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Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon Pick Names for Twins

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Celebrity Babies, Pregnancies,
Mariah Carey and husband Nick Cannon have picked names for their twins, who were born on Saturday.
The little boy’s name is Moroccan Scott Cannon. They named him (get this) for Mariah’s Moroccan-inspired room in her New York City apartment, where Cannon proposed to her. Scott is Cannon’s middle name and his grandmother’s maiden name.
The little girl’s name is Monroe (no middle name) Cannon, named after Marilyn Monroe, one of Carey’s inspirations. Mariah Carey does not have a middle name, either.
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American Idol 10: Top 5 Perform

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, Gossip, Video,
American Idol’s Now and Then theme mixed modern with retro, giving each of its Top 5 two solo performances for the night. The end of the season is very much in sight, now, and all of them were vying for the Top 4 slots.
Sheryl Crow was the week’s mentor, though in previous interviews she has been very unfavorable of American Idol. But, she’s in the middle of a comeback so all previous bets are off.
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Pandora now serving over 10,000 comedy clips

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Internet, Music,
Today Pandora is expanding from Simon & Garfunkel to Seinfeld and George Carlin. The Internet radio service is adding 10,000 comedy clips from over 700 comedians to its existing music library.
A host of big names have already taken the stage, including: Bill Cosby, Bob Newhart, Cheech & Chong, Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, George Carlin, Jerry Seinfeld, Joan Rivers, Richard Pryor, Mitch Hedberg.
"Adding comedians to the mix has been one of the top requests from our listeners," Pandora founder Tim Westergren wrote in a blog post. "We've taken the same approach to comedy as we have to music: carefully and deliberately analyzing comedic 'bits' across a very large number of attributes to capture the style, delivery and content of each performance."
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Spotify unleashes music downloads with iPod syncing

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Music, Portable Audio / Video, Software,
European online music service Spotify on Wednesday announced a new MP3 download service, as well as the ability to sync music on iPods and the Spotify iPhone and Android apps.
With Spotify's download service, users can purchase tracks in bundles. Ten tracks will set you back £7.99, 15 tracks will cost £9.99, 40 tracks will be £25, and 100 tracks will be £50.
"Spotify's new MP3 download service makes it possible to own your playlists in one easy step," the company said in a statement. "By introducing a range of MP3 bundles, we've been able to offer you some of the most competitive prices available—from as little as 50p per song."
Spotify features include the ability to: search, browse, and play millions of tracks; stream over Wi-Fi or 2.5/3G; access offline playlists; on-the-fly sync; a what's new tab; wireless sync of your local files to your phone; and the ability to tag favorites into a special list.
One of the most frequent requests, however, was the abilty to sync that music to Apple's iPod, something Spotify said is now a reality. Just connect an iPod to your computer via USB and it will appear in the "devices" section of the Spotify sidebar. You can then sync MP3s in your Spotify playlists to the iPod.
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American Idol 10: ‘Not a Bad Time to Go’ for Casey Abrams

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, Gossip,
It’s hard to feel sorry for Casey Abrams, eliminated in sixth place on American Idol. After all, didn’t he appear in TMZ a dozen times and kiss a superstar once? He told reporters, “I met my goals. I kissed Jennifer Lopez. So it’s not a bad time to go.”
And as for the rumors concerning him and fellow Idol contender Haley Reinhart? Abrams says they’re “a musical item,” not a romantic one. “It’s nothing more than that.”
You'll get all the spoilers, recaps and eliminations when you read our American Idol 10 posts.
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Mariah Carey Delivers Twins

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Celebrity Babies, Pregnancies,
Mariah Carey gave birth two babies -- a boy and a girl -- on Saturday. The day also marked Carey’s anniversary with hubby Nick Cannon.
The twins were born just after noon in Los Angeles. The girl weighs 5 pounds, 3 ounces and the boy 5 pounds, 6 ounces. According to a spokeswoman, Carey’s “We Belong Together” played as the twins were born. As for names, the couple hasn't picked them out yet. Cannon told People magazine "They won't be crazy names, like Carburetor or anything, but they will be unique."
Reps report that Mariah is doing just fine and the couple is "overjoyed."
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American Idol 10: Top 5 Theme Revealed

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, Spoilers,
The Top 5 week of American Idol will feature a Now and Then theme. Each contestant will sing a current song and a tune from the 1960s. Sounds like a good opportunity for the Idols to mix it up. Of course, it will also give reality TV watchers the chance to ooh and ahh at the baby photos that are also being included.
Get all the spoilers, recaps and eliminations when you read our American Idol 10 posts.
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American Idol 10: Top 6 Results

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, Gossip, Video,
Ryan Seacrest predicted that viewers would be “upset” with the night’s results. But with only 6 contenders remaining in the year’s American Idol competition, any one of them is capable of surprising fans with an elimination. And the host’s comment was mostly bluster, for in the end it was the performer who performed the worst that was dismissed.
Seacrest took time to shine the spotlight on Steven Tyler, who’s all over the media this week because of his new memoir. As Tyler explained, “I may be good, but when I’m bad I’m even better.”
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Dancing With the Stars 12: Week 6 Elimination

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Prime Time, Reality, ABC, Dancing With The Stars, Gossip, Video,
Dancing With the Stars kicked off its sixth elimination episode with a performance from New Kids on the Block and the Backstreet Boys, and the energetic numbers ("I Want it Thataway," "Step By Step") thrilled the in-house ground.
In the wake of such positive vibes, only good news could follow. Front-runners Romeo and Chelsea Kane were declared safe, and they enjoyed the rest of the elimination show in peace. Hines Ward and Kirstie Alley, both fan favorites, were quickly let off the elimination hook as well.
Click to continue reading Dancing With the Stars 12: Week 6 Elimination
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American Idol 10: Top 6 Perform

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, Gossip, Video,
Carole King was the theme of American Idol’s Top 6 week. King is an extremely successful singer-songwriter with a wide catalog of music… but she’s also a repeat Idol subject, and a theme inspiration in a year that we were told would be free of them. If they’re going to renege on their promises, Idol could at least find a brand-new theme to exploit. There are no shortage of good songs to pick from Ms. King's collection, however, as the night eventually proved. Babyface was the week’s mentor. Carole King is among the many, many recording artists the hitmaker has worked with.
All the usual suspects were there, and the season's current standout continued to impress judges and audience members alike. But which contender showed a surprisingly different side on Carole King night? Keep reading to get the full recap...
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