in our Super Mario Galaxy HD gallery are taken from a Wii emulator that is capable of outputting 720p video. The images look great and all, but I guess Nintendo knows what’s best for us.
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