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Tweetbot for Mac alpha 3 now available
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, PC / Laptop, Software,
Tapbots is iterating quickly on its Tweetbot for Mac alpha software. The original alpha was released just 13 days ago, and the second update (Alpha 3) is already available for download. Tweetbot for Mac alpha 3 addresses the new tweet window/hashtag popover bug that's been causing crashes, while alpha 2 addressed many more issues that were present in the initial release. You can find the full alpha 2 changelog after the break.
Click to continue reading Tweetbot for Mac alpha 3 now available
Google just bought Sparrow and killed it
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Corporate News, Google, Software,
The ultra-popular Sparrow mail client is now dead. This morning, Google announced that it had acquired the company and team behind what many called the best Mac and iOS Gmail client. It's great for Google, and well-deserved for the Sparrow team, but as a user, it's disappointing. The company was set to release Sparrow for iPad very shortly, but today Google confirmed that there will be no new updates to the Sparrow apps, nor will it be released for any new platforms. We assume that this means the iPad client is now off the table.
We suspect that the crew behind Sparrow will be rolled into the Gmail team, and we'd even bet that we will see the official Gmail apps for Android and iOS become rebranded and fully-integrated versions of what Sparrow was. If you missed out on Sparrow, you can still get it on the App Store for the time being.
Click to continue reading Google just bought Sparrow and killed it
Alfred 1.3 brings Quick Look, File Buffer
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, PC / Laptop, Software,
Another major update to another one of our favorite pieces of software. This time, it's Alfred, the app launcher on steroids. Alfred 1.3 brings a ton of new features and functionality into the mix. We've got the full breakdown after the jump, but the two major features are the File Buffer and Quick Look. You can now use OS X Quick Look within Alfred results to preview the contents of files, while the File Buffer allows you to select multiple files that you'd like to work with through your Alfred commands. Alfred is free, and has a paid add-on called the Power Pack that brings with it a bunch of extra functionality.
Click to continue reading Alfred 1.3 brings Quick Look, File Buffer
iA Writer update brings full Mountain Lion and iCloud support
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, PC / Laptop, Software,
iA Writer, our text editor of choice for the Mac, iPad, and iPhone, has been updated today to version 1.3 for Mac, and version 1.6 for iOS. The update brings:
- Full OS X Mountain Lion support
- iCloud folder support in Mountain Lion
- iCloud folder access in Lion
- Standard window framework
- Improved Markdown and Versions support
- Optimized printing
- Speed increases
In addition, the iOS version also brings full iCloud folder support, and trash bins in iCloud and local storage. iA Writer is currently on sale for $8.99 on the Mac, and 99 cents for iPhone/iPad. We highly recommend it.
SpamSieve 2.9.3 released with Mountain Lion, Retina display support
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, PC / Laptop, Software,
SpamSieve has been updated to version 2.9.3. You are using version 2.9.2. Would you like to download the new version? It includes the following changes:
- Added support for the forthcoming Mac OS X 10.7.5.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent SpamSieve from auto-launching on the forthcoming OS X 10.8.
- SpamSieve is now able to recover from certain unexpected system errors on OS X 10.8.
- Fixed a layout bug in the German-localized Statistics window.
- Improved the Automatically Deleting Old Spam Messages instructions.
- SpamSieve now tells the system that it can use the integrated GPU, which should reduce battery use on newer MacBook Pros.
- SpamSieve’s disk image background is now displayed at Retina quality on eligible Macs running Mac OS X 10.7 or 10.8. (On Mac OS X 10.6, due to an OS bug, it will incorrectly display at double size.)
- Fixed a regression where SpamSieve’s disk image icon didn’t display properly.
SpamSieve is our favorite spam control solution, as it's proven to be an invaluable tool for us over the years. Highly recommended.
Read More | SpamSieve
Windows 8 hits stores on October 26
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Corporate News, Microsoft, PC / Laptop, Software,
Microsoft has just announced that Windows 8, the next major update to its flagship operating system, will go on sale on October 26, 2012. The announcement was made my Steven Sinofsky during Microsoft's annual sales meeting. We're guessing that we'll see the Microsoft Surface tablet launch the same day.
Read More | Windows Team Blog
iPhone 3GS to get Shared Photo Stream and VIP Email in iOS 6
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Software,
iPhone 3GS users are set to be on the receiving end of a little more love with the release of iOS 6 later this fall. How so? Well, the latest iOS 6 beta 3 that was released yesterday includes both Shared Photo Streams and the new VIP Email feature. That means that 3GS owners will get pretty much all of the new major iOS 6 features, with the exception of FaceTime over Cellular (no front camera,) Offline Reading Lists, 3D Maps, and Siri, which is relegated only to the iPhone 4S and new third-generation iPad. Not too shabby for a smartphone that was released three years ago.
Read More | MacRumors
AT&T charging for FaceTime over Cellular is double-dipping consumer robbery
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Editorial, Features, Handhelds, Wireless / WiFi,
With the release of iOS 6 beta 3 yesterday, a disturbing "feature" was uncovered. Some users on with AT&T iPhones are reporting that, when they attempt to enable FaceTime over Cellular, a prompt pops up that tells the user to contact AT&T in order to enable the feature. Many are assuming that this means that AT&T will be looking to charge a premium for customers to use FaceTime over its data connection, and if that is the case, it is straight up consumer robbery.
1Password update brings Retina display support
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Design, Software,
We love 1Password here at Gear Live, and with today's update that brings Retina display support, we're loving it a little bit more. 1Password is the popular password management application from developer AgileBits. The update 130 newly-optimized images, and is a free update to all 3.x users. 1Password is available on the Mac App Store.
Read More | 1Password
Ask Andru: How do I prepare my Mac for Mountain Lion?
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Features, PC / Laptop, Software,
Apple is set to release it's next major operating system update, known os OS X Mountain Lion, later this month. In this edition of Ask Andru, Tracy writes in and asks if there is anything she should do to prepare her Mac computers for the Mountain Lion installation. I share some tips on what we can all do to ensure a smooth upgrade experience to Mac OS 10.8.
Question: I hear that Apple will be releasing a new version of OS X shortly. Is there anything I need to do in order to prepare for it to ensure that I can run it? Will it be expensive?
You're correct! Apple announced OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion just five months ago, and it will be available in under two weeks. Mountain Lion will sell exclusively on the Mac App Store for $19.99 (so, not expensive at all!) and will include some nice features, including AirPlay Mirroring from your Mac, tighter iCloud integration, Twitter and Facebook built-in at the system level, Reminders, Notes, Game Center, a new Messages app that will let you send and receive iMessages from the Mac, iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. In total, there are over 200 new features that Apple is introducing in Mountain Lion.
Click to continue reading Ask Andru: How do I prepare my Mac for Mountain Lion?
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