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SpacehawkI'm stuffed with the turkey of Thanksgiving, but there's always time to unstuff some of the internets. Let's take a look at things to read between naps.

This has gotten a lot of play, but it’s too funny to not link to: Tom Spurgeon at The Comics Reporter has compiled his list of the 10 Least Powerful People In Comics. Number five made me laugh out loud.

And Spurgeon does it again: I think Howard Cruse is one of the great cartoonists to have emerged from the Underground Comix movement. Spurgeon’s interview with him is an excellent read.

The Dandy, the long-running British comic book for kids, is getting cancelled in December and the line-up for the last issue is spectacular - 75 stories in a 100 page issue. I want one. Oh yes I do! Lew Stringer shares some details.

Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Spacehawk, The Dandy, Kirby and Howard Cruse


Twinkie The Kid and Fruit Pie The MagicianI'm still reeling from the loss of Twinkies and Ding Dongs, the meth of bloggers. So bear with me.

Tainted Archive points us in the direction of James Bond - all of the novels (including those not written by Ian Fleming) are being put online courtesy of Ian Fleming Publications.

I barely understand the world of high-finance, but apparently, Snoopy is going to be issuing bonds. Iconix, the owners of Peanuts, will use the money to go on a spending spree and acquire at least one more company for their portfolio.

Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: James Bond, Peanuts, Bolland and Shang-Chi

Han SoloBig weekend: there's a new James Bond out in theaters and no matter if it's good or bad, the arguments over how it stacks up against all the other Bonds has already begun.

So in honor of the new Bond movie, Skyfall, Life shows off pix of the very first Bond girl you don’t remember: Linda Christian, from 1954’s Casino Royale with Barry Nelson.

One of the artists who worked on Wreck-It Ralph, Joe Pitt, has put some of his fantastic conceptual art up on his Tumblr.

Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Star Wars, James Bond, Nick Fury & Walking Dead

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Star Wars characters

"In fact, if Disney had any brains at all, it would give the administration of the Star Wars property over to its Marvel Studios and say 'That thing? That thing you did with The Avengers? Yes, that. Here. Now.'"

- Award-winning science fiction writer John Scalzi (Redshirts, Old Man's War) weighing in on Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm

Be sure to check out our other notable quotes!

[Artwork: Star Wars]

Read More | John Scalzi

Iron Man 3

"Whew. Just saw the new Iron Man trailer. I’m really glad they got rid of that 'snarky humor action adventure' trope. No AC/DC, no quips, no fast cars, no stripping stewardesses. Finally, the pointless debris of 'entertainment' has been discarded in favor of the grim truth that lies beneath the surface of every comic book character."

- Chris Ulm, co-founder of Appy Entertainment (and a co-founder of Malibu Comics in an earlier life) saw the trailer for Iron Man 3 and it inspired him. And that's just the beginning of his epic takedown.

Be sure to check out our other notable quotes.

[Artwork: Iron Man 3]

Read More | Longbox Graveyard

DarkhawkIf you’ve ever wanted to learn how to write comics from a guy that actually writes comics professionally and whose credits include “Spider-Man Editor,” then there’s a workshop just for you.

My pal Danny Fingeroth (who’s the VP of Education at the Museum of Comic And Cartoon Art - aka MoCCA - in NY) is starting up a new session of his 6-part interactive online workshop called  Writing Comics And Graphic Novels. The once-a-week course will start on November 5th and run ‘til December 17th for two hours each session.

The great thing about an online course is that you can take it from anywhere in the world as long as you pay attention to the time zone!

From start to finish, Danny will teach you “how to develop your story from initial idea to finished script. Story and character development are covered, as well as script creation. Other topics will include finding the right artist to draw your story and navigating the ever-changing state of the world of comics publishing.”

Click to continue reading Danny Fingeroth: Writing Comic Books & Graphic Novels

Read More | Danny Fingeroth

Combat Jacks #1First off, smart thoughts on the state of various elements of the comics industry - retail, Marvel, 24 Hour Comics Day - from Tom Spurgeon at The Comics Reporter.

Bleeding Cool has the story announcing Rob Liefeld’s latest retirement from comics. And then moments later says he’s back.

Here’s a nice review of Mark McKenna’s new indy comic, Combat Jacks. “While McKenna might be known as a great inker, he is certainly a surprisingly good writer too. The story and dialogue of Combat Jacks is quite enjoyable, making me wish there were more comics like this sadly rare done-in-one sci-fi/horror story.”

Who was the mysterious Marvel Comics creator known as Kevin Banks?

Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Marvel Comics, Combat Jacks, Rob Liefeld & Star Trek

The Walking Dead Season 3

Of all the great horror icons - Frankenstein's monster, vampires, mummies and Black Lagoon creatures - my favorites are zombies.

I was a kid when I discovered that comics were forbidden to use the word "zombie" if they wanted the Comics Code Authority's Seal of Approval (so Marvel revived an old Robert E. Howard word "Zuvembie" as a workaround). So it should be no surprise that I’ve loved me some Walking Dead ever since the first comic appeared on the stands. I’m a sucker for horror comics and it hit me at just the right time. Also, Kirkman was telling his horrific story in a very intriguing way - bad stuff was happening, characters you liked were going to die, and it was hard to peg just where it was all going.

(Spoilers after the jump!)

Click to continue reading The Walking Dead: Season 3 So Far!

Return of the Human

What a crazy week! Here's a bunch of stuff you might've missed.

Writer Sean Howe talks about his new book, Marvel Comics: The Untold Story with Salon’s Panio Gianopoulos.

David Lloyd talks about his new venture, Aces Weekly. It looks like there's a lot of good stuff over at his site.

Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Marvel, David Lloyd, Mattotti and Sexy Batgirl

LEGO Superhero Halloween costume

Over on our sister site Gear Live, we've got an article up that breaks down the steps required for your to build your very own LEGO Superhero Halloween costume. Since it's obviously comic book-related (just look at those Batman, Spider-Man, and Supergirl costumes up there!), we wanted to be sure and share it with our Comix411 readers as well. Anyone have any other cool and unique comic book costumes to share? Hit us in the comments!

Read More | How to make a LEGO Superhero Halloween costume
