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Sprint Overdrive 4G mobile hotspot rescues iPhone from AT&T hell

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Broadband, Features, Product Reviews, Wireless / WiFi,

I’ve been playing with the Sprint Overdrive 4G mobile hotspot device that the company sent me a few weeks ago, and I’ve gotta say, this thing has come in handy way more often than I thought it would. So much so, in fact, that I find it to be an essential tool and I carry it around in my left jacket pocket everywhere I go at this point, and charge it over USB when I am in the car driving somewhere. I’ll be giving a few examples of how the 4G Overdrive device has come in handy over the next few days, but I wanted to start with this one because I know so many iPhone, iPhone 3G, and iPhone 3GS owners out there that cry to the heavens to be saved from the vile clutches of AT&T and their constant network FAIL.
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Bleeding Edge TV 336: Clear 4G WiMax at IWSIV Blogger Party

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Full Episodes, Gizmatic, Broadband, CES, CES 2010, Features, Podcasts, Videocasts, Videos, Wireless / WiFi,
We caught up with Clear, who had just launched their new 27-city 4G mobile broadband network, at CES 2010’s It Won’t Stay in Vegas blogger party. We talk a bit about what 4G is, why it’s better (way better) than 3G, and also give you a look at the technology in action. Clear has partnered with Sprint on the rollout of 4G, so all that 4G that Sprint has been talking about recently? That’s thanks to the efforts of what Clear (formerly known as ClearWire) has been doing in the 4G space.
A big thank you to Bing for sponsoring Gear Live’s CES 2010 coverage.
Analyst: iPhone will soon be available on all US wireless carriers

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Rumors,
Gotta love those analysts, as they’re always good for stirring the rumor mill - this time it’s BusinessWeek reporting claims that Apple will likely be ending it’s exclusive relationship with AT&T in order to bring the iPhone to all major US carriers. According to Tim Horan, telecommunications analyst at Oppenheimer & Co., T-Mobile USA should have the iPhone available this summer (whatever the follow-up to the iPhone 3GS turns out to be,) with Verizon and Sprint getting the goods this fall. Even Clearwire will be able to get in on the action, as they are expected to get the iPhone sometime in 2011. Of course, AT&T has been the exclusive carrier of the iPhone since it launched in June 2007.
Of course, Apple has the perfect opportunity to announce changes like this if they’d like, as they’ve got what many are predicting to be a colossal Apple event on January 27th, just two days from now. We’ll keep you posted.
Read More | BusinessWeek
Palm Pixi launches on Sprint on November 15 for $99

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones, Corporate News, Handhelds,
Right on time, Palm and Sprint have finally made their plans for the Palm Pixi public. In case you didn’t know the Pixi is just the second device from Palm that runs their webOS operating system (the first being the Palm Pre.) On November 15th, you’ll be able to pick up a Pixi from Sprint stores, RadioShack, Best Buy, and Walmart for a cool $99.99 after $50 instant rebate, and $100 mail-in rebate. So, really, you’ll need $200 in the back if you want to cop one of these on day one. Yeah, we agree with what we know you’re thinking - what is Palm smoking that gives them the confidence that they can sell this phone for $100, when the much more powerful Pre can be had for $150? We’d love to find out, because we expected to see this one launch at $49-79, but hey, we aren’t Palm.
Anyone gonna pick this one up?
Read More | Palm Pixi
Sprint LG Lotus 2 rocks outer touchscreen

Posted by Mark Rollins Categories: Smartphones, Rumors,
We never expected to see a basic phone like the LG Lotus get a sequel, but that’s apparently what’s happening, and the Lotus 2 seems to be upon us. The phone should be launching sometime in January, and will have the same QWERTY keyboard as featured on the original. As for differences, the Lotus 2 will replace the outer info screen with a touchscreen display, although, how useful a display that small will be with the added touch controls is questionable. In addition, the Lotus 2 will support 32GB microSD cards, up from 12GB on the original.
Read More | MobileCrunch
New Sprint Commercials Play Out Like a Miniseries

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Drama, ABC, Commercials, Desperate Housewives, Gossip,

“They’re kind of like the old Taster’s Choice commercials,” explained Marc Cherry, creator of ABC’s Desperate Housewives. “We added a lot of wicked dark humor, murder and adultery and betrayal.”
The commercials are Sprint spots which were shot on the Housewives set and written by the show’s writers. Rebecca Staab and David Chisum will be part of a “murderous love triangle” in the spots, the first of which will premiere September 27.
Read More | Perez Hilton
HTC Touch Pro2 available for purchase from Sprint

Posted by Mark Rollins Categories: Smartphones, Handhelds,

It looks like the HTC Touch Pro2 is now available for purchase from Sprint. Head on over to a Sprint store, or the Sprint online store, and be ready to drop $350 on their newest smartphone. Yes, that $350 is after both the carrier subsidy and rebate, but no one ever said that living on the cutting edge of mobile tech would be inexpensive, right? The HTC Touch Pro2 has a 3.6 WVGA display and an EVDO-Rev A connection that can be supplemented by WiFi where available.
Oh, and if you wanna save some money on this one, Verizon Wireless will be selling it for $199 after mail-in rebate, in just 3 days.
Palm Pre for $99, thanks to Best Buy error

Posted by Mark Rollins Categories: Smartphones, Handhelds, Hot Deals, Rumors,
Looks like Best Buy is the latest company that has to deal with a mis-printed price, as they’ve had the $199 Palm Pre listed at half the price.
This morning they posted an ad for a $99 Pre. Internet sites everywhere went ablaze at the sight of this deal, but a tweet by John Bernier, Best Buy marketing manager, said that the “error is being corrected.” Too bad, but if you were able to get ahold of one for $99, Best Buy will honor that price.
Read More | PreCentral
3G speed test: Verizon wins, AT&T dead last

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones, Corporate News, Internet, Science, Wireless / WiFi,

No shocker here. did their own independent tests to determine the fastest and slowest average 3G network speeds in the US, and Verizon came out on top. The survey included 15,000 participants, with 12,000 of them reporting back with data that was valid and usable for the tests. Verizon clocked in with an average download speed of 1,940 kbps, T-Mobile dropped in at second at 1,793 kbps, Sprint took third at 1,598 kbps, and AT&T was way behind at just 901 kbps. That’s just sad, and very telling when you consider the complaints from many an iPhone user as it pertains to 3G speeds.
Granted, this wasn’t the most scientific of studies, as the test included 8153 AT&T users, compared to just 856 from Verizon, but hey, the info is still useful, right?
Read More | Wired
Amazon launches Amazon Wireless, selling mobile plans

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones, Hot Deals, Internet, Wireless / WiFi,

Amazon has launched Amazon Wireless beta, an online storefront where you can purchase voice and data plans from AT&T and Verizon, with T-Mobile and Sprint also coming soon. Normally, we wouldn’t give something like this a second look, but it’s Amazon, and they will be pointing consumers to this wireless portal from within the main Amazon site. The nice thing about Amazon Wireless is that you can compare offerings from the carriers in one easy-to-use spot, rather than visiting 2-4 different sites. Even better, all that mail-in rebate stuff goes out the window if you end up buying your mobile phone and plan on Amazon Wireless - all discounts are instant. Amazon Wireless beta is open now, and currently has over 130 phones up for sale.
Read More | Amazon Wireless