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Metal Gear Solid 4 No Longer PS3 Exclusive?
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,
If Destructoid knows their stuff (and they’ve broken several exclusives in the past!), then Konami has done a 180 on their previous policy and will be bringing MGS4 to the 360, eventually that is. According to poster Ron “Greybush” Workman, MS and Konami have just inked a deal to bring the title to the 360 roughly a year after it debuts on the PS3. The 360 version will supposedly included added extras not available on the PS3 disc. While it’s not the system-killer that some posters are implying, the continual loss of exclusives from Sony’s latest console is not exactly painting a pretty picture for its future.
We’ll keep this story updated as new info comes in, but for now, Ron is fiercely and actively defending his claims, so we’ve got to believe that he’s got the inside scoop.
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$90 For GTA IV And Goodies, Anyone?

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,
Like seemingly every other game on the market, Rockstar’s GTA IV will be releasing a special edition of the game, which will retail for $89.99. That’s a whole $30 more than the standard game, so there must be something in there to really make it worthwhile, right?
Well, that all depends on your ability to care about what is, for the most part, some worthless junk. Those three extra Hamiltons will land you a metal case, some special packaging, a soundtrack CD with exclusive tracks, a keychain, a customized Rockstar Games duffle bag, a behind-the-scenes art book and, of course, a copy of GTA IV. No special in-game treatment for you special edition owners out there.
$90 is a whole lot to ask for what boils down to a CD, art book, and metal case. With Halo 3’s Legendary Edition priced at $129.99, just how high can the price go on these special/collector’s editions? And when you factor in the already-promised downloadable content for the game, diehard GTA fans will be forking over quite the load of cash this October.
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Take that, Heptagon!! Geometry Wars Heading to Wii, DS
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, Nintendo DS, Retro, Wii,

Buttonbasher brings us the scoop from the latest issue of Nintendo Power, noting that the XBLA hit Geometry Wars will be hitting Nintendo’s platforms this fall. The new game, Geometry Wars: Galaxies will feature what sounds like a quest-style single player game, in addition to multiplayer and ports of the original 2 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved XBLA titles. The Wii version will (of course) use motion controls, and the DS version plans to use the touch-screen. Personally, I’m hoping they add an option to put the dual-analogs on the classic controller to good use.
The game is expected to hit in the fall and will hopefully carry a budget-style price, given that the xbox 360 title has been out for years now.
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Virtual Console 4/21: I’m Blown Away By The Awesomeness

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Nintendo, Retro, Virtual Console, Wii,

Following several weeks of overall disappointing releases, Nintendo has dropped three top-notch titles onto the Virtual Console this week. Now available are Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong’s Quest, Streets of Rage 2, and Blazing Lasers. You may not be familiar with that last one, but it’s an excellent vertical-scrolling shooter – and it’s definitely worth the price tag at $6. And unless you’ve played them to death, there’s no reason to not pick up DKC2 and SoR2 for $8 apiece.
Descriptions after the break.
Click to continue reading Virtual Console 4/21: I’m Blown Away By The Awesomeness
Aegis Wing Impressions: Wait, Something for Xbox 360 is Free??!?
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade,

For all of you out there distracted by, oh I don’t know, the biggest game of the year, you may have missed the little tidbit that Microsoft released a free (yes, FREE!) game, Aegis Wing, over Xbox Live Arcade yesterday. Aegis Wing, developed internally by interns at MS, is a side-scrolling shmup and is undoubtedly a bit of a ploy to attract developers to the ease of use of the XBLA developer tools. Still, it’s a fun little game with a great feature list for its $0.00 price, including Leaderboards, 4-player Xbox Live games, and voice chat.
What did we think of this bare-bones shooter? Click the jump for our impressions…
Click to continue reading Aegis Wing Impressions: Wait, Something for Xbox 360 is Free??!?
Tons Of Crackdown Content Coming

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Marketplace,

As if your Crackdown disc didn’t already have enough worth – it’s your key into the Halo 3 beta, after all – Microsoft and developer Real Time Worlds are planning on releasing nothing short of a mammoth load of content for the game. Through a combination of a title update and two content packs – one free, and one premium – there will be plenty of reasons to keep Crackdown in your 360 drive long after the Halo 3 beta ends.
Before getting into this laundry list of content, one nifty feature that has been implemented is basically a “try before you buy” system. Join up in a co-op game with someone that owns the “Getting’ Busy Bonus Pack” (the name of the 800 Microsoft Point premium content pack) and you’ll temporarily be given full access to everything included in the pack.
Click to continue reading Tons Of Crackdown Content Coming
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New Halo 3 Beta Video Available; Spartan Laser Pwns

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Bungie, Internet, Trailers, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,
A new video titled Betalicious has made its way onto the internet. It showcases a Mr. Jukes’ foray into the Halo 3 beta. Mr. Jukes is a Microsoft employee, and using his fancy video editing skills, has put together what is easily the best Halo 3 video the public has had a chance to see. It offers a good look into several of the game’s levels, the man cannon, Spartan Laser, and more. One thing is for sure: the Spartan Laser can be absolutely dominant in the hands of someone who knows how to use it, judging by the montage near the end and the scattered clips throughout.
Head to Bungie to download the video and read an interview with Mr. Jukes.
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Hellgate: London Subscription Multiplayer Details Revealed

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Adventure, MMORPG, PC, Role Playing Games,

The latest issue of Games for Windows Magazine has revealed all the details pertaining to the subscription service Hellgate: London will be sporting. Luckily, previous statements proved to be true as online multiplayer will be free for all players. Beyond that, there are some perks that may warrant paying the monthly fee of $9.95 to become an ‘Elite’ player, but casual players should find the free game to suffice. If Hellgate turns out to be anything like Diablo, it’s going to suck in a lot of unsuspecting people and get them to fork over that subscription fee.
Click to continue reading Hellgate: London Subscription Multiplayer Details Revealed
Read More | Games for Windows Magazine via Voodoo Extreme
Double Dragon On Arcade This Week, Six More Games Coming

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Casual, Fighting, Release Dates, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace,
As was rumored this past week, Double Dragon will be released on the Xbox Live Arcade this Wednesday. It’ll be available at 2 a.m. PDT for a fee of 400 Microsoft Points, or $5 in non-virtual money.
It’ll ship with the standard Arcade fare of 12 achievements and 200 achievement points, graphical enhancements, and leaderboards. But the major benefit of picking up Double Dragon will be the two-player co-op, playable locally or over Xbox Live. For $5, you really can’t go wrong with this arcade classic.
Microsoft has also announced six other upcoming Arcade titles – only one of which is a port. Finally, another use for the Vision camera will be available with Spyglass Board Games, a collection of classic board games such as chess and checers. Video chat will be available in game, much in the same fashion that it is in Uno.
The full list of titles can be seen after the break.
Click to continue reading Double Dragon On Arcade This Week, Six More Games Coming
Spiderman 3 for Xbox 360 Is A Confusing, Unholy Abomination
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Rumors, Xbox 360,
Okay, I can’t speak for the game yet - who knows, swinging around cityscapes for a third time may be just as fun as the first outing. But my God, Sony has painted themselves into a corner with this whole PS3/Spiderman font crossover thing. I mean, just look at that Spider Man 3 360 box. There’s the big sideways, PS3 -font logo on the lefthand side, which would make me think “Oh, this must be a PS3 game!”, but then there’s that huge honkin’ Xbox 360 logo at the top! Gah! And to top it off, there’s a big “3” smack-dab, front and center. Does this mean Playstation 3? It’s like, it’s a PS3 game... but it’s NOT a PS3 game. Whoa. It certainly looks like it has something to do with the Playstation, what with that PS3 font and all. Oh wait, that’s the Spiderman font as well.
Of course, we all know what this means. It’s all part of a secret, UNDERCOVER PLAN by Sony and Microsoft to make people amenable to their UPCOMING MERGER! That’s right, you heard it here first! RUMOR: Sony and Microsoft will merge, soon after the release of Spiderman 3. Or is it SPIDERMAN 3? Anyway, it all makes perfect sense!!!!! It’s the only way to counter the threat of Nintendo taking over the world with their magic wands!!! Can’t you see, CAN’T YOU SEE!!?!!!?! (brain asplodes)
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