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10 upcoming games I can’t wait to play

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Adventure, Bungie, E3, Editorial, Features, First Person Shooters, Microsoft, Nintendo, Platformers, PlayStation 4, Survival Horror, Wii U, Xbox One,
This year, E3 had one of those showing that only happens once every 8-10 years. E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo, is the biggest video game conference in the world, and it's where game publishers show off what they're working on. E3 2014 was unique because it was the first one after the release of two major consoles--the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. Developers got to show for the first time full portfolios dedicated to the new hardware, and it was glorious. There was a lot to see during both the Microsoft Xbox and Sony PlayStation media briefings, and Nintendo surprised many with game announcements of its own. I figured I'd whittle things down and share the ten games I was most excited about, in no particular order.
Click to continue reading 10 upcoming games I can’t wait to play
Mario Kart 8 set for Spring 2014 Wii U release [Video]

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Driving, E3, Nintendo, Wii U,
Nintendo has announced that the next verion of Mario Kart is set for a spring 2014 release. Mario Kart 8 will be released on the Wii U, bringing new 3D effects and anti-gravity racing to Nintendo's struggling home console. Expect things like underwater racing, air gliging, motorcycles, and more. Nintendo even says that Miiverse will be deeply integrated into the title. Jump past the break for a look at the official trailer out of E3.
Click to continue reading Mario Kart 8 set for Spring 2014 Wii U release [Video]
Nintendo will not hold an E3 media briefing this year

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Corporate News, E3, Nintendo, Wii U,
Nintendo has made a major announcement, saying that it will not be holding it's regular annual E3 media briefing this year. The E3 press conferences held by Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are usually the highlight events of E3, setting the stage for the rest of the event by letting us know what each of the Big 3 have coming over the next year. With Wii U sales not meeting anywhere near Nintendo's expectations (and even falling short of the updated guidance,) alongside corporate reshuffling at Nintendo of America, one has to wonder if the move to not hold a major press event is because the company is putting out fires internally. Nintendo says that it will, instead, hold two smaller events at E3 for media and distributors, limited only to showing off new games.
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Internet Explorer for Xbox 360 to debut alongside the fall dashboard update

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: E3, Internet, Kinect, Microsoft, Xbox 360,
One of the updates you can expect when the Fall Xbox Dashboard Update drops is the addition of a web browser. That's right, after seven years, the Xbox 360 will finally be getting Internet Explorer. During the Microsoft E3 Media Briefing, it was mentioned that a browser would have been cumbersome previously, but with the introduction of the Xbox SmartGlass app alongside Kinect integration, users will be able to easily browse the web on their Xbox 360 console.
Video: Everything you need to know about the Wii U GamePad

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: E3, Hardware, Nintendo, Wii U,
Nintendo just finished presenting its annual E3 Media Briefing, and they went all out on letting us know about the games that'll be coming to the Wii U console. In addition, the company put together a video tour of the Wii U GamePad itself, allowing gamers to learn more about the unique peripheral and all it can do. Get a look at the video above.
Sony Playstation Move Racing Wheel for LittleBigPlanet Karting this fall for $40

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, E3, PlayStation 3, Sony,
Sony may not have made mention of the Playstation Move Racing Wheel during its E3 Media Briefing, but the Playstation Blog has all the details on the accessory that's targeted at LittleBigPlanet Karting and other Move racers. The company says that the oddly-shaped Move Racing Wheel, saying that it will offer "precise motion tracking" despite its weird looks. You can pick one up in the fall for $39.99, but you'll need to supply your own Move controller to make use of it.
Crystal White PS Vita bundle to ship with Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, E3, PlayStation Vita, Portable/Mobile, Sony, Special Editions,
During the Sony E3 Media Briefing, it was announced that the Playstation Vita would be getting a new coat of paint, along with an exlusive bundle. The "crystal white" model will be Wi-Fi-only, and will ship with Assassin's Creed III: Liberation, along with a 4 GB memory card. Pricing has yet to be revealed, but that's probably because the PS Vita Assassin's Creed III bundle won't launch until October 30th, as that's the release date for the game.
Video: 5 minutes of glorious Halo 4 gameplay footage from E3

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: E3, First Person Shooters, Microsoft, Trailers, Xbox 360,
In addition to the Halo 4 trailer from this morning's Microsoft E3 2012 Media Briefing, we've also got the full gameplay video as well. In the trailer, which you can view after the break, you get over 5 minutes of content showing off new enemies in the Halo world, and new abilities for Master Chief. 343 Industries looks to be off to a great start with its new Halo trilogy. Halo 4 will be available on November 6.
Click to continue reading Video: 5 minutes of glorious Halo 4 gameplay footage from E3
Watch the Halo 4 live-action trailer

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: E3, First Person Shooters, Microsoft, Trailers, Xbox 360,
This morning during its E3 2012 Xbox 360 Media Briefing, Microsoft brought us the first Halo 4 full-length trailer, and it's a thing of beauty. If you didn't catch it, we've got it for you above. Great stuff. Halo 4 hits stores on November 6, 2012.
Xbox 360 Smart Glass iOS, Android, Windows Phone streaming app to be announced at E3

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: E3, Microsoft, Rumors, Xbox 360,
E3 is right around the corner (a.k.a. next week) and word has slipped that Microsoft is planning to introduce a product called Smart Glass at the event. Xbox Smart Glass will be a companion application that you use with the console that will allow you to send video to the Xbox 360 from a smartphone or tablet, similar to what you can do with an iOS device and Apple TV using AirPlay. The cool part? Aside from naturally running on Windows 8 tablets and Windows Phone devices, Smart Glass will also run on iOS and Android in a multiplatform play for supremacy. About time, Microsoft.
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