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Hellgate: London Subscription Multiplayer Details Revealed

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Adventure, MMORPG, PC, Role Playing Games,

The latest issue of Games for Windows Magazine has revealed all the details pertaining to the subscription service Hellgate: London will be sporting. Luckily, previous statements proved to be true as online multiplayer will be free for all players. Beyond that, there are some perks that may warrant paying the monthly fee of $9.95 to become an ‘Elite’ player, but casual players should find the free game to suffice. If Hellgate turns out to be anything like Diablo, it’s going to suck in a lot of unsuspecting people and get them to fork over that subscription fee.
Click to continue reading Hellgate: London Subscription Multiplayer Details Revealed
Read More | Games for Windows Magazine via Voodoo Extreme
Sam and Max Episode 5 Now Available to Pre-orderers
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Adventure, Internet, Puzzle, Release Dates,
Originally, Telltale Games advertised that Gametap subscribers would be getting each Sam and Max episode a bit before the lowly non-subscribers. For those of you that didn’t want to subscribe to Gametap, though, there’s some good news. Telltale has decided to be nice and release Sam and Max Season 1 Episode 5: Reality 2.0 a few days early for all of you Sam and Max lovers that bought the season in advance.
Personally, I like owning my games, not leasing them from a service like Gametap, so it’s nice to see that Telltale is showing some love for loyal Sam and Max followers.
Read More | Sam and Max at Telltale Games
Wii Resident Evil 4 Remake Confirmed
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, Adventure, CAPCOM, Nintendo, Wii,
IGN reports on the latest issue of Famitsu, which has a new spread on Biohazard 4: Wii Edition. The US version was previously hinted at via an accidental leak on the Gamestop website for June; these new details assure gamers that the title is real. The Famitsu article details the new Wiimote functionality in the game. Gamers will use the Wiimote for cursor aiming, the B trigger and a shake of the Wiimote allows the user to reload, and motion-sensitive actions are used for close up attacking. Other features in the Wii version include new beginner-friendly difficulty settings and the additional content from the PS2 release. Finally, for those looking for insight into the upcoming Umbrella Chronicles Wii release, there will be a game trailer included on the disc.
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Metroid Prime Wii Pushed Back Again, Fils-Aime Wants “Perfect”
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Adventure, First Person Shooters, Release Dates, Wii,
Bad news for all you Nintendo fans out there - it looks like we may still be waiting a while longer for the Metroid Prime trilogy to be complete. Newsweek talked to company figurehead Reggie Fils-Aime, who had this to say:
Where is Metroid? Metroid is not going to ship by June. We’ve announced all of our games through the end of June. And the fact with Metroid is we want to make sure that that game is perfect. Unfortunately, Metroid Prime 2 didn’t live up to our expectations, it didn’t live up to Retro’s expectations
Evidently, Nintendo’s looking to put out a lot of marketing for this product, and they want it to be the best that it can be when it releases. (And if it sells more copies than Echoes, they’d prefer that too. Given that this is one of the first FPS titles to have a chance of not sucking on Nintendo’s new console (i.e. not Red Steel or Medal of Honor, I think it’s safe to say that this game will sell pretty well. Here’s hoping that the game’s as close to “perfect” as they can make it too.
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GTA IV Trailer Now Online
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Adventure, Culture, PlayStation 3, Simulation, Trailers, Xbox 360,

Rockstar Games officially released the first teaser trailer for Grand Theft Auto IV. Scheduled to ship on October 16th, the game will be the first entry in the series for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. The trailer gives a brief, but detailed look at the updated look for Liberty City, and the focus this time appears to be on a Russian immigrant character. Beyond that, it is hard to get a feel for where Rockstar is taking the sandbox game series, particularly story and gameplay-wise. One can get glimpses of the product parodies that gamers have gotten used to for the game, but beyond that, the trailer does it’s job – whet gamer’s appetites for more to come.
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Capcom Announces First Wii Exclusive Title
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, Adventure, CAPCOM, Corporate News, Release Dates, Wii,
Nope, it’s not a port of a PS2 or Xbox title, it’s not a me-too entry, and it’s not even a Virtual Console game. CAPCOM today announced their first real, honest-to-goodness Wii exclusive, currently titled Project Treasure Island Z (working title, of course). The adventure game is geared towards puzzle solving with your Wiimote and features crisp, bright slightly cell-shaded graphics, making it look an awful lot like some of the latest Monkey Island entries.
Thanks to the point-n-click abilities of the Wiimote, I’m hoping to see a resurgence in adventure games, that genre of an era gone by. Lucasarts, do you hear me? Telltale? A little Sam and Max love would be nice too :-D. Click the jump for the full press release and the first set of screenshots.
Click to continue reading Capcom Announces First Wii Exclusive Title
Castlevania to Hit PSP, In Glorious 2.5D!
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Adventure, Portable/Mobile, PSP, Trailers,
1up has the exclusive dirt on a Castlevania remake/port that will be making its way to the PSP (yes, you heard that right, the PSP), presumably in the coming year. For the handheld, which appears to be in a bit of a sales slump, this could be the just kick-in-the-pants it needs. Fans of the Castlevania series are notoriously die-hard, and up until now they’ve been forced to do all their portable vampire slaying on Nintendo’s DS via Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin.
The PSP game, titled Castelvania: Dracula X Chronicles is really 2.5 games in one… the main focus here is a 2.5D remake of Castelvania: Rondo of Blood, a Japan-only release until now. Included on the UMD will also be the original Rondo and the much-lauded Symphony of the Night which introduced the free-roaming Metroid-esque level progression to the series.
Right now, Konami expects to have the game out around 9/15/2007, and the title appears to be looking quite good already! We’ll be looking for more news on this bombshell, and we’ll be sure to bring you all the updated info as soon as we get it!
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Telltale Hiring for Wii Game Programmers
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Adventure, Nintendo, Rumors, Wii,
A while back, bloggers at some of the bigger Nintendo blogs (including GoNintendo and NintendoWiiFanboy) heard that Telltale Games was interested in creating or porting an adventure game for the Wii, and they made sure that Nintendo knew about this via a hearty internet buzz campaign.
After all the submissions, Nintendo took the hint, leading to a very excited post from the Telltale bloggers: “News flash, Friday afternoon: They took notice! We got a phone call from Nintendo this afternoon. We’ll take it from here - please don’t email them anymore!”
Well, it appears that Telltale and Nintendo must have worked something out, because Telltale is now posting a full-time job opening for a Wii game programmer to bring their 3D engine over to the Wii’s architecture. I can’t ever imagine what that could mean… I’m sure it has NOTHING to do with porting Sam and Max to the Wii.
See the full job posting, after the jump…
Click to continue reading Telltale Hiring for Wii Game Programmers
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Zelda: Ocarina of Time Coming Soon in 2D
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, Adventure, Mods/Hacks, Nintendo, Rumors,
Say what you will about Nintendo fans, they (we?) are certainly a persistent bunch. For your consideration we present the work of Daniel Barras, a.k.a. TheRealMethuselah, a fanboy who’s been working on a 2D translation of the N-64 masterpiece The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time. After 3 years, and an obviously huge number of hours of lost productivity, Daniel will be releasing a beta of his work. The game, which probably infringes on just about every patent Nintendo holds, features the entire N-64 game translated into the 2.5-D style used by A Link to the Past for the SNES and Four Swords Adventure for the Gamecube/GBA.
We just can’t wait to get our paws on this one and see how close it is to completion. If the gameplay is anywhere near as good as the screenshots, we should be in for a treat.
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“I’m Not Dead Yet!”: Tomb Raider Legends Ships For Gamecube
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Adventure, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Gamecube, Release Dates,
It’s been a busy week ladies and gentlemen - Sony’s Playstation 3 will be released in a matter of hours, and the Wii will follow shortly in two days. You’ve got a lot to keep track of - reviews for the new systems, choices on which consoles to pick up. With all that going on, it’s no wonder that you probably didn’t notice that Tomb Raider: Legends shipped today for Nintendo’s Gamecube, DS, and GBA platforms. While the GC iteration follows quite a few months after the PS2 / Xbox 360 iterations, the game received fairly high scores across the board, and might be a great bargain-bin buy for folks looking to get every last hour out of their soon-to-be-obsolete Gamecube. And, with Wii’s backwards compatibility for GC games, you won’t be wasting your money.
Eidos seemed to learn that it pays to support Nintendo when Lego Star Wars sold phenomenally on the GC. Here’s hoping that Eidos decides to support Nintendo in their current console iteration!
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