On Gear Live: Apple’s C1 Modem: The Silent Revolution Inside the iPhone 16e

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Teen Unlocks iPhone

George Hotz decided to spend some time this summer unlocking an , so that he use it on his own network, T-Mobile. Partially inspired because his friend had just gotten one, the change of service fee, and the $20.00 monthly fee from AT&T for using an iPhone, he soldered two wires together and replaced the SIM card, although we are sure that the project is more complicated than he makes it sound in this CNBC video. It took about 500 hours to complete with the aid of four others online.

Being the kind fellow that he is, rather than selling his idea, he has posted it for free on his website, just in case you want to give it a try. Although he planned on selling one hacked iPhone on eBay, complications arose so he traded it for a Nissan 350Z and three 8GB iPhones. George left this weekend to attend the Rochester Institute of Technology where he will major in neuroscience or what he calls “hacking the brain.”

Read More | cell phone digest


iPhone Headed To T-Mobile

iPhone T-MobileIf the rumors are correct, Deutsche Telekom’s mobile unit, T-Mobile, has just come to term with Apple to becoming the official carrier of the in Germany, according to the Rheinische. If all does as seemingly planned, Apple’s super-phone should launch on November 1 over in Germany, with the official announcement happening tomorrow. The iPhone would be priced at 450 Euros, which comes out to just about $613 USD.

Read More | Reuters

PSP Owners Get Six Months Free Wi-Fi From T-Mobile

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Internet, PSP,

HotspotSony Computer Entertainment America today announced a partnership with T-Mobile to allow PSP users six months free access to T-Mobile’s network of hotspots. Gamers with a PSP can get access to the hotspots by upgrading their PSP firmware to version 3.30 and signing on before March 28, 2008. Given the number of freely accessible hotspots that seem to be cropping up around urban areas, T-Mobile’s pay options often seem a bit steep, but with locations in Starbucks coffee shops all over the nation, PSP owners will definitely have more options when gaming on the go. Specific terms of the access were not announced, but after the six-month trial period expires, T-Mobile is promising a reduced rate for PSP owners.

Sony’s full press release continues below.

Click to continue reading PSP Owners Get Six Months Free Wi-Fi From T-Mobile

T-Mobile Dash Reviewed

T-Mobile Dash

Looks like my boy John over at CrunchGear got his hands on one of the new T-Mobile Dash phones, and is reporting back with his impressions of the unit. The Dash is the new Moto Q-esque phone by HTC, which runs Windows Mobile 5.0 and has a full QWERTY keyboard. While John’s lack of love for Windows Mobile 5.0 may seem unfair at first, we can totally sympathize. That said, CrunchGear seems to think the phone is an all around good experience, WinMo 5.0 notwithstanding. If you are looking for a consumer-level phone ($199 with 2-year contract) that does more than just play fancy ringtones, this one might be worth a look if you are on T-Mobile (or looking to switch.)

Read More | CrunchGear
