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Gossip Girl Won’t Go to the Web

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Drama, Prime Time, The CW, Gossip, News, Ratings,

Fans beware. If you want to get your Gossip Girl fix, you better plan ahead. In hopes of creating more buzz for its popular freshman show, CW is going to make the drama’s five remaining episodes less available to the public.
Although the show has generated strong word of mouth during its debut season, network execs are still concerned about the cult hit’s bottom line. Yes - people are watching…but it’s how they’re watching that really matters. While streamlined videos allow Johnny-come-latelys to get caught up, that service detracts from the program’s daily numbers.
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Hollywood Reporter
Juno Movie Available Via iTunes

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Fox Searchlight, Comedy, Home Entertainment, New Releases, Technology,
While iTunes users have become used to seeing selections from Disney, DVD offerings from other studios have not come as quickly as some might have liked. But it looks like things may soon change.
Just today, Fox made Juno available for download via the popular site. This is the same day the Oscar-nominated film was placed on store and rental shelves. It’s likely the studio will allow more current titles to be sold in the future, but no immediate plans have been announced.
Meanwhile, Paramount has also started to dabble in Apple‘s waters as well. The company recently offered up Beowulf for purchase shortly after it debuted on DVD in February.
At last check, Juno (on sale for $14.99) was iTunes’ top seller.
TasteBook coupon code: Save $10 on purchase

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Books, Shopping, Trends,

In case you haven’t heard of TasteBook, think of it as iTunes for recipes. Basically, you head on over to the site, and you are able to fill your own customized recipe book with a certain number of recipes. You can choose from over 20,000 of them, and you can mix and match them in any way you like. You can even design your own cover! We’ve seen people create themed books, like vegetarian, chicken recipes, soups, etc., while other just go crazy and throw in anything that looks appetizing to them. The end result is a beaufitul, hard-bound cookbook with recipes that can be removed and put back in.
If interested, head on over to the TasteBook website using this TasteBook coupon and you’ll get $10 off of a book. If you end up getting one, let us know what you chose, and what you think once you get it.
Save $10 on TasteBook
Spaced Remake Snubs Creators

Posted by Shannon Bennett Categories: Comedy, Editorial,
For fans of the original series - some of us still finding it hard to accept that there will never be a third season - the announcement that an American remake of Spaced was on the way probably didn’t raise cheers of joy.
In fact, it’s always been assumed that Granada (as it will be called) would be Americanized and Hollywoodized beyond recognition from the original genius upon which it’s based, which makes this latest piece of news all the more infuriating.
Wonderland and Warner Brothers, more specifically McG, have apparently cut Simon Pegg, Jessica (Stevenson) Hynes, and show’s director Edgar Wright out of any participation with the show, crossing lines from avoidance to clear expression that their creative input is undesired. A foolish gesture considering Pegg and Wright’s phenomenal American success with Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, and morally just all sorts of wrong.
Click to continue reading Spaced Remake Snubs Creators
The Guardian
Free Download From HBO/Amazon

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Home Entertainment, Hot Deals, Internet,
That’s right. You can get the first 15 episodes of HBO’s “In Treatment” starring Gabriel Byrne at no charge. We assume that the freebies are being used to attract a larger fan base. Whatever the reason, free is free. You need a TiVo Series 2 or 3 or Amazon’s Unbox Video Player. The Amazon download process is simple but will only work with Windows XP SP2/Vista. The show is also available through iTunes and HBO’s site.
Read More | Amazon
The Beatles and iTunes - Forever Separate?

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, Gossip,
The legal issues (which boiled down to a trademark dispute) between Apple, Inc. (the computer company) and Apple Corps. (the recording label which supports The Beatles) was solved way back in February of 2007. A year has gone by, and recent rumors suggested that Beatles tunes would at long last be made available in the iTunes catalogue.
Apple, Inc., however, has called these rumors “unsubstantiated speculation” while Apple Corps is issuing a “no comment” approach. The deal has been in the works for months, with Paul McCartney saying he expected Beatles tunes to become available through Apple, Inc. sometime in early 2008. Well…we’re waiting. What’s the deal here, Apples?
Both sides could be holding out until just the right moment to make the announcement, releasing the tunes when it seems most opportune. Perhaps…during a live broadcast of TV’s most popular show? If you want to know the fate of Beatles tracks on iTunes, American Idol might be the series to watch for breaking musical news.
Yahoo! News
Beatles music not yet on iTunes

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Apple, Corporate News, Music, Portable Audio / Video, Rumors,
Update: Turns out, Apple is saying this is an unsubstantiated rumor.
“This is not news nor is it a scoop,” says an Apple Inc. spokesman, declining further comment.
In a USA Today interview, Steve Jobs said that:
It will happen — I hope by the first half of next year. As soon as they’re ready, we’re ready.
The original story:
Get ready to welcome Sgt. Pepper to your iPod. Sir Paul has finally reached an agreement with Apple and the iTunes store. For $400 million, they will receive the Beatles’ back catalog. Proceeds will be divided between McCartney, Ringo Starr, the families of John Lennon and George Harrison, and no doubt will trickle down to Heather Mills. Michael Jackson, EMI, and Sony, who also own part of the Beatles music, will also receive stipends as part of the deal.
Read More | Crave
The Beatles: Across the iUniverse

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, Gossip,
The first invasion of America by the British created a nation. The second British invasion? That created four icons who will never fade from memory or music: The Beatles. Though the Fab Four were Liverpool-born, their music has literally been played across the universe. One place it’s never been played is iTunes, but at last that’s all about to change.
Apple (the company behind the iMac) and Apple (the record label associated with The Beatles) have finally come to a deal. For a cool $400 million Apple (computers) purchased the rights to feature the tunes. The money will be split between the estates of the group members themselves, the Apple recording label, and Michael Jackson (who owns the publishing rights to many Beatles tracks).
Let’s start to pull this together. American Idol recently inked a deal with iTunes to display contestant songs. The show then magically managed to get the rights to sing the Lennon-McCartney song book for the first time in seven years, and iTunes suddenly has permission to include Beatles tunes in their listings. What wonders cross-promotion can create.
American Idol Welcomes Back Ruben Studdard

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Music, Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, News,
Sometimes it’s nice to get a little help from old friends…
This year, American Idol will be welcoming back a familiar name to their Top 12 shows: Ruben Studdard. Although the Season 2 winner won’t necessarily be seen during the twice-weekly broadcasts, he will have a large (no pun intended) presence.
The R&B singer - who hasn’t had much luck lately with his own career - will now be the voice you hear when a sad soul gets their marching papers. Remember that ubiquitous Daniel Powter song, “Bad Day”? Now we’ll be struggling to get Studdard’s voice out of our heads.
Producers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis (probably best known for their work on Janet Jackson’s ‘Control’ album) will be helping to craft Ruben’s farewell song. The tune will be a cover of Kenny Loggins’ “Celebrate Me Home.” (Most of you might remember Loggins’ own connection to Idol; he once served as a guest judge during the program’s early audition phase.)
Those interested in purchasing a copy of the new single can do so starting March 12 on iTunes.
Hollywood Reporter
Did American Idol Spill the Elimination Secrets?

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, Rumors,
This is really interesting. Since the Top 24 Idols were revealed, American Idol has over-promoted its new deal with iTunes to be sure everyone in the world knows how to get these performances for themselves. But on Wednesday, before the Thursday elimination results were revealed, the Idol page on the iTunes Store was mysteriously missing two singers: Robbie Carrico and Jason Yeager.
All contestant performances are supposed to be available through iTunes, but the mistake goes deeper than a simple error. During the Thursday results show, Robbie and Jason just happened to be the two guys who got the boot. The iTunes error was corrected Thursday, but not before the cat was let out of the proverbial bag.
Want to know who’s leaving, but can’t wait for Thursday shows? Apparently, all you’ve got to do is see who gets kicked off the iTunes page.
American Idol blog