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Modern Fossils Sculptures

Posted by Jenny Lewis Categories: Accessories, Design, Misc. Tech,

Modern Fossils

I like to think that in the future, the people of that time will come across relics from the 21st century and laugh at how hard our lives were. I can’t imagine what technological strides will have been made by then, but thanks to Christopher Locke we can have an idea of what kind of antiquities they’ll theoretically be finding. Locke’s Modern Fossils sculpture series renders our current (and some previous) technologies in a proprietary concrete mixture, giving them the look of actual fossils. Most of the pieces are for sale and range in price from $45 to $185.


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Fujitsu Secure Memory Device

USB Memory DeviceCompanies as well as individuals know that security is not always possible with portable drives if lost or stolen. So Fujitsu is developing 2 new technologies to help prevent data disclosure from USB memory devices. One of them is to automatically erase data stored after a fixed period of time. A second ensures that data would only be stored on a specified server. While there is no timetable as to it becoming a viable technology, at least the company is making a concentrated effort to handle the problem.

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Beauty and the Beast to Go 3-D

Beauty and the BeastAs hard as it is to believe, it’s already been 17 years since Beauty and the Beast first premiered. And though it’s still nice to still along with Gaston and Lumiere via the DVD, we will soon have a new way to experience the movie all over again.

Come 2010, Disney will rerelease the Oscar-nominated film - it was the first full-length animated movie to be up for Best Picture - as a new 3-D theatrical feature. This update is just one of several reissues the studio has in store. Plans for a revamped Toy Story and Toy Story 2 have already been in the works.

In addition to this weekend’s release of , upcoming 3-D titles for Disney include the Jonas Brothers 3-D Concert Movie, Toy Story 3, Up, G-Force, Alice in Wonderland and Rapunzel.

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Etiquette For Texting In The Dating Arena

Posted by Marla Martenson Categories: Advice, Relationships,

Text Message Breakup

As a matchmaker, I frequently get feedback from frustrated clients telling me that their date canceled on them by sending them a text message, or even “broke up with them” through text. What has happened to our society that we are all hiding behind e-mails and text messages? We seem to be afraid or too busy to pick up the phone and add a personal touch - a human touch. Sometimes, people say they sent a text to cancel a date, but the person on the receiving end never got it, so they were sitting there at the restaurant waiting. How frustrating and humiliating.

When I think back to the “olden” days—the 70s—before cell phones, answering machines, e-mail, et cetera, how did people manage to get together? They took the time to connect, to court, to make sure that the other person got the message. How did we get so busy? We have all of the modern conveniences, more than we ever could have imagined, yet, we have no time to even pick up the phone to let someone know we can’t make it or will be late. I suggest that we all take a deep breath and get back to what is important - people, connections, and caring about other people’s feelings.

Samsung Forecasts the Demise of Blu-ray

Blu-ray DiscSamsung believes that Blu-ray will only last another 5 years and then will be replaced by another format or type of technology such as OLED. Andy Griffiths, Director of Consumer Affairs told Pocket-lint, “We will launch the OLED technology when it’s at a price that will be appealing to the consumer, unfortunately that’s not yet.”

Oddly enough, he may be right. We found out recently that Sony is rumored to be lowering the price of its BDP-S350 this month to make it a $300.00 purchase.

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Gnomedex 8.0: Meet Generation Y with Mark Bao

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Blogging, Features, Planning,

We are ready to chat with Mark Bao, the 16-year old entrepreneur, and the youngest person to ever speak at Gnomedex. Mark runs Avecora, which does web apps. In the future they hope to do social consumer electronics. He also won me over by introducing himself as an avid Gear Live reader, as we got into a conversation about the BlackBerry Thunder.

Generation Y.5, how will they affect the future of technology? FIrst, they have more exposure to new technology. Companies are making it easier for technology to be used, but also this generation is more used to having it around and therefore more comfortable with it. Next, tech innovators and entrepreneurs will be brought out of this generation, and as such, there is a change in career paths, jobs, and influence. There is an expectation in more social features. Also, this generation is used to the age of data. This also spurs shorter attention spans. If something isn’t interesting, they know they can just got find something else due to the vast wealth of data.

Francine talks about things she grew up without. No Facebook, Fax, Computer, Fax, Intel, McDonald’s, Computers, etc. What she did have was privacy, security, clean air, healthcare, two parent household, and an extra-marital affair that no one found out about.

Francine wonders how much “in the way” the older Gen X generation is, as it pertains to Gen Y moving ahead and doing what they need to do. School in its present form isn’t teaching what is needed for upcoming jobs. Sure, it teaches history, sciences that are valid, etc., but is missing the technologies that are necessary for those that are entering into the new industries. For Gen Y.5, school, college, jobs are becoming meaningless as it pertains to business, finance, and tech.

The big change came when mobile came to the forefront, having a communication system that allows you to socially interact in a multitude of ways from wherever you are. Voice, text, social networks, etc. As it pertains to privacy, most Gen Y.5ers don’t really care about privacy, nor do they use the privacy features offered by networks like Facebook.

The one thing I think might have been missed, is that Mark is a very, very special case. However, most 16-year olds are not like Mark. They will mostly have regular jobs. Sure, they will use more tech, but right now most of them are using text messaging, MySpace, and Facebook - not selling companies, and creating new startups.

Bleeding Edge TV 274: A Look Into the Future with HP’s Phil McKinney

At HP’s event in Berlin, Germany, we caught up with the CTO of HP’s Public Systems Group, Phil McKinney, who had some very interesting things to say about where HP believes the future will take us.

Phil talked with us about what’s coming in the future of technology - everything from wearable computing to a very advanced “avatar” that is programmed to make decisions just like you would, only you can send it to a meeting while you get to go play video games. We look forward to seeing what the future holds. Thanks Phil!

Adobe Goes Mobile

Open Screen LogoAdobe has decided, perhaps in competition with MS Silverlight, to attempt to get its flash player on more cell phones, handhelds, and set-top boxes. The company believes that their current flash player is on more then 98% of all desktops and their Open Screen will utilize Flash Lite and build on mobile products. For one thing, they will stop charging licensing fees and will publish info about their coding. Adobe is hoping the move will make things easier on film and TV companies, and is working with SonyEricsson, Nokia, LG, and MTV and other companies.

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Toshiba Stops HD DVD Production

Toshiba, HD DVD

It’s official.  is DOA.

Toshiba finally announced Tuesday what had been rumored for days—it is pulling out of the high-definition market.  Although the HD DVD system preceded Sony’s product, sales have steadily outpaced its competitor.

In the past few months, major studios have aligned themselves with the Sony brand.  Even though Paramount and Universal continued to offer their titles on HD DVD, it was clear the Toshiba format was being crippled.

Recent decisions made by Wal-Mart and Netflix helped drive a nail into the HD DVD coffin.  The companies announced they would no longer be making the high-def option available to its customers.

Shipments of the Toshiba systems will wrap up by March.

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Hollywood Reporter

CES 2008 Video: First Pre-Show Daily Wrap-up - Our Expectations

Alright, so we arrived here in Las Vegas for late last night, and figured we’d record our first video from one of our hotel rooms. I mean, why not, right? We talk about what we expect and hope to see at this year’s show, and even equate different historical hairstyles to where we see the industry going in 2008. Yeah, we really needed to get some sleep before doing this - but hey, what’s the fun in that?

Oh, and Brenda made that hat on the plane trip over.
