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New Name, Better Gadget Pouches: Hard Graft Dapper Collection

hardgraftiphoneWorking Class Heroes, the brand known for their minimalist felt gadget pouches, has returned with a new name and a brand new collection. Now known as Hard Graft, the new Dapper collection has been unveiled and three new designs have been added to the Hard Graft repertoire. Still constructed of high quality wool felt and leather, the Dapper collection features pockets reminiscent of those found on jeans, just big enough for an iPod or . And the collection now features three new pouch styles, two created specifically for the and the iPhone and a new Laptop Wallet featuring snaps along the open end.  Prices for the entire collection range from 19 to 89 Euros and Hard Graft’s online store is open for business.

Read More | Hard Graft via NOTCOT


Amazon Kindle back in stock, you better hurry

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Handhelds, Wireless / WiFi,

Amazon Kindle saleHey, would you look at that - the is back on sale for the first time in months! If you’ve got $399 USD burning a hold in your pocket, and you want what we consider to be one of the breakout devices in the last year, then head on over to Amazon and purchase a Kindle. Seriously, all quirks aside, we’ve done a lot more (offline) reading in the past four months than we have in the past four years, all thanks to Amazon’s e-Book reader.

We expect these to go quickly though, so if you want one, act quickly.

Read More | Amazon Kindle product page

ECTACO Unveils jetBook

jetBookIf you still haven’t invested in a Kindle, ECTACO has just released its jetBook. The device has a clear image on a larger screen and features bookmarks and auto-page turning. The display rotates for portrait or landscape mode and you can adjust the book’s font. Running on an internal Li-ion polymer battery, the e-book will support an SD card and has a built-in MP3 player for tunes or audio books. With support for most major languages, the jetBook comes with an MSRP of $349.95.

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ICUE Lets You Read Via Cell Phone

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Smartphones, Internet, Misc. Tech,

ICUEForget the Kindle and the Readius.You can now receive hundreds of books via ICUE on your cell phone, priced from .50 (~$.98) to £4.50 (~$9.00) Your phone will store them to read when you like, either one word at a time, a phrase, or moving left to right at your chosen pace. You can also receive newspapers, e-mail, and blogs.

Simply download the application 64888 to your phone and you are registered for free once you sign up with Bango for payment. Then select classic, sci-fi, western, or hot best-sellers off their menu and your phone company places the charges on your monthly bill. There is also a folder for storage. We think the idea is great, but that would take a lot of battery charging if your phone is one of the older models.

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Readius Is Diminutive

ReadiusAnother reader has arrived to compete with the Kindle. The Dutch company Polymer Vision spun off from Philips and has been working for 2 years on its Readius which will hit stores sometime this year. The device is about the size of 2 credit cards, weighs about as much as a cell phone, and folds up when not in use. With its 5-inch display, you can read news, blogs, audio books, view podcasts, and catch up on your e-mail. The Readius can also make phone calls and connect online with cellphone networks, has a super-battery life, and should cost about the same as a high-end cell phone. The company also has plans to add a keypad in the future.

Read More | USA Today

Sony Reader Comes With Free Classics

Sony ReaderSince the odds are slim to none that you can give a Kindle for Christmas, you may be able to opt for the Sony Reader, which has taken advantage of the situation and is offering 100 Classics from its Connect e-store. Simply purchase the device before January 31, have the recipient set up an account, and she/he will be credited for the amount. As a nice side note, the Reader is only $279.99 with free shipping, so that makes it a savings of $100.00 over the Kindle. You may not be able to access the Wall St. Journal, but since each Classic costs merely $2.00 apiece, that’s a lot of Shakespeare for the money.

Read More | Sony Style

Unboxing the Amazon Kindle

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Galleries, Handhelds,

The Amazon Kindle has been the talk of the gadget town for the past week or so. If by chance you missed it, the Kindle is Amazon’s foray into the ebook reader space. The device sports free EV-DO, which Amazon calls it’s “WhisperNet” service, which allows you to purchase and download an e-book from just about anywhere - no computer required. We were able to get our hands on one recently, and as is our custom, we snapped up a bunch of Kindle unboxing photos. We liked the art on the box, and what was inside wasn’t overburdening at all - just the Kindle itself, along with a charge cable and USB cable. Oh, and instructions, but those don’t count since no one looks at them anyway - plus, when you start up the Kindle, it boots right into the instructional “Welcome to the Kindle” e-book. Fancy. Anyhoo, click on over to our Amazon Kindle unboxing gallery for the goods.

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Amazon Kindle Unboxing Gallery

