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Skyscraper Space Invader Worries Security Experts

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Action, Corporate News, Retro,
We know that security experts are fairly nervous of late and this video of Skyscraper Space Invaders seemed to really freak out McAffee. “Perhaps the first demo was just for fun, but the others will have less juvenile goals,” said McAfee Avert Labs researcher Francois Paget.
Yves Peitzner, director of Brainstormclub, the German company that produced the video, said that this was a promotional idea for a video game conference. They produced it even when the planners backed out. Two buildings in Munich were used and the game was added in post production.
Read More | Wired
Exclusive Interview: Tom French, The Saboteur Lead Designer

Posted by Drea Avellan Categories: Action, Adventure, Electronic Arts, Features, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,
It’s no secret that I am a big supporter of Pandemic Studios’ The Saboteur. Earlier this year, I was exposed to the game in its early development stage and even then—It looked extremely promising. The Saboteur is the story of a car racer in Nazi-occupied Paris looking for revenge. Now, I know what you are thinking, “Not another World War II game!” However, The Saboteur offers you an intimate experience with the characters, while World War II is only the backdrop of the story. In previous interviews, I have been able to get a little more background information of the game, if only to get a glimpse of what this world looks like. Recently, I was able to sit and chat with the Lead Designer of The Saboteur, Tom French, and find out some more background information of the game and what it has to offer us.
Tom, tell us a bit about your background.
My first game at Pandemic was Mercenaries, which was my first job as a designer. I have been in the videogame industry for about 12 years and most of my history was at Blackout Studios. I worked a little bit on Fallout, and a lot on Fallout 2, and I worked on some prototype that got canceled before they shut down.
Click to continue reading Exclusive Interview: Tom French, The Saboteur Lead Designer
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time remake footage

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Konami, Rumors, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Arcade,
So, why are we unable to contain our current excitement level? Well, as evidenced by the video above, an updated version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time is currently in development, and if you didn’t know, this is one of the best side-scrolling brawlers of all time. Originally released for the SNES, Turtles in Time allowed players to join up in a Double Dragon fashion, taking control of their favorite turtle, and it worked really well. Check out the video above to see the updated title in action on the Xbox 360. This one should be hitting the Xbox Live Arcade soon enough, but we don’t have any information on a date. Needless to say, it can’t come soon enough.
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Confirmed: Mass Effect for iPhone in development

Posted by Drea Avellan Categories: Action, Adventure, Portable/Mobile, Rumors,

Ok, so maybe the Internet doesn’t always lie. Bioware has finally opened up and decided to clear up rumors that came about from an online survey regarding one of their games. Community coordinator Chris Priestly has confirmed that Mass Effect: Jacob’s Story is in fact, a title in development for the iPhone and iPod touch.
The game will revolve around a side-story which focuses on one of the new characters for the upcoming title Mass Effect 2—and not a ‘bridging’ or prequel game as some had speculation. More information for the game will be revealed later this month and my guess is that we will get to see some of this in action at E3.
Read More | Joystiq
inFAMOUS Preview, impressions, and screenshots

Posted by Drea Avellan Categories: Action, Adventure, Electronic Arts, Features, PlayStation 3, Reviews,

Sucker Punch invited us to step in the world of their new game inFAMOUS—and that we did. In the ever so trendy Capital Hill, we entered a venue full of TVs with playable demos, food and drinks. For a couple of minutes I was captivated by the concept art displayed on the walls, but then was reminded that there was work to be done. After some chatter, it was time to introduce the main attraction.
So what is inFAMOUS? inFAMOUS is an exclusive title for the PLAYSTATION 3 due out May 26th. The game follows Cole McGrath, a man affected by the massive explosion that left Empire City in complete devastation. Cole not only survived the catastrophe, but now has developed electricity-based powers that allow him to use electricity to his advantage. He can suck up energy from street lights or vehicles and even shoot bolts of lighting from his hands. How he uses that power, however, is up to you. But with great power, comes great responsibility. All of the actions your character takes have an impact on Empire City. You can either help restore the city or keep it in a state of chaos. Helping innocent people will increase your good karma, where as killing them or using their energy for power will increase your evil karma.
Click to continue reading inFAMOUS Preview, impressions, and screenshots
Infamous Bundled with Uncharted 2 Beta Access

Posted by Drea Avellan Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Sony,

If you have been looking forward to Sucker Punch’s inFAMOUS for the PS3, but are yet to make up your mind—I’m about to make it up for you. inFAMOUS, will be bundled with exclusive access to the multiplayer beta for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. The beta is said to run 6/23 to 6/29, but it’s yet unclear what this means. My best guess, is that the beta codes will be available in the first batch of copies to be released. So, why wait? Be sure to get your copy inFAMOUS once it hits stores May 26th.
Latest screenshots of The Saboteur

Posted by Drea Avellan Categories: Action, Adventure, Electronic Arts, Features, PlayStation 3, Screenshots, Xbox 360,

Pandemic Studios gave us a look at The Saboteur, their upcoming action title that paints us the picture of a Nazi-occupied Paris through the eyes of race car driver, Sean Devlin. As our leading Irish man starts off on a mission to get revenge, you will be able to explore the city of Paris in all its open-world goodness and get the job done. Want fighting, climbing to roof tops, derailing trains or an arsenal of weapons? The Saboteur has that – and that is just the tip of the iceberg.
The Saboteur runs on the Odin engine, which was built specifically for the game from the ground up and dying to show you what it can do. These screenshots are only a sample of some of the great graphics and art styles this game will deliver, check them out in The Saboteur screenshot gallery.
Read More | The Saboteur screenshot gallery

It may not be a Wii, but the Minutes Gym certainly is an inexpensive alternative. Takara Tomy’s digital video trainer can be plugged into any TV or monitor with a composite video input. After powering up, enter personal and physical data to make a training program. On-screen avatars will guide you through over 100,000,000 3-minute workouts and keep track of your progress for 3 months. The Minutes Gym is available for $73.00.
Read More | Japan Trend Shop
Amazon Offers Game Downloads

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Action, Downloadable Content, Hot Deals, Puzzle, Screenshots,
Adding to their movie and music downloading/streaming, Amazon has ventured into the video game business. Designed for the casual gamer, the beta Amazon Game Downloads has about 600 titles for $10.00 or less. They are also offering 30 minutes of play before you decide to buy. As a happy aside, you can get 3 freebies through February 10, Jewel Quest II, Build-a-lot and the Scruffs. The only catch is that the offer is only available in the U.S. for now.
Read More | Amazon
The Bollywood Hindi language movie “Ghajini” has become the inspiration for India’s first 3D video game. Both movie and game are thrillers about a man with short-term amnesia. The game has already launched in India and will be distributed worldwide by Eros International. The National Association of Software and Service Companies predicts that the Indian market will grow to about $1.3 billion and will provide employment for 30,000 animators. So not only are you playing a unique game, you are helping the country.
Read More | Reuters