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Top 10 Surprises In Captain America

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Marvel Comics,
To some people’s surprise (that would be me, if you’re asking), Marvel Comics made an excellent movie about Captain America.
Who’d’ve thought that the shield-slinging WWII hero would translate so well to the screen? It’s so good, that they may wait at least 8 years before rebooting it.
But for those that watch the movie a second or third time (that would be me, if you’re asking), there are some surprises lurking in the margins.
Here then, are the Top 10 Surprises In The New Captain America Movie:
10: His shield is made out of Reb Brown’s career
9. It’s not just the skull that’s red
8. The Falcon calls the studio every day. "I'm in the sequel right?"
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I don't collect movie posters, but I could easily make this one my first.
[Artwork: Captain America movie poster, © Marvel Comics]
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Top 10 Observations From X-Men: First Class

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Reviews, Marvel Comics,
We’ve all seen Marvel Comics’ X-Men First Class by now, right?
And if you haven’t, then you’re hardly a fan worthy of our time. Go. Now. See it.
Despite the film’s soft opening, you can bet they’ll make more. I saw it, will no doubt see it again.
As you watch the film, maybe you’ll have some of the same thoughts that I did. I walked away with 10 observations about the movie - see if they match your own:
10. January Jones will be getting offers from Playboy (now) and Wizard World (5 years from now)
9. Sequel: X-Men: Gym Class
8. Finally! We can talk about something other than DC Comics’ reboot
7. You say Magneto, I say tomato
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Comic Book Jobs: Marvel Comics (White Plains)

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Marvel Comics,
And so it begins!
Marvel Comics, the Marvel Comics in White Plains, NY that works out of the Disney Publishing offices, is looking for a Designer to join the Disney Consumer Products team, in the Disney Publishing Worldwide division.
You'll need 3+ years of book design experience with the usual get-along and problem-solving skills.
And here's what you'll be working on:
Marvel Origins (Evergreen) Design work of future picture books, readers, an 8x8s, including increasing pub plans of titles based on origins original art work.
Marvel (Movie-Tie-ins) Design work of increasing pub plans for future releases: Captain America, Avengers, and Spider-Man.
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Weekend Reading: Borders, Barnes & Noble, Batman & Thor

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Reviews, DC Comics, Marvel Comics,
Borders Books is finding no takers in its quest for a buyer, so unless a miracle happens, they’re probably toast.
So it’s a good thing they paid all those retention bonuses to people who can’t make anything happen for them.
Their main brick-and-mortar competition, Barnes & Noble, is currently looking like the smartest girl in class. They’ve gotten a $1 billion (with a “b”) offer from Liberty Media.
They probably aren’t interested in the books or the stores, but since Liberty has a lot of old school media holdings, the one thing they lack for modern-day exploitation is Nook technology.
Let’s go elsewhere for good reading:
Batman: Want to know a cool digital-only comic you could be reading for just 99¢? DC’s got one: Batman: Arkham City #1 by Paul Dini & Derek Fridolfs and artist Dustin Nguyen.
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Steve Englehart: The Plain Man

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Reviews, DC Comics, Marvel Comics,
Summer's coming up and you know who's got a new book coming out? My old Ultraverse pal Steve Englehart, who's perhaps best known in comics for acclaimed runs on Batman, The Avengers, Captain America and dozens of other titles.
Years ago, he wrote a book called The Point Man. It was reprinted in 2010 by Tor Books and quickly followed by the sequel later that year called The Long Man.
He's got a new one coming out called The Plain Man – and the growing line is now called the Timeless Series - and it ships next month, June 21. There's a follow-up book already in the hopper called The Arena Man, so there appear to be plenty of stories left to tell.
Bonus for comic book fans, in The Plain Man Steve's bringing in some of his creator-owned characters, Coyote and Scorpio Rose to name just two, to join in the action. And they won't be the only ones popping up either.
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Weekend Reading: Alex Toth, Nick Fury and Doug Wildey

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Marvel Comics,
Greetings and welcome to the weekend. Let's read!
Toth: Animator Michael Sporn showcases a lot of great Alex Toth art from Dell Comics. Bonus: includes side-by-side comparisons of Toth’s b&w pages with the much lower-quality printed copies. Nice.
Bunn: Chris Arrant at Collecting Comic Books has a nifty interview with Cullen Bunn, writer of the upcoming Fear Itself: The Deep.
Cap: Novelist James Reasoner reviews The Trial of Captain America: “Under Brubaker’s guidance, Captain America continues to be one of the best comics out there today.”
Cartoons: Cartoonist Dan Rosandich gets himself a shout out from the Los Angeles Times Pressmens 20 Year Club.
Plop!: Diversions of the Groovy Kind has an old classic from Steve Skeates and Sergio Aragones.
Comics: We all knew that Nick Fury was a Sergeant and an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Did you know he was a fan of the comics? Mike Sterling reveals all.
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Top 10 Surprises in Thor

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Reviews, Marvel Comics,
Have you seen the new Thor movie yet? And if not, why not?
Of the summer's four big comic book movies - Thor, Green Lantern, Captain America and X-Men: First Class – it's the one with the distinguished pedigree (Kenneth Branagh! Sir Anthony Hopkins! Natalie Portman!) and one of the least likely super-hero movies besides Ant-Man or Metamorpho.
Curiosity alone makes it worth $10.
Having said all that, there were still a number of things about Thor that surprised me. Here's my Top 10.
10. It's not just his hammer that's called Mjolnir
9. Cameo by Stan Lee Media
8. His real name is "Sore"; he has a speech impediment
7. Shout out to Kirby; that's Kirby Carruthers, the assistant lighting director
6. Natalie Portman should be in every movie. Just sayin'.
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The Mighty Thor Scores!

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, DC Comics, Marvel Comics,
So, is there some kind of comic book movie out this weekend or what?
Yes, that’s right. Mighty Marvel Comics has unleashed one of its least-likely-to-star-in-a-hit-movie characters into his own hit movie: Thor. Word of mouth seems strong, box office seems stronger than Vin Diesel and by Odin’s beard we’ll probably be looking at Thor II and Son Of Thor before too long.
(In Son Of Thor, Thor’s misunderstood teenaged son swings his mighty, but lesser, hammer in Manhattan around a cast of 90210/Gossip Girl lookalikes while trying to find love with that year’s Kristen Stewart.)
Can Edgar Wright’s long-awaited Ant-Man movie be far behind?
Marvel does a great job with their movies - they have a similar look and style, they churn them out with the punctuality of a European train, and they’re either profitable or wildly profitable.
Click to continue reading The Mighty Thor Scores!
Weekend Reading: Blackbeard, Superman, Toth & Guindon

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Reviews, Television, DC Comics, IDW Publishing, Marvel Comics,
I was saddened to hear about the recent death of comics historian Bill Blackbeard. Tom Spurgeon had recently written about him and how he deserved a spot in the Eisner’s Hall of Fame this year. That prompted me to (1) agree immediately with Tom and then (2) write about my own dealings with Mr. Blackbeard.
I didn’t know that by then he had already passed. Tom has the best obituary, if such things can be defined by that term.
Fantagraphics’ Gary Groth shares some personal memories plus tributes from others.
Sparkplug has an interview with him from a while ago that’s first rate.
What a heartbreaker. The guy literally and single-handedly saved newspaper comics from the shredder of history.
Let’s see what else is out there:
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