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Hey guys, just a reminder, the Nintendo Wii dropped in price over the weekend, to $199, down from $249. That’s the first price cut we’ve seen here in North America for the wildly popular console. If you’ve been on the fence, now’s your chance at picking one up. Near me, both a Gamestop and a Target sold out of them this week, so the tactic may prove successful for Nintendo. Amazon does have Wii in stock right now, so go ahead and grab one, if it strikes your fancy.
Read More | Wii on Amazon
EA Summer Showcase from ComicCon 2009

Posted by Drea Avellan Categories: Electronic Arts, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,

San Diego ComiCon gives us the opportunity to geek out on all things pop culture for four days – not including preview night. But we all know four days is never enough! EA held a summer showcase where we got access to demo most of their upcoming game titles without the sweating, over-crowding and amazing smell a comicon can offer. The EA Summer Showcase was held at the Onyx in San Diego as somewhat of a pre-con treat. Getting to play Brutal Legends while nibbling on some amazing free cheese and slider burgers is what I believe heaven will be like.
But along with the cheese also came other great games: G.I. JOE: The Rise of Cobra, Left 4 Dead 2, The Saboteur, Dead Space Extraction, Dragon Age: Origins, Hasbro Family Game Night 2, Littlest Pet Shop Online, Madden NFL 10, MySims Agents, Need for Speed NITRO, NERF “N-Strike” Elite, Spore Hero and Spore Hero Arena.
Spoilers? Brutal Legends can have my babies – like now.

Continuing the trend of Japanese gamers getting the premium Nintendo goods while us in the US just get to watch, Nintendo is set to release a black Wii over in the Land of the Rising Sun. Sure, it’s the same console, but the Wii and WiiMote are a shiny black, rather than the glossy white we are all used to. Oh, and here’s the box. The black Wii hits Japan store shelves on August 1.
Read More | NeoGAF
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What Super Mario Galaxy would look like on high definition Wii

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Adventure, Mods/Hacks, Nintendo, Platformers, Screenshots, Wii,

When Nintendo announced the Wii initially, one of the large collective groans we heard from gamers was in regards to the lack of high definition output. Well, here are a few images to make you lust for that HD Wii even more. The images in our Super Mario Galaxy HD gallery are taken from a Wii emulator that is capable of outputting 720p video. The images look great and all, but I guess Nintendo knows what’s best for us.
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CTA Digital Wii Bowling Ball

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Accessories, Nintendo, Sports, Wii,
CTA Digital’s Wii Bowling Ball enables its user to treat it almost like a regular ball (but don’t let go.) Open it up with the release button, place your Wii-mote inside then attach wrist strap and place your thumb and three fingers in the holes. The ball is compatible with all games that use the Wii remote including Brunswick Pro Bowling, Ten Pin Alley 2 and AMF Bowling: World Lanes and will soon be available where other accessories are sold.
Read More | CTA Digital
GameStop rips you off on Wii MotionPlus

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Corporate News, Nintendo, Wii,

If you are in the market for the Wii MotionPlus, just make sure you stay away from GameStop. Why? Because they are charging you $5 more than any other retailer we’ve found that sells the device. Nintendo lists the Wii MotionPlus at a suggested retail price of $19.99. While it is just a suggestion, retails chains typically follow the suggested price. However, GameStop is charging $24.99 for the device. Save yourself $5, and buy the Wii MotionPlus at Amazon, cool?
Read More | Wii MotionPlus on Amazon via Ars
This has to be the ultimate gift for anyone who couldn’t get over their first game system. The GEN-X plays both old Nintendo and Sega Genesis games, including Japanese imports, in stereo (depending on the game.) Included controllers work with either system after you have connected it to your TV. At a size of 17 x 15 x 4cm, the GEN-X Game System will set you back $39.99. By the way, the site cautions you about cleaning the contacts on old games and we know for a fact that if you use a gentle metal brush with a gentle hand, it will make Sonic and Mario positively gleeful.
Read More | Think Geek

We wondered why we kept seeing the almost intelligible Google logo of late, until we realized it was in honor of 25 years of the puzzle game. If you were one of those who saw it in your head after playing for hours, shame on you. If you weren’t, have your own marathon with the David de Niese’s unlicensed NES Cafe Tengen Tetris. We bet you will get hooked enough to have your own nightmares.
Read More | Every Video Game
Nintendo announces Wii Vitality Sensor

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Nintendo, Wii,

During their E3 2009 Media Briefing, Nintendo announced the Wii Vitality Sensor. Yet another add-on peripheral for Wii, the Wii Vitality Sensor clips on to your finger and monitors your heart rate, transmitting it to Wii and whatever game you happen to be playing. Obviously this fits in to Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus in some form, and could be used in interested ways for other games, but in all honesty, it just looks kind of annoying.
Developer Komodo has teamed with distributors Innex and created a Retro Adapter that lets you connect your NES, SNES or N64 controller (including the Analog Stick) with your Wii console. Plug into an open GameCube port and it will work with both 1st and 3rd party accessories. The Komodo adapter should be making its official debut at the E3 2009 and be available in mid-June for about $20.00.
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