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Weekend Reading: Avengers, Starlin, Finger and Bagge

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Reviews, Independent, Marvel Comics,
Next week, we'll all be talking about Men In Black III, but this week was still a lot of chatter about Joss Whedon's The Avengers. Let's hit that:
Avengers creators assemble! Here’s a short but excellent interview with Jim Starlin, courtesy of Hero Complex and Geoff Boucher. It’s super-spoilery so if you haven’t seen the movie yet, don’t click!
And speaking of Avengers, here’s writer Lance Mannion’s review, titled “The Romance Of Tony Stark.”
Tim at Balloon Juice views The Avengers: “It’s a Whedon movie, and quite a good one. Every other line of dialogue could end up on a t-shirt, characters come across as layered and real, conflicts involve profound philosophical differences where it is only sometimes clear who has the ‘right’ side of it, and one or more title character will have a very near-death experience.”
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Weekend Reading: The Avengers, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Dave Berg

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Interviews, Movies, Independent, Marvel Comics,
Now, how many times have you already seen The Avengers? Doesn't it just kick movie butt? And what movie do you think we'll be talking about all summer? Avengers or The Dark Knight Rises?
Avengers line! Former Malibu Comics publisher and co-founder Dave Olbrich (now a manager at Space Goat Productions) and for Malibu Comics Editor-In-Chief Chris Ulm (now the head guy at Appy Entertainment), show up at the :20 mark in this report from AMC theaters in southern California.
Longbox Graveyard goes Marathoning and Assembling for Avengers and other Marvel-based movies. “Five of my favorite superhero movies, in a day-long sitting, followed by a midnight debut of The Avengers! Seventeen hours in a movie theater, ninety minutes in the car each way getting there, a day off work to do it and another day off to recover. Great for a twelve-year-old, not-so-great if you’re half a century old. So I found a couple twelve-year-olds and went anyway.”
Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: The Avengers, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Dave Berg
David Willis, creator of the popular webcomic Dumbing of Age, is using Kickstarter to raise funds for a collection of his strips.
This Campus Is A Friggin’ Escher Print will be “185 full-color pages with author commentary, character profiles, and behind-the-scenes material” promises Willis.
More than a year’s worth of stuff will be inside, from September 10, 2010, to October 28, 2011. This includes storylines: “Move-in Day,” “Uphill from Here,” “Men Are from Beck, Women Are from Clark,” “The Bechdel Test,” “Media Rumble,” and “Yesterday Was Thursday.”
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Kickstarter: Soulless by Logan Giannini & George Kambadais

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Independent,
“When you wake up in a morgue drawer with a hole in your chest the size of a cantaloupe, it's only natural to have certain questions.”
Now that’s a first sentence that grabs my attention and it’s from writer Logan Giannini in his pitch for Soulless, a new Kickstarter project that’s illustrated by a friend of mine, George Kambadais.
Neill is the star of Soulless and after waking up in the morgue he sets out to uncover not just himself but what happened to him as well.
As Neill searches, according to writer Giannini, he “learns a great deal about the true nature of the people around him, from his girlfriend Sarah (who, it would seem, didn't exactly wait for Neill to be dead to start seeing other guys), to Neill's vampire friend Bradley (a name he hates), to a young ghost girl (with questions of her own) who's accompanied by a large gorilla and a parrot...”
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Weekend Reading: Avengers, Overload, Don Bluth and John Cleese

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Interviews, Movies, Independent, Marvel Comics,
So how many times are we all seeing The Avengers this weekend? And in how many ways is it the movie of the summer?
In honor of the new Avengers movie, Longbox Graveyard looks at the Kree/Skrull War, from Avengers #89-97. “Nearing the end of his iconic six-year stint on Avengers, Roy Thomas — along with artists Neal Adams and Sal & John Buscema — delivered what was up to then arguably the longest and most complex continuing story in superhero comics, as Earth became a battleground between the warring Skrull and Kree star empires.”
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I love comics with a Western-style setting, and if you throw in some apocalypse too, even better. Creator David Parkin and Executive Editor Daryl Freimark describe The Devil Is Due In Dreary as “Classic cars, pompadours and rock-n-roll meet the folklore of the American southwest in this rockabilly take on the classic western.”
Team Dreary, in conjunction with artist Allan Jefferson, successfully published their first issue through Ardden. Now they’re going through Kickstarter to fund issues 2-4 and wrap up the story.
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Comic Book Jobs: Checking Out Craigslist

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Movies, Television, Independent,
Regular readers know how much I love the craigslist, the big box store of odd comic book jobs, and this week is no exception!
Some producers in New York are looking for an “American Comic Book Geek” for a Japanese TV program promoting the new Avengers movie.
A new band in Manhattan called The Super Friends needs a bass player.
Are you an actor who wants to be in a superhero hip-hop music video? “The actor does not have to rap, just act.”
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Hey kids, free comics!
One of my favorite things is Free Comic Book Day, because, you know, “free” and “comics” are the peanut butter and chocolate of the Direct Market. It's the first Saturday of May, and this year that means May 5. Out of all the ones that are being released, I’ve put together a shortlist of the ones I want most.
Kaboom! is the kid-friendly imprint of Boom! Studios and their Peanuts/Adventure Time Flipbook looks like fun. The Peanuts comics are clearly crafted with care and affection for the original material, and Adventure Time is just as nutty as the animated series.
Atomic Robo from Red 5 is one of my favorite comics and why it’s not talked about in the same group as Hellboy and The Walking Dead is beyond me. It’s one of the best comics around - terrific characters, excellent writing and art, beautiful coloring. I grab the latest ones each year at San Diego, and whatever pops up on FCBD. If you see a copy, grab it. Highly recommended.
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Shia LaBeouf Writes His Own Comics

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Conventions, Movies, Independent,
Shia LaBeouf writes his own comic books. The Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull actor has drawn three comics, Stale N Mate, Cyclical and Let's... Party, and last week bought a table at the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo to sell his work and autograph copies for fans.
"I just did it for fun. I had some downtime and I've always been a big fan of comic books. I've said it's like singing in the shower. It's very free and without edit," he said.
Of attending expo, he added the best thing was "having an opportunity to blend in with 5,000 fans all enjoying the same thing."
However, Shia - who is currently filming two movies, The Company You Keep and The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman - has no plans to give up acting and take up his hobby full time: "I do love acting. But this is a fun escape once in a while."
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Weekend Reading: Spider-Man, Steve Gerber, John Scalzi and Dr. Goyle

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Reviews, Independent, Marvel Comics,
If you’re at C2E2 this weekend, I hope you’re having a great time. And if you’re not at C2E2, what’s your problem, buddy?
This is the weekend that I close out a lot of tabs and polish off some links that have been in my inbox for a couple of weeks. But if you haven't caught these stories yet, that makes them new, right?
Daniel Best has been on fire lately with his posts on Gary Friedrich and the Archie Comics lawsuits. He’s got another good one up now - a look at the behind-the-scenes backstabbery and finger-pointing surrounding the Spider-Man musical.
I like this political cartoon by Monte Wolverton.
Creator/writer/artist Howard Tayler (Schlock Mercenary) talks about writing, especially sub-plots, and he illustrates his points with comic strips.
Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Spider-Man, Steve Gerber, John Scalzi and Dr. Goyle