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Increase of Injuries From Wii Usage

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Nintendo, Wii,

Wii-FitThe UK claims that up to 10 users a week are being hospitalized because of their Wiis. Dr. Dev Mukerjee of Broomfield Hospital, Essex, claims that there has been a 100% increase of patients with “Wii-itis.” Ailments such as shoulder or wrist inflammation have been reported as well as “Wii-knee” after playing Wii-Fit, which may involve 3 months of treatment to cure. So remember, before you head into heavy gaming mode, do some stretching exercises first.

Read More | Fox News


eBay 2008 Top 10 Desired Items

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Culture, PlayStation 3, PSP, Wii, Xbox 360,

Wii Fit

If you are thinking of trying your hand on eBay to make some extra cash or looking for that elusive hot gift, you might as well know what other folks are mostly seeking. Here is a list of the top 10 most desired items in 2008 and how many were actually sold. Not surprising, most buyers were seeking game systems.

1. Nintendo Wii: 2,056,866 related items sold
2. Microsoft Xbox360: 1,297,903 related items sold
3. Sony PSP: 350,591 related items sold
4. iPod Touch: 281,361 related items sold
5. Nintendo Wii Fit: 266,584 related items sold
6. Apple iPhone 3G: 212,837 related items sold
7. BlackBerry Pearl: 207,688 related items sold
8. BlackBerry Curve: 193,788 related items sold
9. Sony Playstation 3: 103,333 related items sold
10. Guitar Hero III: 98,159 related items sold

Check out the entire list on the link.

Read More | CrunchGear

eCost Black Friday Wiis Only $99.00

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Hot Deals, Internet, Nintendo, Wii,

eCost Wii

If you don’t yet have a Wii, head over to eCost on Black Friday, where they will be offering one each hour for $99.00. Beginning tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. EST, the 10 units come with a sensor bar, stand, WiiMote, Nunchuck and Wii Sports. Look for it in the Bargain Countdown section. We’re sure they will have other awesome deals so look around the site in case you miss out on the game system deal, but note that you will have to pay shipping.

Note: Because of the response, eCost will also be offering one Wii tonight from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. for the same price, so eat quickly.


Read More | eCost

Sears Black Friday for Gamers

Wii Music

We took a peek at Sears’ Black Friday list and found oodles of inexpensive gifts if you want to fight the crowds. Most are less than $50.00.

  • Buy Any Xbox 360 System Get One Xbox 360 Wireless Controller FREE
  • Nintendo DS - Guitar Hero Decades Bundle Game $49.99
  • Nintendo DS - Traveler Case $9.99
  • PlayStation 3 - Little Big Planet $59.99
  • PlayStation 3 - Blu-ray/DVD Remote $24.99
  • Sony Wireless Stereo Headphones with Transmitter $29.99
  • Wii - Music $49.99

Happy shopping!

Read More | The Black Friday

THQ WWE SmackDown Vs. Raw 2009

WWE SmackDown vs. RawCan’t get enough wrestling action from the tube? THQ is launching its latest title “WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009” this week. Included in the roster are Dusty Rhodes, Randy Orton, Johnny Swagger and Beth Phoenix. In all there are over 60 wrestlers. Gamers can create custom finishing moves as well as images and highlight reels to share with others. Look for the launch of “WWE Legends of Wrestlemania” next April with 40 superstars and managers. You can pre-order Smackdown now for Xbox Live, Playstation 2, Wii, or Nintendo DS at a price of $39.99.

Read More | Smackdown Official Site

MIT Student Straps A Wii On His Guitar

Tired of changing effects pedals with his feet while performing with his band Vivian Darkbloom, MIT graduate student Rob Morris attached a Nintendo Wii remote to his guitar with a strip of Velcro.  Mapping acceleration and button press values from the Wii, Morris set his Mac to translate the movement of his guitar into a variety of audio effects. The result: a new hybrid instrument that you’ll have to see to believe!

How does it work? The Wii controller sends data to a laptop, so the computer knows where the instrument is positioned, and it knows when he’s pressing buttons on the Wiimote. Morris takes this information and smooths it out a bit with some computer code (MIT grad student, hello…); the data is then sent out of the computer through a firewire cable. This firewire cable then sends the data to his stompboxes and other effects. So, essentially, he’s controlling guitar effects by pressing Wii buttons and gesturing with the instrument, rather than pressing a pedal on the floor.

Check out the above video for a demonstration.

Nintendo Promises Wii Availability For Holidays

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, Video Games,

WiiNintendo says that there should be more Wii consoles available for this holiday season in the U.S. They also say that more Nintendo DS handhelds will be available.

Nintendo’s exec. vice president of sales and marketing Cammie Dunaway said, “While there’s no way to gauge total demand for our hardware systems, we’re trying to satisfy as many of those players as possible.”

We shall see. With the economy the way it is, we expect Nintendo will want to get as many consoles out there as they can.

Read More | Reuters

Bleeding Edge TV 292: Wii Sports Resort preview

Sports is one of the most popular and accessible console pack-in games of all time, so it’s only natural that would want to follow up with a paid offering. That’s where Wii Sports Resort comes in. The sequel to Wii Sports will be the first game to be compatible with the add-on, which feature 1:1 mapping of your Wiimote. The game will come bundled with the MotionPlus device and an extended Wii Remote Jacket, both of which will also be sold separately. Games announced to be included (so far) are: Frisbee (Disc Dog), Jet Skiing, and Kendo, with more to come. Wii Sports Resort will launch in Spring 2009.

Aptus Games Mini-Motion Controllers

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Accessories, USB, Video Games,

Mini-Motion SkateboardNow that Wii is encouraging interactive gaming, look for more ways to get involved in video games with motion control. Aptus is working on a new line of Mini-Motion USB controllers for both PC and Mac in the shapes of cars, balls, racers, and skateboards. Each of them will be available for $19.99. The company says that the games, which will include those with action, strategy, puzzle, reality, racing, and sports, will be streamed directly from an included disc. Look for the first ones to appear in Q4 2008.

Read More | Everything USB

Bleeding Edge TV 291: Animal Crossing: City Folk preview

Animal Crossing is on of the main franchises that many a gamer has been waiting to see hit since the console launched. We were able to catch up with Janet Braulio of Nintendo to get a look at some of the gameplay features, WiiSpeak integration, as well as what we can expect with the game drops this November. This is definitely one we are looking forward to getting our hands on.

Asfar as what sets this apart from other Animal Crossing experences you may have had in the past, Katsuya Eguchi, leader of Animal Crossing’s production development, stated, “someone could send a letter from their cellphone or from an email address on a PC to the Wii, and then the player living in the town in Animal Crossing could receive that letter.” In another interview with IGN, Katsuya Eguchi also discussed how his team continues exploring potential ways to take advantage of the WiiConnect24 feature such as allowing friends to visit other towns or leave messages while the machine is in standby mode.

You can pick up Animal Crossing: City Folk in the US on November 16.
