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Nook e-reader shipments pushed back to December

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Corporate News, Handhelds,


The e-reader, Barnes and Noble’s supposed killer, just hit it’s first speed bump with the delay of the ship date. Originally, the nook was set to ship to customers on November 30th. However, B&N says that because sales were higher than expected, they are pushing the ship date to December 11th—a full 11 days later. Luckily, if you got your pre-order in early, yours should still ship on November 30th. However, if you are placing a pre-order at this point, don’t expect to see your device until mid-December. If you were thinking about picking up a nook for someone for the holidays, your best bet might be to buy one sight unseen.

Read More | Brighthand


Barnes & Noble Nook free overnight shipping with pre-order

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Handhelds,

Barnes & Noble Nook free shipping

Looks like Barnes & Noble is just as enthusiastic about getting their e-reader into your hands as you are. If you pre-order a Nook, you’ll even get upgraded to free Expedited Air Service shipping. That’s basically overnight, saving you about $24 or so. Seriously, this thing blow the out of the water, so what are you waiting for?

Read More | Nook Pre-order

Barnes & Noble Nook e-reader: $260, color touchscreen, pre-order now

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Handhelds,

Barnes & Noble Nook e-reader

Someone over on the Barnes & Noble web team seems to have jumped the gun, because the official site was up for a few minutes, before quickly being pulled down. Luckily, we were able to get in, and even pre-order a unit, before things got pulled. The B&N Nook e-reader runs , and looks like it’ll give the Amazon Kindle a run for its money.

The device features a 6-inch screen, with a 3.5-inch color touchscreen beneath it. This gives you a quick method to browse your library, the store, and input text into the device. Definitely much easier than the Kindle’s hard keyboard. The device measures in at 7.7 x 4.9 x 0.5-inches, and weighs 11.2 ounces. You get 10 days of battery life if you turn off wireless, and the battery takes 3.5 hours to go from empty to full when plugged into a wall outlet. Speaking of wireless, the Nook actually sports both a 3G connection from AT&T, as well as built-in Wi-Fi 802.11b/g. Definitely an advantage over the Kindle, because even if you have poor cell reception, you can just connect to Wi-Fi to download a book. The Nook also includes 2GB of internal storage (enough to hold 1500 books,) a microSD slot for adding even more storage, MP3 playback, built-in speaker, headphone jack, and micro USB port for charging and syncing.

So, aside from the above, what sets this thing apart from the Kindle? For starters, you can lend books to friends for up to two weeks at a time, and they don’t even need a Nook of their own. They can access the Nook book content on an iPhone, iPod touch, BlackBerry, PC, or Mac. The lending of literature is one thing that went away with the Kindle, and we are happy to see it return with Nook. The Barnes & Noble store also has over a million titles available for download, with more than 500,000 of those being free ebooks. The Nook can also read PDFs, something the Kindle 2 can’t do.

The Barnes & Noble Nook is available now for pre-order.

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Barnes & Noble Nook e-reader set to launch tomorrow, color touchscreen, $259

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Handhelds, Rumors,

Barnes and Noble Nook

Looks like Barnes & Noble is set to take the wraps off of their ebook reader tomorrow, and according to the Wall Street Journal, it’ll be the Barnes & Noble Nook that they’ll be unveiling. The Nook, pictured above (thanks Giz,) is unique because it has a standard e-ink display like the , but also sports a color touchscreen beneath the traditional display. Why? Well, try typing anything of length on an Amazon Kindle, and you’ll quickly realize that even that task could use some help. The Barnes & Noble Nook will sell for $259 (same price as the Kindle,) and will also allow users to lend e-books to friends. Obviously, we can’t wait to see it. We’ve got one more image for you after the jump.

Click to continue reading Barnes & Noble Nook e-reader set to launch tomorrow, color touchscreen, $259

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