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This Week on DVD and Blu-ray: September 1, 2009

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Sony, Universal, Action, Biopics, Drama, Foreign, Foreign Language, Period, Sports, Thrillers, Home Entertainment, Lists,
Here are some of the DVD and Blu-ray options available this Tuesday:
- Braveheart: Blu-ray
- Bring It On: Fight to the Finish: DVD, Blu-ray
- The Girl Next Door: Blu-ray
- Gladiator: Blu-ray
- High Crimes: Blu-ray
- M*A*S*H: Blu-ray
- Monster: Blu-ray
- Sin Nombre: DVD
- State of Play: DVD, Blu-ray
- Sugar: DVD, Blu-ray
- Tennessee: DVD
Make sure to also check out the TV-on-DVD options for this week.
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ColorWare now offering custom-painted Beats by Dr. Dre Studio headphones

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Design, Music, Portable Audio / Video,

By now, you probably know that we are big fans of the Beats by Dr. Dre Studio headphones. We are also fans of ColorWare, the peeps that custom paint just about every popular gadget. Well, now ColorWare is offering custom-painted Beats by Dre Studio headphones, and they look hot. We’ve previously shown you a few custom ColorWare Beats headphones, including the Ron Herman white Beats, LeBron James red Beats, and Charlie Hamilton pink Beats. As you can tell from those three features, ColorWare does some amazing work on these headphones.
If you’ve got a pair of Beats that you wanna send in for a paint job, that’ll cost you $249—otherwise, you can buy a new pair direct from ColorWare, with design, for $525.
We’ve got a video showing off a few pairs of ColorWare Beats for you, after the break.
Click to continue reading ColorWare now offering custom-painted Beats by Dr. Dre Studio headphones
Read More | ColorWare Beats by Dr. Dre
Monster Database Hacked

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, Internet, Mods / Hacks,
Looking for a job on Monster? Then you may be at risk of security theft. Apparently their database was hacked into worldwide and data such as user IDs and passwords, email addresses, names, phone numbers and some basic demographic data was accessed. The site suggests that you change your password and has a security page with more guidelines. They do not ever contact you by email, so if you see one that looks Monster related, delete it quickly as it may be a phishing scheme. We would suggest that you never post a resume online as this is way more info than you should put out there.
Read More | Monster
Bleeding Edge TV 303: Beats by Dr. Dre definitive look

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Full Episodes, Gizmatic, Accessories, Design, Features, Music, Podcasts, Portable Audio / Video, Videocasts, Videos,
We’ve been seeing a bunch of interest in our coverage of the Beats by Dr. Dre line of headphones, and rightfully so, we think. It’s the headphone we rock when we travel somewhere, and we even recommend them if you are looking for a new pair of over-ears. In this episode, we wanted to give you a look at some of the other super-rare and limited edition versions of the Beats Studio headphones. We’ve got a pair of the standard black set, but in this video we give you a look at the white Ron Herman Beats, the red LeBron James Beats, and the ultra-rare pink Charles Hamilton Beats. Definitely not anything you should plan on getting your hands on, but nice to see that the Beats are being positioned as a collectors item in a way. If you are into music videos, you’ll likely have seem them in over a dozen different ones over the past few months.
Look out for more exclusive versions in the future, we can’t imagine that this is the end of it.
Bleeding Edge TV 300: White Ron Herman Beats by Dr. Dre headphones

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Full Episodes, Gizmatic, Accessories, Design, Features, Home Entertainment, Music, Podcasts, Portable Audio / Video, Videocasts, Videos,
Remember those limited edition white Beats by Dr. Dre Studio headphones we told you about? Well, we got a pair in our studios and decided to do up a video showing them off. In this episode, we compare the white Ron Herman Beats by Dr. Dre to the standard glossy black Beats, and give you a close-up look at all the major and subtle differences between the two. Of course, the internals are exactly the same, so these $700 white Beats are all about style and high fashion. But hey, they are definitely fun to look at.
Hat tip goes to Colorware, who Monster tells me worked really hard on developing a custom finish that would stand up to bending and everything else people do with headphones. They look fantastic.
Also, in case you missed them, we’ve also got galleries up of the pink Charles Hamilton Beats, and the red LeBron James Beats. Or, you prefer the original, we’ve got the standard Beats by Dr. Dre gallery as well.
Limited Edition White Beats by Dr. Dre hands-on

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Design, Music, Portable Audio / Video,
If you’ve been paying attention over the past couple of days, then you’ve heard that Monster is about to release a very limited edition version of their Beats by Dr. Dre headphones into the world. The thing is, they are gonna cost $700 - twice the price of the standard Beats headset that we love so much. We got in touch with Monster for the backstory on these special editions, just to clear everything up.
First of all, you’ll only be able to pick these up from the Ron Herman boutique store in Los Angeles. These Beats headphones aren’t just pure white—they are done up in Ron Herman white, blue, and gold. Unfamiliar with Ron Herman stores? Well, let’s just say a t-shirt there will run you over $60. It’s all about high fashion. In fact, Ron had this to say about the custom Beats:
“Our Ron Herman boutiques are the quintessential environment where one can experience the unification of fashion, music and culture. Beats By Dr. Dre are more than just headphones, they are a fashion accessory.”
Can’t argue with the dude either, the Beats are a fashion accessory almost as much as they are a functional pair of noise-cancelling headphones. I’ve seen hip hop artists wearing them just to look cool. That’s not the only reason for the expense though. According to Monster, one of the biggest challenges with getting the Beats out the door was the finish. They sport a custom coating that works as both a glossy coating and a paint. This coating has to bend freely, while never cracking. These custom Ron Herman Beats were worked on by Colorware, who had to come up with a similar solution. Plus, have you ever gotten anything customized by Colorware? It isn’t cheap. So in this sense, Monster is basically passing the cost of the coloring process on to the customer.
One last tidbit - if you are a big baller and want one of these white fashion pieces, hurry up. No more than 20 pairs of white Beats by Dr. Dre Studio headphones are going to be made. Supply and demand baby! Check out our White Beats by Dr. Dre gallery for a close-up look at what you can get at the Ron Herman store.
Also, in case you missed them, we’ve also got galleries up of the pink Charles Hamilton Beats, and the red LeBron James Beats. Or, you prefer the original, we’ve got the standard Beats by Dr. Dre gallery as well.
Read More | Limited Edition White Beats by Dr. Dre gallery
Beats by Dr. Dre Tour earbuds unboxing gallery

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Features, Galleries, Portable Audio,
So, by now you know we are big fans of the Beats by Dr. Dre headphones, as we’ve talked about them quite extensively. The over-the-ear cans are just very good, and we also appreciate the look. Up next for the line, though, are the Beats Tour edition. The difference? While the Beats Studio headphones went over the ear, the Beats Tour headphones are actually earbuds, meant to go in your ear (obviously.) We’ve got a pair of the new Beats Tour headphones here, and we are putting them to the test. We’ll hit you with a review in a bit, but for now, we’ve snapped a bunch of photos to show them off. Check them out in our Beats Tour unboxing gallery.
Read More | Beats by Dr. Dre Tour unboxing
2008 Holiday Gift Guide: Monster Beats by Dr. Dre studio headphones

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Smartphones, Music, Portable Audio / Video, Men, Techies, Teens, Under $500,
We’ve been big fans of the Beats by Dr. Dre Studio headphones since we first got our hands on them. They’ve got a nice style, with a hip-hop vibe, and a fantastic noise-canceling feature. The earcups are surprisingly comfortable, and fold away on the inner side of the glossy black headband, which can then be stored in the included case. The Beats by Dr. Dre studio headphones do requier two AAA batteries for the noise cancellation feature, and you’ll get about 50 hours of listening time on a pair of those. They also include two audio cables, both of which even fit into the original iPhone headset jack, and one of which also includes a mic, so you can take calls. The Monster Beats by Dr. Dre stereo headphones can be found on Amazon for $349.
Read More | Monster Beats by Dr. Dre Studio headphones
Beats by Dr. Dre unboxing gallery

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Features, Galleries, Portable Audio,
We’ve been following the Beats by Dr. Dre headphones ever since we first got some hands-on (and ears-on) time with them back at CES. The Gear Live group that got to try them out included a few serious audiophiles, and we were thoroughly impressed by the sound that they were putting out, and this is when they were still in the development phase.
We just got a pair of the final production model, and early indications are that they are full of a bit more awesome than they were back then. We will hit you with a proper review soon, but for now, we wanted to get you a nice Beats unboxing gallery, chock full of unboxing shots. We’ve got over 30 images for you to chew on while you wait for these bad boys to launch on July 25th. If you want them, you will find them exclusively in Apple Stores and Best Buy, as well as over at They will run you $349.95, $50 less than they were announced for back at CES.
Also, in case you missed it, check out our Beats by Dr. Dre unboxing video.
Beats unboxing gallery
Unboxing Live 039: Monster Beats by Dr. Dre Headphones

Posted by Nate True Categories: Home Entertainment, Peripherals, Portable Audio, Videocasts,
The Beats by Dre headphones were originally announced at CES 2008, where we were able to get our first experience at listening to the headset. As we noted in our video back then, we were thoroughly impressed. The sound was killer, with fantastic bass. The headphones were well thought out, shipping with audio cables that fit into the original iPhone, and even including a cable that has a microphone on it so that you can take phone calls.
The Beats by Dr. Dre were conceived by Dr. Dre himself, and are mutually designed with Monster Cable. The headphones feature both a unique and futuristic style, as well as newly developed sonic technologies, which result in outstanding performance.
In this episode, we unbox the Beats by Dr. Dre. Included in the box are the headphones themselves, a red audio cable (which fits into the original iPhone), a customized iSoniTalk cable (which also fits into the iPhone, and has a microphone so that you can use the Beats to talk on the phone), cleaning cloth, a studio jack, and protective carrying case.
You can find them soon for $349.95, which is $50 less than they were originally announced for.