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Mercenaries 2 Trailer: Because Blowing Stuff Up And Jacking Helicopters Rocks

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Electronic Arts, PlayStation 3, Trailers, Xbox 360,
I think the title of this story and video speak for themselves, but I’m definitely getting excited for Mercenaries 2. While I have no doubt that GTA IV will provide a much more solid narrative and better all-around experience, Mercs 2 looks like it’s shaping up to be one of those games that is just pure fun to play. I mean, who doesn’t want to blow up everything in sight, then rappel up to a nearby helicopter, eject the pilot, and then man the controls themselves? That’s the definition of fun.
Time To Kill Diablo Again: Diablo Movie Is Coming

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Corporate News, Internet, MMORPG,
Legendary Pictures’ website has listed Diablo as a title under their “In Development” section. The same guys who brought you 300 and are also working on a big-screen adaptation of World of Warcraft are apparently set to send you to Hell.
We’re praying that this isn’t going to be based directly upon either of the Diablo games, which – when you really look at what they boil down to – essentially offer up the gameplay equivalent of Windows. Now don’t get me wrong – I spent thousands of hours playing Diablo II, taking part in more Baal runs than I wish to recall. But it’s just not the sort of thing that you make a movie out of.
But at least there’s more promise for a real plot here than there is in the WoW movie – there’s quite a lot of Diablo backstory, and a number of novels out there based upon the games (which, sadly, one of which I have actually read. While it hasn’t been revealed, WoW is an open-world game, whereas Diablo follows a tight narrative. Regardless, hopefully these monster series of Blizzard’s are done justice. Just keep Uwe Boll far away, and they’ve got a shot.
Gears of War Getting More Achievements With New Title Update

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Microsoft, Third Person Shooters, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

Void of any achievements related to the added-after-the-fact Annex mode or Hidden Fronts maps, Epic will be releasing a title update for Gears of War tomorrow, Thursday, at 2 a.m. GMT (which is 9 p.m. EST tonight, if I’m not mistaken). It will add eight new achievements worth 250 points, improve (read: un-break) the Roadie Run controls, prevent glitches in exploits in the multiplayer, and other various tidbits.
If you’re a real achievement whore and haven’t already picked up the Hidden Fronts map pack (which goes for 800 Microsoft Points, or $10), you might be tempted to do so now. But keep in mind that all four maps included in it will be released for free on September 3.
For release notes and details on the new achievements, check after the break.
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Xbox Live Arcade 6/13: Prince of Persia Classic

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Retro, Ubisoft, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Arcade,
For those of you who think Prince of Persia is a series that began last gen, you’re dead wrong. Prince of Persia was originally a PC title, developed back in 1989. Now the game is resurfacing as Prince of Persia Classic on the Xbox Live Arcade for 800 Microsoft Points ($10). The interesting catch to the game is that you’re required to save a princess… but in under 60 minutes.
The features list is exactly what you would expect from an XBLA game: improved graphics; new traps, puzzles, and enemies; 12 achievements; and leaderboards in three flavors – Normal Mode (complete the game as fast as possible, saving after each level), Time Attach Mode (start from the beginning if that princess isn’t saved in 60 minutes), and Survival Mode (complete the game in under 60 minutes without dying – good luck).
GamerAndy Live! Episode 83: A Sucker for Game Bling
Posted by Edie Sellers Categories: Action, Adventure, Announcements, Corporate News, Electronic Arts, Fighting, Microsoft, PC, PlayStation 3, Portable/Mobile, PSP, Reviews, Sports, Xbox, Xbox 360, GamerAndy,
Finally a return to gaming news! So much for Andy, Hawkes and Edie to talk about, including Sony’s “major announcement,” the 80Gig Europe hate, Blu-Ray price drops, and (gasp!) Andy’s discovery of a great PS3 title! But that’s not all! We’ve got conversation about EA and ID going to the Mac, the PSP “slim, Shadowrun and Forza 2.
But wait! There’s more! Winners of last week’s contest are annouced.
Order now and you’ll recieve GamerAndy’s TV corner, where we discuss the end of the Sopranos and the return of Jherico.
Don’t walk… RUN to the download!
Virtual Console 6/4: Zelda 2, And 1000 Games Per Hour

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Adventure, Nintendo, SEGA, Virtual Console, Wii,
Today’s release of Zelda 2 marks the 100th release on the Virtual Console – not too bad of a library, considering it’s only been a little over 6 months in the making. Nintendo announced a few details about the VC, but first, let’s get to what you really want to know: this week’s list of releases.
Four games saw release today: Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (NES, 500 points), Dead Moon (TurboGrafx16, 600 points), Milon’s Secret Castle (NES, 500 points), and Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (Sega Genesis, 800 points). Not a bad list, and while you may love or hate Zelda, the other three cater to different audiences very nicely.
According to Nintendo, more than 4.7 million games have been downloaded from the VC, which equates to more than 1,000 games purchased an hour since the Wii’s release. Not too shabby considering these games don’t have demos available for them. (Or maybe that’s why they manage to sell so many?) Super Mario Bros. on the NES is the platform’s best selling game, followed by Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Super Mario World, and The Legend of Zelda.
Click to continue reading Virtual Console 6/4: Zelda 2, And 1000 Games Per Hour
Tomb Raider Anniversary: The Hotness
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, Eidos, PC, PlayStation 2, PSP, Wii,
As a huge fan of the original Tomb Raider game, it’s really gratifying to see how well Crystal Dynamics has re-invigorated the series. And frankly, I can’t think of a better way to make a new Tomb Raider game than to just remake (and improve upon) the original. And judging from the video above, CrystalD has done a really good job of improving on the original. Not only are there huge graphical improvements evident, but this video goes a long way in showing that Anniversary won’t just be a quick port. The developers are obviously taking the time to add some new features and puzzle elements to the game, so that even seasoned TR gamers will be getting a new experience.
TR Anniversary Edition will be releasing shortly for the PC, PS2, and PSP, with a Wii version to follow shortly thereafter. Color me giddy. Now, if we could just erase the memories of Tomb Raider 3 through Angel of Darkness and the movies.
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Gametap Opens Free Ad-Supported Game Site
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, Casual, Internet, PC,
Yesterday, Gametap opened up a new component in their online subscription-based gaming service, and it’s worth taking a look at. Gametap’s new service is a FREE (as in beer) ad-supported list of games that you can play through their client. All that’s required is that you register with their site, and you can begin playing games like Street Fighter 2, Metal Slug, and Tomb Raider: Legend for free. In addition, many of the games are upgraded from their original version, including features such as online play in Metal Slug
So what’s the catch? Well, to start with, you have to watch ads at certain points during the game (for example, when a new level is loading, or when the game is first downloading). The other big problem—and one that a lot of sites don’t seem to be mentioning yet—is that the list of free games available rotates on a week-by-week basis. So while you may be able to play Joust for free this week, all your progress might be for nothing next week when they switch over to a NEW list of ad-supported games. This may not be a huge deal for some of the more arcade-y, quick play games like Rampage or Bust a Move, but it’s going to be pretty lame when you get hooked on TR Legend and then can’t play it after a week. Frankly, this all sounds suspiciously like a ploy to get people hooked on their service enough so that they’ll end up becoming paid subscribers to the full library - I can’t see any true gamer being happy with the list of free games changing every week.
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PSP Gets Version 3.50, A Lot More Awesome
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Portable/Mobile, PSP, Wireless,
Sony’s big little handheld that could has been getting precious little coverage recently, so we’re happy to see that Sony is working on some Good Things for the widescreen wonder. The latest and greatest this week is the 3.50 firmware update which will allow you to remotely access your PS3’s harddrive from any wireless access point using the PSP. That opens up a lot of possibilities, including streaming games, movies, and photos to your PSP. Assuming, of course, you already have a
small inheritance
PSP and PS3.
PSP Fanboy has the file just waiting on their site, so we’ll point you their way! Enjoy!
Read More | PSP Fanboy
Finally, A New Geometry Wars Is Coming

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Nintendo DS, Strategy, Wii, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Arcade,

Geometry Wars, for those who haven’t had an opportunity to play it, is a very simple game to describe: it’s like Asteroids on crack. With neon lights. And a lot more enemies. It’s super addictive, and has been the prized jewel of the Xbox Live Arcade since its release - many even considered it the best title available on the Xbox 360, retail or otherwise. Fans have been begging for a sequel, and they’re getting it, sorta – Geometry Wars: Galaxies is in development and is headed exclusively to the Wii and DS.
For everyone who owns a platform other than an Xbox 360 (those guys and girl had their heads explode after reading that exclusive bit), the two titles were confirmed in the latest issue of Nintendo Power. The game is taking the classic “in a new direction” – expect an extensive campaign and multiplayer. They will each take advantage of the respective system’s features.
The original Retro Evolved game will be included as well, making this one incredible package. Both games are being developed by Battalion Wars developer Kuju, and should see release sometime this fall.