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Hideo Kojima Talks Metal Gear
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, Culture, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Third Person Shooters,
Hideo Kojima talked about the Metal Gear franchise through the years at the GO3 Expo in Australia. Gamasutra covered his speech, an interesting walk through game development starting from the 80s through to his work on Metal Gear Solid 4. From the MSX to the PlayStation 2, it seems Kojima has been bumping against the technological limitations of each platform while trying to refine and evolve his “hide and seek” gameplay concept from the original game. While he offered no real new footage from Metal Gear Solid 4, he did discuss where he wanted to take the conflict in the next iteration of the franchise.
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Japanese Ace Combat 6 Site Online
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, Namco, Screenshots, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

Namco Bandai has launched the official website for their upcoming Ace Combat 6 for the Xbox 360. The site has details on the story, characters, and jets to be featured in the upcoming release, unfortunately all in Japanese. Still, clicking through the pages reveals plenty of high resolution, beautiful screen shots of the environments and fighter jets included in the game, and apparently Japanese Xbox 360 owners should be able to start downloading picture packs and themes for the game today.
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Castlevania Now Available On Live Marketplace
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace,

The classic PlayStation version of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace. The game sells for 800 Microsoft Points and the demo clocks in at slightly less than 100 MB, which makes this the first Live Arcade title to break the previous 50 MB barrier. So far, the gameplay seems to be true to the older PlayStation version, but with added achievement support and various scaling modes to support HDTV resolutions. Some of the scaling modes seem to work better than others, but one should be able to find a decent match to whatever display device is in use. The original soundtrack for the game makes it to the Xbox 360 largely intact, but one can tell that music was fairly heavily compressed to get it into a reasonable file size for Live Marketplace. Beyond this and the mushy Xbox 360 D-Pad, the port is a good way for gamers to experience the title on the 10th anniversary of its release.
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Capcom Announces First Wii Exclusive Title
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, Adventure, CAPCOM, Corporate News, Release Dates, Wii,
Nope, it’s not a port of a PS2 or Xbox title, it’s not a me-too entry, and it’s not even a Virtual Console game. CAPCOM today announced their first real, honest-to-goodness Wii exclusive, currently titled Project Treasure Island Z (working title, of course). The adventure game is geared towards puzzle solving with your Wiimote and features crisp, bright slightly cell-shaded graphics, making it look an awful lot like some of the latest Monkey Island entries.
Thanks to the point-n-click abilities of the Wiimote, I’m hoping to see a resurgence in adventure games, that genre of an era gone by. Lucasarts, do you hear me? Telltale? A little Sam and Max love would be nice too :-D. Click the jump for the full press release and the first set of screenshots.
Click to continue reading Capcom Announces First Wii Exclusive Title
God of War PSP Confirmed
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP,
Internet rumors don’t always have the best track record, but it looks like the “accidental” leak of the existence of a God of War game on Ready At Dawn’s website has come true. Sony, of course, played dumb when responding to the rumors, but the God of War 2 packaging for the Playstation 2 confirms the game’s existence, and 1up has a shot of the teaser. At the God of War 2 launch event, game director Cory Barlog also apparently confirmed a version of God of War for the Playstation 3 (like this was in doubt) but also SIXAXIS and rumble support for the new game. It’s hard to tell if Barlog is just spitballing about features that he would like in the PS3 version of God of War 3 or this is an actual feature set, but that rumble is on the radar screen of Sony’s first party development teams is a good thing at this point.
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PS3’s Game 3.0: LittleBigPlanet
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, Culture, Internet, PlayStation 3,
The main software title that Phil Harrison used to demonstrate what he believed to be the key differentiating factors for Game 3.0 was the Media Molecule title LittleBigPlanet. Scheduled for release in 2008, with a demo coming this fall, the title shows off an amazing visual design and overall look-and-feel, with impressive physics modeling as well. But beyond the normal gameplay, Sony’s hope for the title is that it will encourage community contributed content in the form of user-designed levels featuring custom designed environments. Overall, the game got a huge response from the GDC keynote crowd and looks to be one of the strongest console-exclusive titles coming to the Playstation 3.
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TMNT Confirmed For Xbox Live Arcade
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, Retro, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace,
Ubisoft has confirmed that the classic Konami arcade game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will be coming to the Xbox Live Arcade in the near future. One of the best parts about the original arcade game was four-player support, and this will make its way over to the Xbox Live version, supporting co-op play locally or over Xbox Live. The game will sell for a mere 400 Points ($5) and should appear by the end of the month, to tie in with the upcoming movie release.
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Every Extend Extra Extreme Coming To Live Arcade
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace,

Q Entertainment today announced that Every Extend Extra Extreme would soon be coming to Microsoft’s Xbox Live Arcade service. The new version promises to take advantage of the HD resolutions available on the Xbox 360, and will supposedly support custom soundtracks from CD, according to Computer and Video Games. Mizuguchi did not say whether they would be splitting the game up into a million pieces while charging for each piece, but hopefully with the new Live Arcade size limits and the amount of feedback that Lumines Live got, the company and Microsoft will try and restrict the microtransactions for this release.
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Worms Finally Finds Its Way Onto Xbox Live Arcade
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, Internet, Strategy, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace,
It looks like after Worms finally passed certification last week Microsoft put it on the fast track for release, as the title will be coming to Xbox Live Arcade next Wednesday for 800 Marketplace Points ($10). A Worms game online, on a big screen HDTV, supported by Xbox Live would seem to be a great match; hopefully the extra time in certification will mean that online play will be polished upon release.
The full press release continues below.
Click to continue reading Worms Finally Finds Its Way Onto Xbox Live Arcade
Alien Hominid HD To Hit Xbox Live Arcade
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace,

Last week Microsoft poked Xbox Live Arcade gamers in the eye with a delay of Worms, but this week looks a little better with the upcoming release of Alien Hominid HD this Wednesday for 800 Marketplace Points ($10). The side-scrolling Flash game has already hit a number of console platforms, including the Gamecube, Playstation 2, original Xbox, and Gameboy Advance. Now, the graphics get an HD makeover to 720P and the mini-games go online along with the related Achievements and Gamerscore for XBLA titles. While Alien Hominid HD will be great for those that haven’t experienced the title on other platforms, one still can’t help wonder how long it will be for Worms to show up on the Marketplace.
The full press release continues below.
Click to continue reading Alien Hominid HD To Hit Xbox Live Arcade
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