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Samsung Galaxy Tab teaser video
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Handhelds, Videos,
Okay, we knew that the Samsung Galaxy Tab was real, but it’s been pretty much shrouded in secrecy, until now. Samsung has unleashed an official teaser video, giving us mere glimpses of the Galaxy Tab, er, tablet device. What do we now know? Well, for starters, it’s got a 7-inch display (same as the rumored upcoming miniaturized iPad,) Android 2.2 Froyo, video calling (implying a front-facing camera,) Swype, HD movie playback, built-in ebook reader, GPS, and Flash support. The full reveal comes on September 2nd, which is nine days away. Seriously, we can’t wait.
Best Buy Focusing on Tablets This Holiday Season
Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Corporate News, Handhelds,
While the tablet industry hasn’t exactly skyrocketed yet, Best Buy is gearing for change this holiday season. With the Apple’s iPad being the pioneer for pushing tablets into the spotlight, other new tablets (specifically those powered by Windows 7) will be popping up soon this holiday season, and Best Buy is set to capitlize on the tablet surge. Shawn Score, the president of Best Buy Mobile stated “we will have a great assortment of them. It won’t be 32, but it also won’t be one, like we have today.” Score further stated that “like e-readers over the last couple years, we think customers will think of Best Buy for tablets and expect us to have the right ones.”
As of right now, entertainment giant Best Buy only carries the Apple tablet, but expect tablets from Samsung, Acer and Research In Motion to most likely grace Best Buy stores nationwide this holiday season.
Read More | Forbes
Ballmer unhappy with iPad sales figures, says Windows slates are job one
Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Apple, Corporate News, Handhelds, Microsoft,
Microsoft is frustrated by the success of Apple’s iPad. Well, who wouldn’t be if you were once the greatest thing to ever happen to computer technology? Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer let the world know that he is quite jealous of the iPad’s success in the market, quoted as saying that the iPad sold “certainly more [units] than I’d like them to have sold.”
This open admission of envy doesn’t come without a back up plan however, as Ballmer unseals his lips just enough to mention a future Microsoft tablet in the works. The only other tidbit of info he let slip was that “the operating system is called Windows.” That’s a no brainer.
Whether or not Microsoft’s Windows 7 tablet will be able to capitalize on the iPad’s success and beat it at it’s own game is unclear at this point, but Ballmer has high hopes. “It is job one urgency. No one is sleeping at the switch,” states Ballmer in reference to the Microsoft tablet. Expect this Windows 7 based tablet to hit the market in time for the holiday sales rush.
Read More | Cnet via The Next Web
Sakshat: The $15 Tablet PC for Students
Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Handhelds, PC / Laptop, Science,
In a recent announcement by India’s Human Resource Development Minister, Kapil Sibal, (who subsequently can now be referred to as ‘The Indian Steve Jobs’) an innovative tablet PC is headed for the market in 2011 - with a retail price of only 15 dollars! The remarkable device, dubbed Sakshat, is made with students in mind, acknowledging the problem of high cost devices essential to a higher education. Developed by the Indian Institute of technology and the Indian Institute of Science, Sakshat costs a mere $30 to manufacture. While even at such an astonishing price already, Sibal seems hopeful that it can be lowered to an unheard of $10.
Click to continue reading Sakshat: The $15 Tablet PC for Students
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iPad comes to nine more countries this Friday
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Corporate News, Handhelds,
Apple has just informed the world that the iPad is set to launch in nine additional countries this Friday. We don’t have any solid numbers yet as far as pricing in these territories goes, however, on July 23rd you’ll be able to buy Apple’s tablet device in the Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, New Zealand, and Singapore. Don’t fret if your country has been left off the list, as Apple has also promised that “many more countries” will get the iPad before 2010 ends.
Apple sells 2 million iPads in 59 days
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Corporate News, Handhelds,
Any way you slice it, the fact that Apple has been able to put an iPad into the willing hands of 2 million customers in just under two months time is pretty amazing. For the record, the iPad is selling faster than even the iPhone did when it launched.
“Customers around the world are experiencing the magic of iPad, and seem to be loving it as much as we do,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “We appreciate their patience, and are working hard to build enough iPads for everyone.”
We can definitely attest to the fact that iPads are hard to find at Apple Stores and Best Buys, but if you really need to get one, and money isn’t an issue, there are plenty of people buying and reselling them on eBay and Craigslist for ridiculous amounts of money. Just for reference, it took Apple 28 days to sell the first million iPads, and another 31 to sell the second million.
Dell Streak 7 and 10-inch tablets leaked!
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Handhelds, Rumors,
Dell looks to be jumping into the Android tablet game headfirst with their Streak tablets that have just been revealed. They look similar to the Dell Mini 5, but bigger and more in line with what Apple is offering with the iPad, and this is a good thing. As you can see, you get the black bezel, the large display, and the photo app even looks similar to what you’d find on the iPad. Engadget says that the Streak 5 should hit stores this summer, while the Streak 7 should be available later this year (likely the fall, if you ask us.) The Dell Streak 10 won’t likely appear until 2011 though. Sure, that sucks for those that want the largest Android tablet that Dell has to offer, but having a 7-inch model out there gives a nice alternative for those that want something smaller than a 9.7-inch iPad. These Android tablets can’t come fast enough.
Read More | Engadget
Bleeding Edge TV 344: Apple iPad review
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Full Episodes, Gizmatic, Apple, Features, Handhelds, Podcasts, Videocasts, Videos,
So, we’ve already hit you with our in-depth iPad review when the device launched, but many asked for a video review as well, so here you are! In this episode of Bleeding Edge TV, we give you our thoughts on the iPad, we show you some of the new visual touches that you’ll find on the device that aren’t present on the iPhone or iPod touch, and we give you a look at a bunch of the iPad apps that we’ve been enjoying. Even better, we also show you Apple’s official iPad case, and the iPad dock as well. Take a look at the video, and see what you think. Let us know if you have any iPad questions that you’d like us to address in the comments.
Apple delays international iPad sales by a month due to US demand
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Handhelds,
Looks like even Apple was caught off-guard a bit by how popular the iPad has been since the launch in the US, as the company announced earlier this morning that the international launch of the device has been delayed by a month. Apple says that more than 500,000 iPads have been sold in the first week of availability in the US, and to keep up with demand, Europe will now see the iPad in May, rather than the “late April” that was previously announced.
HP Slate gunning for iPad with cameras, USB, SD slot, and iTunes
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Handhelds, PC / Laptop, Videos,
Take a look at the latest marketing video for the HP Slate, the tablet computer that should be launching fairly soon from HP. As you can see in the video, it appears that HP has built a program that runs in Windows 7 to give a custom tablet appearance, but when all is said and done, this is really just a touchscreen tablet running a full version of Windows 7, not a mobile operating system. Some will, of course, see that as a plus.
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