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Sega Brings Four New Virtual Console Titles

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Retro, SEGA, Virtual Console, Wii,

Beyond OasisDestructoid has a Sega press release indicating Beyond Oasis, Vectorman, Sonic Spinball, and Sword of Vermillion are soon to be hitting Nintendo’s Virtual Console service. There isn’t an official release date, other than “soon” from Sega PR, but there are a couple of standout titles in the list, and some from gaming history. Sword of Vermillion isn’t a great RPG by today’s standards, but it does offer an early look at some of Yu Suzuki’s work. Beyond Oasis, though, is a strong action-RPG that saw a follow-up on the Sega Saturn in Legend of Oasis. Vectorman was strong platformer using pre-rendered 3-d graphics, and was generally seen as a response to the release of Donkey Kong Country on the SNES, so its only a little ironic that the game is coming to the Virtual Console after this week’s Nintendo releases.

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EA Wants Xbox 360 1080P Bragging Rights

Street HomecourtAfter Sega bragged about bringing true 1080P to the Xbox 360 for the first time, EA stepped up today to say that they would actually be the first to have a 1080P native title. Representatives from EA talked to Gamasutra, and they noted that the upcoming February release of NBA Street Homecourt would support the full 1080P resolution on the Xbox 360 at 30 frames per second and would beat Virtua Tennis 3 to market by a month. Perhaps during the two weeks before Street is released, someone else will step up and steal the 1080P crown yet again.

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Virtua Tennis Goes 1080P On Xbox 360

Virtua TennisSega updated gamers on Virtua Tennis 3 today, according to a report on Gamasutra. While the game was previously shown running at 1080P on the Playstation 3, it now appears that the Xbox 360 version will be the first game for that platform to run at full 1080P resolution. If that weren’t enough to take the shine off of the Playstation 3 version, Sega also promises exclusive online support for the Xbox 360 version as well. In trade, Playstation 3 owners get support for SIXAXIS tilt support. Still, the dual-platform release may be more interesting than just for the feature differentiation; the Playstation 3 version is being developed by Sega’s AM3 division, while the Xbox 360 version has been outsourced to Sumo Digital.

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Virtua Fighter 5 Coming To Xbox 360

Virtua Fighter 5Sega today announced that their flagship fighter Virtua Fighter 5 would no longer be exclusive to the Playstation 3. While the PS3 version launches in February, Xbox 360 owners will have to wait a few scant months until the Xbox 360 version launches some time in the summer of 2007. The announcement knocks yet another exclusive title off the PS3 list. Full details of the Xbox 360 version have yet to be announced, but one can be sure that when it ships, dedicated devotees of the series will be dissecting both console versions to determine which will be the definitive one. 

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AM2 Talks PS3 Virtua Fighter 5

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Fighting, PlayStation 3, SEGA,

Virtua Fighter 5Sega’s Virtua Fighter 5 for the Playstation 3 was recently confirmed for release in North America on February 20th, 2007, and 1up was able to talk with members of the AM2 team concerning the console release. The members of the AM2 conversion team were able to confirm that the Playstation 3 version would be based on the version “B” of the game, currently headed to the arcade. The team is hoping to include many of the items available in the arcade version; there are no plans for any kind of micro-transaction support, so these will be locked at launch and will likely trail behind the arcade version. AM2 will also not be supporting any kind of online play; they believe that lag issues will be too difficult to overcome. Given the highly technical devotion to frame counting and timing that many arcade fans have, this would seem to be a reasonable decision. The AM2 team also discusses some of the additional game modes that the console version will support along with rumors of an Xbox 360 version. An Xbox 360 version doesn’t seem likely, but there is some encouragement that AM2 is looking at the platform for other releases.

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Virtua Fighter 5 Release Date, Price Set In Japan

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Fighting, PlayStation 3, SEGA,

Virtua Fighter StickSega has announced the pricing and availability date for Virtua Fighter 5 for the Playstation 3 in Japan, according to a report from Game Watch. The latest entry in the Virtua Fighter franchise will be released on February 8, 2007, in Japan for 8,190 Yen ($70 US). In addition, an official USB controller for the game will be released one week later for 7,329 Yen ($63). Gamers that pre-order in Japan will get the Playstation 2 release of Virtua Fighter 10th Anniversary Edition as well.

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Phantasy Star Universe Beta Extended

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: MMORPG, SEGA, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

Phantasy Star Universe Sega’s beta program for Phantasy Star Universe on the Xbox 360 was initially supposed to end yesterday, October 18th. However, with Sega’s delays in getting the beta into the waiting public, and then the scheduled maintenance for Xbox Live running longer than intended, the beta has been extended through October 21st. While the download is no longer available, gamers that have the beta will be able to play until the end of the week.

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Playstation 3 to Emulate SEGA and TurboGrafx

Sega TurboGrafx

The Playstation 3’s price cut isn’t the only new information coming out of the Tokyo Game Show from Sony.  It is well known that the PS3 will support some backwards compatibility with PSOne and PS2 games, but now it has been announced that the PS3 will also be able to play Sega Genesis and TurboGrafx games.  The games are likely going to be media downloads, but it may be possible that CD’s or DVD’s will become available including packages of games.  Man it’d be cool to play the Sonics all over again! I wonder if 32X, SegaCD, Saturn and Dreamcast games will be added to the list.

I think Nintendo should be a little more hush-hush with their ideas in the future. They announced their motion sensitive controller, so Sony updated theirs to incorporate motion sensitivity.  The Wii was announced to play older Nintendo games, and Sony again follows suit with old Sega and TurboGrafx games.  Microsoft even jumped on this wagon by starting to offer old arcade games for download on XBOX Live. Being a Genesis and even Master System fan, I am extremely excited about this news, but a little upset that it took an idea from Nintendo to get Sony to add this functionality.

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ESRB Leaks Sega Virtual Console Titles?

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Nintendo, Retro, SEGA, Wii,

Altered BeastIt looks like the ESRB has let slip information on seven of Sega’s Virtual Console titles for the Nintendo Wii. Codename Revolution found the titles in the ratings database by searching on game ratings for Wii games. The seven titles listed are:

  • Altered Beast
  • Ecco The Dolphin
  • Columns
  • Golden Axe
  • Ristar
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Toe Jam & Earl

Gamers might notice some slight overlap between this list and the previously rumored titles for the Virtual Console from Play-Nintendo, however, Outrun was on Play-Nintendo’s list but not in the ESRB database. And the ESRB database has information on more Genesis titles. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the Play-Nintendo list is incorrect, but certainly more credence must be given to the ESRB.

Read More | ESRB via Codename Revolution
