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Toshiba’s MP3 Players of Many Colors

Gigabeat U103

If you are still pining over the fact that you cannot afford the latest designer iPod, at least now Toshiba is offering an MP3 player for a moderately low price that they are apparently counting on you to order in quantity. The Gigabeat U103 only has 1 GB of memory, a 1.1-inch sceen and FM play, but it comes in 24, count them, 24 different colors. At a price of $114.00, you can dance to the Gigabeat with every new pair of shoes.


Read More | New Launches


Toshiba HD DVD Player Pricing Stays Put


Toshiba has announced that its recent HD-DVD players’ promotional pricing will not return to its original cost. This is excellent news to those who have yet had occasion to purchase one and may serve as a hint for this year’s holiday shopping, which seems to arrive earlier every year. The company’s HD-D2 is only $279.99, the HD-A2 is now $299.99, the HD-A20 is $399.99, and if you want to splurge, their HD-XA2 has been rolled back to $799.99. Here’s to Toshiba, who obviously knows that a good deal is a good idea in the realm of mostly high-priced gadgets.


Read More | Toshiba via Electronic House

2006 Holiday Gift Guide: Toshiba Gigabeat MES30VW

Toshiba MES30VW

If you are a videophile and want a neat device you can use to watch video on the go, without breaking the bank, you may want to consider the Toshiba Gigabeat MES30VX. This Gigabeat packs 30 GB of hard drive space into a package that is a bit smaller and lighter than the standard iPod. While the screen is only 320x240 resolution, the colors, tone, and lighting are spot on. The Gigabeat MES30VX screen is the man when it comes to accurate video representation. Of course, it does all the usual stuff as well, that being playing digital audio (it’s Urge compatible) and the like. Even better though, it’s compatible with TiVo To Go out of the box, as well as the Vongo video service, which means you have your video hook-up here as well - the total package.

Price: $220 (Compare Prices)

Toshiba Reveals HD-A2 and HD-XA2 HD DVD Players

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: HDTV, Home Entertainment, Movies,

Toshiba hd dvd player

Toshiba has announced the release of their HD-A2 and HD-XA2 HD DVD players. Both output HD DVD content through the HDMI interface in 720p or 1080i. The HD-A2 incorporates a 297MHz / 12 bit Video DAC with high-quality, 4x oversampling, while the HD-XA2 also features 1.3. HDMI for 36-bit (RGB or YCbCr) color depth.
Both models come with picture setting functions that allow you to optimize picture quality with settings for color, contrast, brightness, edge enhancement, and noise blocker. Set to be released in October, the HD-A2 carries a MSRP of $499.99. For last minute Santas, the release of the high end HD-XA2 will follow in December at a MSRP of $999.99.


Read More | Toshiba News Release

FCC Approves Toshiba 1089, a.k.a Microsoft’s Zune Player

Posted by Yuan Zhao Categories: Microsoft, Music, Portable Audio / Video,

Microsoft's ZuneRumors have been floating around the internet for months now about Microsoft’s mysterious “iPod Killer,” the Zune portable media player, but until now, little has been confirmed. Yesterday, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved the Toshiba 1089 player, which apparently will be marketed by Microsoft as the Zune player. Getting Toshiba to manufacture the player is hardly surprising on Microsoft’s part, especially given their long history together, including their support for the HD DVD platform. Utilizing Toshiba’s manufacturing resources also eliminates the need for Microsoft to construct their own factories.

Fortunately, the Zune does not appear to be just a re-skinned Toshiba Gigabeat. In terms of specifications, the Zune player appears to be hard-drive based, using a 1.8” 30GB hard drive. It also comes with a reasonable 3-inch TFT display as well as an integrated FM tuner and USB 2.0 connectivity. The most fascinating aspect of the Zune, however, comes from its built-in wireless capabilities. It seems the rumors about Microsoft’s Zune network for downloading and sharing music and other media may be true after all.

Read More | FCC
