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WOW: Wrath of the Lich King Midnight Release

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Internet, MMORPG, Trailers,
Get ready, hard core WOW players. The new Wrath of the Lich King expansion will be officially available in stores tomorrow, but midnight madness has set in. Copies will go for $39.99 for PC or Mac one second after midnight. There are also official launch events in NY, SF, Austin and Anaheim where you can enter a contest to win a Blizzard Entertainment signed copy. A Collector’s Edition will be available as well. Get moving. You only have a few hours left to partake in the gaming merriment.
Read More | Digital Tech News
Video: 2 hours of Mario Kart Wii footage

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Driving, Nintendo, Trailers, Wii,
The folks over at Wii Nintendo were able to spend some quality time with Mario Kart Wii, and they captured a good two hours of footage for your viewing enjoyment. The footage, embedded above, shows off all 32 courses from the game, so if you want to be completely surprised, you may want to steer clear. The game is played on the 150cc setting in the video, and you are also able to check out some of the menus and all that. Finally, they give their thoughts on the game, as well as the Wii Wheel.
Wii Nintendo
Gears of War 2 drops in November 2008, check out the trailer

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Corporate News, Survival Horror, Trailers, Xbox 360,
It was just announced this morning by Microsoft during their GDC keynote - Gears of War 2 will be hitting Xbox 360 consoles this November. That’s right kids - November 2008. You ready for this? Here is the word from Microsoft:
Providing a dramatic close to Microsoft’s GDC keynote address, Epic Games Inc.’s lead designer Cliff Bleszinski announced that the epic saga of Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad continues exclusively on the Xbox 360 this fall with “Gears of War 2.” This highly anticipated sequel to the 4.5 million-selling blockbuster “Gears of War” delves deeper into humanity’s struggle for survival against the nightmarish Locust Horde, and promises to take high-definition visuals to a whole new level.
Check out the trailer, at the top of this post.
Gears of War product page
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Brutal Legend Debut Trailer

Posted by Steve Van Neil Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Trailers, Xbox 360,
Sometimes you see a game trailer that just renews your faith in the industry. Such is the case with this teaser for Brutal Legend, the latest from Tim Schafer and his Double Fine Productions. Yes, I know it’s a CG trailer, but the insane genius on display here cannot be denied. Equal parts God of War, Guitar Hero, and Heavy Metal, Brutal Legend promises to be one of the most hilarious and imaginative games of next year. Toss in the voice talents of actor/comedian Jack Black and a horde of heavy metal rockers, remind yourself that Schafer is the guy behind PC classics Full Throttle and Grim Fandango, as well as last generation’s underplayed platforming gem, Psychonauts, and you have the recipe for a truly special gaming experience.
Brutal Legend is slated to hit the Xbox 360 and PS3 next year. Inexplicably, the game’s Wikipedia entry is the only place online that has some solid info on the game, so check out the link below.
Read More | Brutal Legend's Wikipedia entry
New Assassin’s Creed Video

Posted by Steve Van Neil Categories: Action, Adventure, PC, PlayStation 3, Trailers, Ubisoft, Xbox 360,
The developers of Assassin’s Creed have always boasted of their game’s high level of environmental interaction. They claim that every wall, object, or person in their highly anticipated Xbox 360/PS3/PC action-adventure game can be scaled, moved, or shoved. And now here’s the video to prove it. Watch Altair (the game’s featured assassin) try to escape the city’s guards by running, climbing, and jumping all over this Middle Aged playground, and kindly ignore the futuristic glitches and flashes that hint at a more mysterious storyline that Ubisoft will not divulge. Gape at the mind-boggling geometry that for once actually does permit the level of interaction promised by its enthusiastic creators. Raise an eyebrow at the anachronistic Hans Zimmer-esque musical score. Breathe a sigh of relief that this long in development game looks like it could conceivably hit that once nigh-unhittable November release date.
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“White Knight Story” Gameplay Video

Posted by Steve Van Neil Categories: PlayStation 3, Role Playing Games, Sony, Trailers,
This year’s TGS is awash in media from loads of promising Japanese RPGs. The spiky-haired adventurers in Infinite Undiscovery (ouch at that title), The Last Remnant, and Lost Odyssey promise to take the genre to new excruciatingly emotional heights. But the most impressive of them all, the one that may even melt the heart of the most cynical hater of all things spiky and stat-laden, is Level 5’s White Knight Story. Level 5 is the development studio behind Dragon Quest VIII and Rogue Galaxy, so you just know this game will deliver the goods when it comes exclusively to the PS3 next year.
And now we have this video. It isn’t direct feed, runs about 4 minutes long, and Obi-Wan Kenobi blocks the screen for part of it, but trust me…the whole thing is worth the watch. The animation is so fluid and seamless that the game’s battles come across as balletic performances, not turgid turn-based fights. And check out the awe-inspiring transformation near the end of the footage. You’ll be nodding your head wondering what the fuss is, and then the White Knight will appear and you’ll smile and say, “Okay, that [i]was[/i] pretty cool.” Bank on it.
Read More | GameSpot
Watch the First Five Minutes of Mass Effect

Posted by Steve Van Neil Categories: Action, Microsoft, Role Playing Games, Trailers, Xbox 360,
Forgive yourself if you mistake the opening of Bioware‘s upcoming Xbox 360 RPG for an early peek at Ridley Scott’s interstellar follow-up to Blade Runner. From the woozy synth-phonic score, to the pre-credit crawl that leads into the main title reveal, to the camera movements that just feel so [i]right[/i], Mass Effect oozes pure cinematic goodness. Those of you who don’t want to know anything about the game before playing it should stay away from the above video. For everyone else, however, this is a must-see, if for no other reason than it provides us with our first glance at a created character who doesn’t look like the bald space marine Bioware has used to promote the game so far.
Mass Effect is sure to be one of this year’s biggest games when it hits the Xbox 360 on November 20th.
Read More | Bioware
Silent Hill V Video and Developer Interviews

Posted by Paul Hamilton Categories: PlayStation 3, Survival Horror, Trailers, Xbox 360,
Check out the video featuring footage and interviews with developers of the upcoming spook-fest sequel, Silent Hill V. Development of the game has been handed off to The Collective, but they seem to be determined to return the game to territory more akin to Silent Hill 2 than the mixed reception of IV. They’ve got a pretty solid looking engine running that features a lot of the familiar effects now rendered in real-time plus they’ve worked to enhance the combat which was always kind of a series weak point.
Unfortunately the interview doesn’t dive too deeply into how well The Collective can manage to retain the creeping psychological unease Silent Hill is famous for (versus rival series Resident Evil‘s shock and gore approach).
Silent Hill V is due sometime in 2008 for PS3 and Xbox 360.
Click to continue reading Silent Hill V Video and Developer Interviews
“Trauma Center: New Blood” Premiere Trailer

Posted by Steve Van Neil Categories: Action, Nintendo, Puzzle, Trailers, Wii,
It looks like the Wii is turning the corner as far as compelling third-party content goes. Joining Zach & Wiki, Manhunt 2, and Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles at the cool kids table in the not-too-distant future is Trauma Center: New Blood, the sequel to the popular medical/supernatural/arm-flailing/impossible-to-categorize DS and Wii game. Hot from the Atlus oven is this premiere trailer, which shows off more of that cool anime-inspired character design, a brand new co-op mode, as well as some pretty stilted voice acting. Looks like a must-buy. What other game lets you draw five-pointed stars on an unconscious patient’s gaping wound to keep him from flatlining?
The Wii-exclusive Trauma Center: New Blood is slated to come out this holiday season.
Read More | IGN
Heavenly Sword Boss Battle Video

Posted by Steve Van Neil Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Sony, Trailers,
Sony’s PS3-exclusive Heavenly Sword hits stores next week, but if you really can’t wait that long, check out this new GameTrailers video. We realize that video footage is no substitute for the real deal, but this one shows off some more of the counter-heavy arena fighting you saw in the demo. Even better, you get some crisp direct feed footage of the big showdown with evil King Bohan’s slow-witted blob of a son. And yes, the game still looks gorgeous.
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