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Video: 2 hours of Mario Kart Wii footage

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Driving, Nintendo, Trailers, Wii,

The folks over at Wii Nintendo were able to spend some quality time with , and they captured a good two hours of footage for your viewing enjoyment. The footage, embedded above, shows off all 32 courses from the game, so if you want to be completely surprised, you may want to steer clear. The game is played on the 150cc setting in the video, and you are also able to check out some of the menus and all that. Finally, they give their thoughts on the game, as well as the Wii Wheel.

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Wii Nintendo


Nintendo to release new white Gamecube controller

White Gamecube controller

Look out, world - is about to unleash a brand new Gamecube controller. Yeah, you read that right. What’s old is now new again. The “new” controller will be the exact same design as the original Gamecube controller, except this one will be white, and the cable length will be a good 3 meters. Now, if it isn’t obvious to you why Nintendo is doing this, let us spell it out for you. It’s white so that it matches , the cable is longer than the original because people are sitting farther away from their televisions than they were 8 years ago, and the only reason they are even releasing a Gamecube controller in the first place is because of how massively popular Super Smash Bros: Brawl has become. Let’s face it - playing that game with a Wiimote, or even Wiimote-Nunchuk combo is horrible compared to the joy that the controller brings.

Our wish? That Nintendo would make a Gamecube controller that plugs into the Wiimote instead, keeping it wireless.

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Nintendo Wii Controllers


Go Nintendo

Solar MP4 Player is Multi-Functional

The environmentally friendly Chinavasion Solar Powered MP4 Player has a 3.5-inch TFT screen with 1.6 million colors and a built-in Nintendo, Gameboy, and Gameboy Color emulator. It also functions as an E-Book (in English and Chinese) and an LED flashlight. Its two solar panels will not only keep the built-in Li-ion batteries going, but through its USB out can recharge 4.5V, 5V, 6.3V, and 9V devices. With 1GB of storage, you can add to it with an SD card. The Solar Player is available for $123.32, less if you buy in quantity.


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Mario Kart Wii set for North American launch on April 27

Mario Kart Wii

After hitting you with the Japan and European launch dates for , we are happy to bring you the news that the game launches here in North American on April 27th. That’s just a mere six weeks away before we can get our hands on all that racing wheel (Wii-l?) goodness. Just a reminder, Mario Kart Wii ships with the Wii Wheel, which is a plastic steering wheel that the Wii Remote can snap right in to, for a more intuitive driving experience.

“Mario Kart Wii transforms one of our most popular franchises into a race that every member of the family can join,” said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “Driving with the Wii Wheel could not be more natural, and this is one place where speeding is encouraged.”

If you prefer not using the add-on, you will be pleased to know that the game works just fine with the Wii Remote all by its lonesome, as well as with the Nunchuk, Classic Controller, and even the Gamecube controller. Similar to Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Nintendo went out of their way to ensure that gamers would be completely comfortable, regardless of their preferred style of play.

Just when we’ve just gotten into Brawl, we are already awaiting our next Wii game purchase. I mean, 16 new courses, 16 classic courses, 10 battle courses, and motorbikes? Who’s with us?

Virtual Console to Release C64 Games for Wii

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, Video Games,

Commodore 64 logoIf you are old enough to remember the Commodore 64, you are old enough to remember how good those games were compared to Pong. While they are simplified compared to most of those released today, they continue to have their own following, evidenced by the fact that you can still play them online. Virtual Console is adding these games to allow Wii owners to play them as well. International Karate and Uridium will be the first two titles offered and VC will add to their line from time to time. While they will first become available on the European Wii Shop Channel, we suspect it will not be long before they move globally.

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WALL-E GameCube case mod is awesome

WALL-E Gamecube mod

Allow us to introduce you to what just might be the cutest case mod we’ve ever seen - a GameCube made to look like WALL-E. We are sure this was no easy feat, what with the usage of acrylic paint, metal, plastic, and even plexiglass. If you haven’t heard, WALL-E is the star of the next film, WALL-E. Yeah, we know. Anyhow, the little robot was cute enough in the movie’s trailer - even more so in GameCube form. We knew ‘s little-box-that-could still had some sort of value left in it.

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Bit-Tech forums

Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit, WiiWare all get release dates

Mario Kart WiiFinally, after a long period of silence, has finally made release dates public for a few of their more anticipated products: Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit, and the WiiWare channel. First up is Mario Kart Wii, which will launch in Japan on April 10th, and Europe the following day on April 11th. No word yet on the US launch date.

The WiiWare channel, which will be a portal to downloading original games to the Wii, will be available on North American units on May 12th. No word on Japan or European launches for WiiWare just yet.

Lastly, Wii Fit, which has been flying off of shelves over in Japan since it’s release back in December, will launch in North America on May 19th. If you are in Europe, Wii Fit will be available in your neck of the woods on April 25th.

Hasbro Introduces Switch Shot for Wii

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Misc. Tech, Toys, Video Games,

Switch Shot EX-3Hasbro was present at the NY Toy Fair this week, displaying its new Nerf toys. Included in the line is their Switch Shot EX-3. The device not only works as a Wii Shooter gun, it doubles as a dart blaster with a module that inserts into its remote slot. You can stow two darts in the lower half of the barrel, which also keeps an N-Strike accessory rail. Arriving in the 3rd Quarter of 2008, you will be able to get a Switch Shot for ~$15.00 or purchase one packed with the upcoming N-Strike game for Nintendo DS (no price determined thus far.)

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Nintendo’s Girl Gamer Magazine is in the Pink

Posted by Lolita Beckwith Categories: Culture, Nintendo,

Girl Gamer magazine

We were very excited to see that there’s a gaming magazine dedicated to females—but we admit to having some reservations. Currently available in the UK, we feel ’s “Girl Gamer” magazine is way too heavy on the pink…the title, the DS Lite, the


makeup job. And really, a “Cooking Mama 2” article? A little stereotypical. Granted we are literally judging the magazine by its cover, and get that it’s aimed at the tween set. But let’s hope that if and when Girl Gamer hits US shores, it will be a little… grittier. For our UK brethren, the next issue of Girl Gamer, which is free by the way, will be available in March.

The Console Wars Veteran I gaming medal

Posted by Lolita Beckwith Categories: Accessories, Culture, Nintendo,

Console Wars MedalsOnly a hardcore gamer knows the unique sense of accomplishment felt after reaching “100% completion” on a video game. But when you brag about it, you’re likely to get the response “So whaddya want, a medal?” Well, now you can actually have your own gaming medal, courtesy of Supermandolini. The limited edition Console Wars Veteran I medal honors “the memories of endless epic battles, infinite high scores and numerous blistered fingers.” The metal badge features a retro NES controller, but we’re hoping other consoles will get the medal treatment soon, as we’d love a SNES version. Available for approx. $27 USD.

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