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Google Announces Chrome OS Partners, includes Acer, ASUS, HP, Lenovo

Google Chrome OS PartnersEver since the Google was announced, many have been wondering which partners would be working with Google to release new devices based on the ambitious operating system. As it turns out, Google is answering those questions, releasing a short list of partners that they’re working with.

Today, Google has announced that they’re partnering with Acer, Adobe, ASUS, FreeScale, Lenovo, Texas Instruments, Toshiba, QUALCOMM, Hewlett-Packard (.)

Click to continue reading Google Announces Chrome OS Partners, includes Acer, ASUS, HP, Lenovo

Read More | Google Chrome Blog


Apple releases Snow Leopard dev build 10A402a

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Software,

Snow Leopard 10A402

has released another updated developer build of . This time we are looking at Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard build 10A402. If you are running either of the two latest Snow Leopard builds, you can access this update through Software Update. Apple says this build includes “general operating system fixes for stability, compatibility, and security.” The update weighs in at 1.31GB, so go grab a snack. Good luck!

VLC 1.0 now available after 8.5 year wait!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: PC / Laptop, Software,

VLC 1.0 Goldeneye

You may not know this, but the underground Swiss Army knife of video playing software known as VLC, a project that started 8 and a half years ago, has finally hit version 1.0. Along the new version comes plenty of new features, including high definition codecs, AirTunes streaming, support for linear PCM, and plenty of bug fixes. If you play video on your computer, you’ll definitely want to give this one a download to try it out.

VLC 1.0 is completely free and is available for download on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.

Read More | VLC Media Player

Google Chrome OS Announced, Hits Netbooks in 2010

Google Chrome OS just announced Chrome OS, their entry into the operating system world. According to the Google Developer Blog, Chrome OS will be a lightweight, open source OS platform meant to “power computers ranging from small netbooks to full-zize desktop systems,” with the goal being a practically instant-on system that takes you right into the web. Chrome OS will be able to run on x86 and ARM chips, which means 32-bit computers, including Intel Atom machines, can play nice, along with mobile platforms. All-in-all, Google aims to make the Internet the bulk of the operating system, with Chrome OS just providing some supporting architecture. Offline mode will undoubtedly be supported, since it’s built in to the Google Apps suite of products. Google says they are already working with OEMs, and we should see devices that are running Chrome OS hit the market in the second half of 2010.

The competition in the OS space is heating up, and the biggest winner, from where we sit, is going to be the consumers. Game on.

Read More | Chrome OS

The Apple App Store Turns 1 (on the 10th)

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Corporate News, Software,

App Store Turns One

Wow, fans!


July 10th marks the one-year anniversary of the launch of the App Store. It’s because such a part of our digital lives, it’s hard to imagine what it was like without it. Kudos to all the iPhone and app developers out there, who aim to make the iPhone a little more fun, useful, and productive. You can check out our section that’s completely dedicated to the App Store and iPhone apps, over at App.Tapper.

The App Store is now home to over 56,000 apps. That’s in one year. Be impressed.

What are some of your favorite apps? Anyone remember the first app they downloaded?

[Thanks, Jason!]

Pure Digital Launches Flip Channels

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Cameras, Internet, Software,

FlipShareIf you dig your Pure Digital video camcorder as much has we do, and hate the hassle of editing and uploading, this will be good news for you. The latest version of their FlipShare software has been released with Flip Channels, online storage that you can use to share with others as well as simpler uploading to social networking sites. Sign up for the app and you will be able to video email to your family and friends as well. The company will also be releasing an iPhone/iPod touch app soon.

Read More | FlipShare

Microsoft Vine beta Social Software

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Microsoft, Science, Software,

Vine ScreenshotMicrosoft Vine was conceived during Hurricane Katrina as a means of helping people cope both before and after the disaster. Now the beta software can be used as a social tool. Enter your address on the Dashboard and you get the location on a map as well as news and safety information. Invite others to join you and arrange them in groups. Receive any alerts from email, SMS or the Vine client. Ask for an invitation to help test drive the beta version with the promo code 09AAA to speed up the process.

Read More | Microsoft

iPhone OS 3.0 Available at 10:00 AM PT

That’s right peeps - you’ll be able to download the firmware in an hour, starting at 10:00 AM Pacific Time. Be ready to get your cut, copy, and paste on!

Apple delays iPhone 3.0 by a day?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Software,

iPhone 3.0 delay

We’re not sure what the deal is, but we’ve been getting reports from a bunch of users that it seems that may have delayed the release of iPhone OS 3.0 by a day. Originally expected on June 17th, the Apple iPhone OS 3.0 feature page is now showing a date of June 18th for some users. I tested the page on my , and the date displayed at the top right of the page was June 18th. I then loaded it on my MacBook Pro, and the date was June 17th. Quite odd. What does the page say when you visit it?

EDIT: Looks like the page floating around with the June 18th date actually goes to Apple’s Singapore page. False alarm, June 17th is still on!

Read More | iPhone Software Update

InstallPad Downloads Programs Faster

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Software,

InstallPadDo you get frustrated when your PC wakes up every morning and tells you about updates that appeared overnight? For those tired of downloading programs or new browsers, InstallPad is the answer. It takes care of the chore quicker so that you can get on with your surfing. The software can also find latest versions of your programs as well as service packs, tools and applications. Best of all, InstallPad is free after installation of Microsoft .NET framework 2.0.

Read More | InstallPad
